0558 'I, ORDINAN( 'b; NO. 558 AN ORDINANe~ ADJUSTING THE 1979 APPROPRIkl'~ S'l'~T D~PAR~ BUDGj;jl', Mlllil'illING ORDINANe~ NO. 529, Rf2t'LECTING A $262,503. 00 SURPLUS OF ANTICIPkl'l:ill RE\!t;NUES, DECIARING AN EMERGENCY AND FOR arHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, approved the atJtJropriated budget for 1979 for the Street De~rLJ.Llent; and Wf-1J:t.:J:<EAS, the City Council has determined for various reasons, and to conform to the needs of the City, in keeping with the city revenues available, a need to adjust afor~LLentioned budget; and Wf-1J:t.:J:<EAS, the City Council deems it necessary, at this time to readjust the 1979 Street DeparLJ.Llent Budget. NOW, ~'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSON- VILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: That from and after the passage and approval of this Ordinance the 1979 Street Depart..J.uent Budget shall be as follows: Sll'1<E.t.: l' D~.PAR'ilVllii\JT UNAN'l'.1CIPk1'~D RE( 'b;IPrS - 1979 .111'1:1'-1 : State Gas Turnback St~te Special Street Maintenance Intprest IncuLLe Opening Balance BUOOET: ($) 440,000.00 -0- 800.00 3,000.00 443,800.00 EST~ll~U AC'IUAL: ( $ ) 519,200.00 UNANTICIPk1'~U DIFFERENe~ : ( $ ) 79,200.00 105,303.00 3,800.00 (actual) 78,000.00 706,303.00 105,303.00 3,000.00 75,000.00 262,503.00 APPLICATION OF UNANTICIPA'1'l:ill BAIANr~ TO EXPENDI'IURE ACCTS. j:l'!{OM TO EXPENDI'IURE .111'1:1.'-1 : EXPENDl.l1'LJRE ACe'1'. #: TI'1'LE : AMOUNT : ($) State Special Street State Funds-St. ~1aintena.nce 102-031-5631 OVerlay Program 105,303.00 Opening Balance 102-031-5840 Miscellaneous 15,000.00 " " 102-031-5500 EquitJl L Lent 10,000.00 " " 102-031-5530 Street Lights 10,000.00 " " 102-031-5990 Ending Balance 40,000.00 Intprest InculLte 102-031-5150 Operating Expense 3,000.00 State Gas Turnback 102-031-5990 Ending Balance 79,200.00 262,503.00 1979 S'1'!ili~T BUDG~'l' ANTICIPkl~U INCG1E: TOrAL INCOME ($) ORIGINAL BUDG~'l' 53,000.00 440,000.00 -0- 800.00 7,000.00 500,800.00 3,000.00 503,800.00 ($) Nvllii'IDED BUOOET 53,000.00 519,200.00 105,303.00 3,800.00 7,000.00 688,303.00 78,000.00 766,303.00 3 Mill Road Tax State Gas Turnback State-Special Street Maint. Intprest IncU1LLe Miscellaneous IncuILLe Opening Balance ORDINANCE NUMBER 558 S'l'~'T DEPAR.'Th'ill\I'I' EXPENDI'IURES : SalHries - Regular " Beautification Workprs " Part-Time Labor Vehicle Gas and Oil Vehicle Expense (Mayor) Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance Equif:J1uent Rental Operating Expenses Unifonn Allowance City Engineer SalHry/Expenses Purch. Agent Salary/Expenses Bldg & Equip Repairs and Maint. Liability Insurance EquilAuent Street Lights Signs and Traffic Lights Sweeper Expense Roa.d :Materials Curb/Gutter/Asphalt/Other State Funds-Street Overlay Tools Mosquito Control Miscellaneous FICA Match Retir~LLLent Match Group Insurance Match Redmond Road Extension loop Roa.d Bridge Project (Drainage) Ending Balance TOTAL ($) ORIG mAL BtJ[X.:iI:~J.l' 94,700.00 20,000.00 16,000.00 11,000.00 1,500.00 14,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 13,200.00 5,050.00 -0- 3,000.00 -0- 25,000.00 15,000.00 6,000.00 30,000.00 105,750.00 -0- 4,500.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 13,000.00 2,800.00 90,000.00 -0- 503,000.00 800.00 503,800.00 ,~ PAGE 'TWO ($) AIYlliL'IDlill BtJ.I:X:it;'l' 94,700.00 20,000.00 16,000.00 11,000.00 1,500.00 14,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 2,500.00 13,200.00 5,050.00 -0- 3,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 15,000.00 6,000.00 30,000.00 105,750.00 105,303.00 4,500.00 5,000.00 21,000.00 10,000.00 13,000.00 2,800.00 30,000.00 60,000.00 646,303.00 120,000.00 766,303.00 SECTION 2: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict are hereby repealed.. SEl:l'ION 3: The City Council has detennined. that it is iLLl~rative that the City Govprnment operate in an efficient and orderly manner, and a budget be adopted. and the rronies appropriated. therefore in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas before the end of the calendAr yeAr. SECTION 4: ll'fr]:{GENCY CIAUSE is hereby approved and adopted. APPROVED AND AlX)P l't;D THIS 15th DAY OF NovtlLrer kl.l~ST : ft!L~ ;- , 1979. A~ APPROVED AS 'TO FORM: , ~~,f)~ C.l'l;Y A'l.lORNEY