0722 \~~ ORDINANCE 7 2 2 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LEASE AND AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, AS LESSOR AND CONESTOGA WOOD SPECIALTIES, INC., AS LESSEE IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM AND WITH THE CONTENTS SET FORTH AND MADE A PART OF THE ORDINANCE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE LEASE AND AGREEMENT; PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED by the C~y Coun~il ob the C~y ob Ja~~onv~lle, Aft ka YL6 a.6 : Se~:Uon 1. That theJte be, and theJte ~ heJteby authoft~zed the e:xe~ution and deLLveJty ob a Lea.6e and Agfteement wheJtun the C~y ob Ja~k- .6onvil.le (the "C~y"), AAte.6.60ft, and Cone6toga Wood Spe~AMtie6, I n~., a PenVL,6ylvanAa ~oftpoftation ("ConeAtoga"), AA Le-6.6ee, ~n .6ub.6ta.ntiMly the bOfUn and w~h .6ub.6ta.ntially the ~onten:t6 heJtunctbteJt .6ct ~oftth, and Mayoft and the C~y CleJtk be, and they afLe hVteby, authoft~zed to exe~ute, a~know- ledge and del~veJt the Lea.6e and Agfteement bOft and on behaib ob the C~ty. The boftm and ~onten;to ob the Lea.6 e and Agfteement, whi~h aJLe heJteby appftoved and whi~h aILe made a paJtt heJteon, .6 ~ be .6ub.6tantially a.6 bollow.6: fA ~opy ob the boftm ob Lea.6e and Agfteement AA on bile w~th the C~y CleJtk and M avaA.1able bOft ~n.6pe~:Uon. ) Se~lion 2. That the Mayoft and C~fj CleJtk be and they aILe heJteby authoft~zed and dA.Jte~ted, bOft and on behain ob the C~ty, to do all thing.6, exe~ute all ~Vk6tJtumen.t6 and otheJtw~ e take ail ac.lio n nec.e6.6aJty to the ftea1..iza- tion ob the C~tj'.6 Jt~ght.6 and to the d~~hM.ge ob the C~ty'.6 obligalioJU a.6 LU.6oft undeJt the Lea.6e and Agfteement. Sec.lion 3. That the pJtOVAA~OVk6 ob thM OJtd~Vlanc.e CUte heJteby de~lafLed to be .6epalLa6le, and ~n any .6ec.tion, phlLa.6e OJt pftov~~on .6haU, bOft any Jtea-6on, be dec.laJLed to be ~nvctt~d, .6uc.h dec.laJLation .6haU not abbec.t the val~d~tj 06 the ftema~ndVt ob the .6e~tioVL6, phlLa.6e6 OJt pJtov~~OVL,6. Sec.tion 4. That CLtt oJtd~Vlanc.e6 and pafL:t6 ob oJtd~nanc.e6 ~n c.onbl~c.t heJtew~h aILe heJteby Jtepealed to the extent ob .6uc.h ~onbl~c.t. Sec.lion 5. That theJte ~ heJteby nound and de~laILed to be an A.inmediate need boJt the .6e~UJ'uing and devdop~ng ob ~ndMtJty ~n the C~y ~n oJtdeJt to pJtov~de add~oVlal employment and ~nCJl..ea.6ed payJtolli, aUev-Utte unemployment and pJtov~de otheJt benebw ~nc.~dentat to the opeJtat~on ob a .6ub.6tan:Ual ~ndlL6tJty, and the exe~ution and du~veJty ob the Lea.6e and AgJteemevit authoJt~zed by thAA oJtd~nan~e aJte ne~e6.6a1Ly nOft the ac.c.om~.6hment ob the6e public. benebw and pWtpO.6e6. It AA theJteboJte de~laJted tWit an emVtg en~y ex~:t6, and th~ OJtd~nan~e, being nec.e6.6aJty bOJt the hnmediate pJte6eJtvation ob the ~tLEitic" pe(!{ce" health and .6abeA:y, , .6hall be ~nnOftc.e and take ebbe~t hnme.diatdy upon and anteJt W pa.6.6age. APPROVED AND ADOPTED - thAA EFFECTIVE DATE: Nov., 6, 1983 Oc.tobeJt, 1983. 4:p ATT~S/) l 0 _ / ~A-L?J 1h, cX~~~ CI-rY"CLERK ~ ~1~ 7!;A Jv\ ~ CITY All Or<Nty :''0' ~