0636 ORDINANc~ NO. &3 6_ ! AN ORDINANCE RErT .ASSti'YING VARIOUS PROPl:'.J:{TIES IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS (G~.tJ:<l-\L IOCATION: JOHN HARDEt'J AND 'JAG S'l'.J:<tJ:,T); ArvM'IDING ORDINANCES NO. 213 AND 238 OF THE CITY U~' JA.CKSOmTILLE, ARKANSASr AND FOR ~ PURPOSES. BE ,IT ORDAThtaJ BY THE CITY COlJNCTL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS THAT: SECTION 1: The zone classtfication of the following properties be and are hereby changed as indica too: A tract of land lying in the Northeast Quartpr (NE~) of Section 19, Township 3 North, Range 10 West in the City of Jacksonville, Pulrlski County, Arkansas, being more pArticularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 23, a lot lying in Guy M. JOMson Subdivision; thence in a southwesterly direction, 120.0 feet; thence S 520 30' E, 50.0 feet (more or less) i thence in a southwesterly direction, 105.0 feet (more or less); thence in a soutgeastprly direction, 280.0 feet (more or less); thence S 39 17' W, 155.0 feet (more or less); thence West, 310.0 feet (more or less); thence North, 630.0 feet (more or less); thence East, 65.0 feet (more or less); thence in a southeasterly di'rection, 259.3 feet to the point of beginning. The above property ~s hereby rezonoo frUH R~O to C~3. (General location: JOM Harden and Tag Street) SECTION 2: That the map referred to in Section 601 of Ord;Lnance No. 213 of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, as amended by Qrd;tnance No. 238, and designated official zoning map, should be and hereby is amended to the extent am in the respects necessary to effect and desi~l.ate the changes provided for in Section 1, thereof. SECTION 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances .in conflict herewith are hereby repealErl to the extent of any such conflict. APPROV.tV AND AOOP*l'lill THIS DAY U~' , 1981~ CITY (Jr' JACKSONVILLE, AR:KANSAS Mi-\.YOR A:l.l'l:'.;ST: '\.' CITY rrr ~~ APP:ROV'tV AS 'TO FORM: \ \ \' CITY A:l.10RN~y tuJ.- -rt d ~~J-, · at (!,~~ ~- ,2/~ J? I ... - -- '- "') /,' /_'-c;-~~~~' ~J""~~,' ,=- :i:~L- . -i- ."..d . '/'i/~~"'.+-' . -Jb~,~~-j; '" t::; -I{.~- ,