0546 'I~ ORDINANc~ NO ~ '5 4 6 AN ORDINANc.t; N-'lliL\IDING ORDINANCE NO. 234 rro .Htl\10VE THE PROVISIONS THAT THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE RE~l'.t; THE RA'l'.t;S b.t::l' FORTH ~IN TO COM- PLY WITH THE PROVISIONS UJ:l' THE J:t'~DERAL CCM-IDNICATION COMMISSION, AND FOR ~ PURPOSES. ~, the Federal Co1LILLlll1ication CU1LILLtission has detffi1LLined that it is in the best intprest of Cable Television service that franchising govern- ments need no longer to regulate the rates of Cf1hle Television operations; and, WI-lli.I:<EAS, such regulations as provided in Ordinance No. 234 place an unnecessary burden Ull both the City of Jacksonville and the franchisee as set out therein; NOW, ~ORE, BE 1.'1' O.t<UATh.tV BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSON- VILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1: Ordinance No. 234, as amended, is hereby amended to delete Section 4. SECTION 2: Subsequent Sections of Ordinance 234 shall be numbered to meet the provisions contained herein. SECTION 3: It is found and detprrnined that it is necessary to rtlllove the provision that the City of Jacksonville regulate the rates set forth in Ordinance No. 234 to cUlltJly with the provisions of the Federal Co1LILLlunication CULILLtl.Ssion; and being necess~ry for the iLLlLued.iate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declr:lred to exist, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect fru1LL and after its passage and approval. PASSt.D: July 19, 1979. APPROVED: A;l.l~f":ST : .4!f r~ ~,~~ APPROVlV AS 'IO FORM: .. DJ2))~ CI'l'~ kl-l0RNt;y NOl',tt.;: THE E1YllixGENCY CIAUSE WAS Nor V01',tt.;D ON; T~'ORE, ORDINANCE BECa1ES .t;J:t'J:l'E'CTIVE AUGUST 19, 1979. CITY CLERK ~RREN