0541 ~ /, ORDlNA'Nc;t; NO, ' 5' 4 1 AN ORD:INMl.;~ M'Jl:'.J.'IDING Rkl~S FOR SERVICES REND~~U BY THE WA'l:ta{\NORKS AND SEWER SYS'ltl'1 Uf" THE CITY OF JACKS- ONVILIE, ARKANSAS; PRESCKL~ING ~ Mkl.l~HS RELATING THERE'IO; AND DECLARING AN El'lli.I:<Gr.a\ICY. WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas (the "City") owns and o~rates watpIWorks and sewer facilities and has determined that extensions, bettennents and iLLl!:JrOVt:::LUents should be nade to the Wate~rks and Sewer SystdLL in order that the Ci ty and its inhabi tants may have adequate and pro~r water and sewer facilities (the "construction"), which watpr and sewer facilities ;:lre o~rated as a single municipal undertaking ( the "SYStt=l.LL"); and WIiliJ:-<FAS, a :portion of the costs will have to be paid frulLL the proceeds of revenue bonds; and Wf-J.ta<EAS, it is necessary for the City to establish rates to be charged for the services of the System; NOW', THERl2"ORE, :RF: IT O!<UAINED by the Ci ty Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas: Section 1. Sectiu!l 13.16.010 of the Jacksonville Municipal Code is hereby amended. to read as follows: "The following monthly rates and charges which the City Council hpreby finds and decl~res are fair, reasonable and necessary minimum rates be, and they are hpreby, fixed. as rates to be charged for water services to be rendered by the SYStdLL, effective July 2, 1979. Monthly Water Rates. The water usage of each customer shall be de- termined each month by metpr measurement and the dlUOunt to be paid by each custuuer shall be cULLputed on the basis of the following sched.ule of rates: First Next Next 'Next Next Next 2,000 gallons ------- ---------------- 18,000 gallons ------------------ 30,000 gallons ------------------------- 50,000 gallons ------------------------- 400,000 gallons ------ -- ------------- 500,000 gallons ------------- ---------- $ 3.00 (min~um) 1.05 ~r 1,000 gallons .95 per 1,000 gallons .85 per 1,000 gallons .80 ~r 1,000 gallons .70 per 1,000 gallons .AiL Base Watpr Rates (subject to arrended. Contract) First 6,000,000 gallons -------- ---- ---------- .65 per 1,000 gallons OVer 6,000,000 gallons -------------------------- .60 per 1,000 gallons No more than one residential unit or U!le cUlLlLLercial or industrial es- tablishment shall be served through one meter, except where this condition now exists or except where special conditions make it more practical to serve through one metpr. \Nhere more than one residential unit (e. g ., residence, apF'r LLLent, mo- bile huue, housekeeping or other unit) or cULluercial or industrial establishment ~v is served through one meter, both the minimum charge and the consluLitJtion blocks set forth in this section will be increased in pro:r;x:>rtion to the number of such units served through the one metpr. Where more than one meter is required to serve a single cULILLLercial or industrial establishment, the rreter size will be cuubined for the p1lrfX)se of detennining the minimum rate. Where rnul tiple residential units ;:lre served through one meter, the minimum charge for each unit will be based u:r;x:>n the residential minimum for a fi ve-eighth-inch meter. In all such mlll tiple uni t situations, a one dollrlr per unit billing credit shall be granted on the basis of an assumed eighty-five percent occupancy rate. Outside City Limits. Rates for custullers located outside the city limits shall be increased fifty percent over rates applying to custuuers 10- cated inside the city limits, except that rates for any such custUllLer receiving untreated water shall be increased twenty-fi ve percent instead of fifty per- cent. Section 2. Sectiull 13.16.060 of the Jacksonville Municipal Cooe is hereby amended to read as follows: "The following monthly rates and chrlrges which the City Council here- by finds and declares ;:lre fair, reasonable and necessary minimum rates be, and they are hpreby, fixed as rates to be charged for sewer services to be rendered by the SYSteLLl, effective July 2, 1979. Monthly Sevver Rates. The monthly charge for each custOffiPr shall be detprrnined each month by water consumption and the amount to be paid by each custUllLer shall be computed on the basis of the following SChedl,l e of rates: Residential ---------------------------- $ 4.00 (within City) $ 6.00 (outside City) CUILILLIPrcial First 20,000 gallons water usage or part thpreof -------------------------- Over 20,000 gallons ------------------- Industrial ---------------- ----------- $ 8.00 $ .75 per 1,000 gallons $ .80 per 1,000 gallons plus $0.10 per :r;x:>und BODS in excess of three :r;x:>unds per 1,000 gallons discharged Air Base Sevver Rates (per Contract) ---------------------- $ .141 per 1,000 gallons (subject to amendment of contract) standard methods for eXcUuination of water and waste water as pub- lished by the ArrPrican Public Health Association shall be the sole and final determin,ing factor as to the confo~nance, or failure thereof, of a waste water discharge. All such detenninations shall be based on the discharge prior to its :r;x:>int of delivery to the public facilities without regard to flow, velocity, or dilution existing in the public system at the :r;x:>int of discharge. ~3 ORn. 5 4 1 Residential minimum sewer rates shall be charged for each residential unit such as a residence, aparL.LLent, mobile hUlLle or housekeeping unit, regard- less of the nmnber of units in a building or at a given locatiull. V\1'.hpre more than one cULlLuercial or industrial establislJ1LLent is served through one wat~r rreter, the minimum sewer rate and the consumption blocks will be increased in proportion to the number of units served through said water meter. II Section 3. That the provisions of this Ordinance Are separable and if a section, phrase or provision shall be declared invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the rt=Lua.inder of the Ordinance. Section 4. That all ordinances and resolutions and p;:lrts thereof in conflict herewith ;:lre hereby repealed. Section 5. That it is hereby ascertained and declared that the lack of adequate water and sewer facilities to serve the City constitutes a hazard to the life, health and welfi4re of the inhabitants of the City, and that the constructiul! can be acculu!?lished only by the passage of the fore- going rates. It is, therefore, decli4~ed that an eulPrgency exists and this Ordinance being necessary for the iLLl1uediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety shall take effect and be in force fran and after its passage. PASbl:'.JJ: May 31 1979. APPROV.till: k1.!:~ST : MaYO~ ~ ~t~~~r 4 (SEAL) APPROVED AS '1U FORM: r-\~~ J ~ \a3 ~ 'ci ty'A to:mey "-,,