0724IRESOLUTION NO. 724 (#19- 2014) A RESOLUTION GRANTING AUTHORITY FOR MAYOR FLETCHER AND CITY CLERK DAVITT TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH PULASKI COUNTY FOR HOUSING COSTS OF INMATES AT THE PULASKI COUNTY REGIONAL DETENTION FACILITY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, despite the obvious inequities in the proposed Agreement for jail costs over the next Five (5) years, Jacksonville will endure potentially increased costs for housing of inmates sentenced to jail through the Jacksonville District Court at the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility; and, WHEREAS, because of the expressed oral agreement by County Judge -Elect Barry Hyde to work with the cities of Pulaski County to address and resolve the inequities of the current and proposed agreement for payment of Jacksonville's proportional jail costs, Mayor Fletcher reluctantly recommends approval of this proposed Agreement. It is hoped that the inequities can be resolved through proposed legislation to the 2015 General Assembly so that the State is required to pay its proportional share of housing state prisoners in regional detention facilities, thus reducing the amount of subsidies being paid by municipalities and counties throughout Arkansas of said prisoner housing costs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT. SECTION ONE: The City Council expresses its reluctant approval and authority to Mayor Fletcher and City Clerk Davitt to execute the proposed Jail Costs Agreement, as drafted and approved by the County Judge and Quorum Court, to secure a cap of jail costs for the City of Jacksonville's prisoners held in the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility over the next Five (5) years. A copy of said proposed Agreement is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as if stated word for word herein. SECTION TWO: Any and all other Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. This Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of passage. I I rj RESOLUTION NO. 724 (#19-2014) Page Two APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS ZJ�DAY OF DECEMBER, 2014. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS FETCHER, MAYOR ATTEST: APP VED AS TO R M14-0357 2J63 FILED. 12MI 4 .10.48:44 Larrw-Crane Pulaski Circuit;Clerk MOMMANDUM Qe MEN= This Memorandum of Agreement Is entered Into•on M. Q. day of •�by and beiween P.ulaisttl County, Arkansas (County) and the Clty,of dacksotivilla (City) pursuant. to. the authority of ARx. CODE AN . §26 -?0-101 at seq., end' will become binding on all parties upon retfilcadon by the Ouorum Court of Pulaski County and the goVeming body.of the City. WITNESSETH: That the County end.Cfty entered Into a Memorandum of'Agreement executed February 18,1880 and on Amendniani to Memorandum of Agreement exectited September 10, 1.000,' donceming the coats of operbiling a, regionhi Jail facility, by the County. That Agreement expires this year. The County -and City wish to have this Memorandum of Agreement replace and render moot all previous Agreerr its. WHEREAS, the County-reeogn[zoo, that It has a responsibility to maintain end operate datentlon'facillaes (hereinafter •lair); and, VIMERFA3., the Glty acknowledge the shortage of operational revenues of Pulaski. i County due to lncresebe In the numbers of detainpeg In the facility and the continuously rising costs.associaied with operations; and, WHEREAS, the'County and City acknowledge the need for a strong and economically viable jail -in the area; and, WHEREAS, the County hho.committed Its maximum taxresourco availhole to the construadon and operation of the regional jail to serm the County•and City; and, WHEREAS, the City and the County d®sire.to enter into a•contrectual agreement r .. aumrc�,caasw.a<eor�,.,.axnccx• . �Ne CIRCG�'. }% ,� /; •,.,t Gertlfied This_._.�.Da .o ' All my oeptaty cterit' � , `' �. '1S',�. •' �k,, r •fix ��CaoG :r';�•,�� • ` /C. pg ,` '•,- `f r cam' �. � •��. I 0 Ir! 2014.0357 2354 whereby City funds are made avellabla-to the County to assist -In the dparstlon of a regional -jell, IT 18 THEREFORE hereby agreed that; jgjbn L fPa�QIe. to help defray operation cost's of the jell, the City agrees to pay 3201,07O.00 in year one (a five.percent (13%)'Increape over current. contribution). Seddon 2. Annual lncreases, in toilowing.yeers, the amount to be provided by the City set eut M $action 1 w!!1 be increased by an; amount Agq*1 to the Consumer Price tn0k as contained In the Bureau of labor 8tatlstice for the previous. year but, in any event, notlo exceed 3% per annum. The payments-ldsntlf od above shall comMdrice In, January 2016. fififffign-L When the facility is open and accepting new Inmates, the Cqunty will notify the City who Will transport any arrestee awaltlng a Jell bad. (dnL Any arrestee in M*d of emergency medical treatment Will recelve said treatment.before being bought to the facility, 86=0 Q. If the Clty falis•to rattly this agreement, the County may, fit Its option, enter Intoegrasinents with respect to any other mynicipalitles within the county. jam, The duration of this agreement.shall be five (6) years, subject to extension by agreement of the parties, $ectigg.8. Notwithstanding anything. contained In this Agreement to the. contrary, If the'City fails to appropriate funds for sub"quent par2oda within the term of this Agreerhent, the City shelf not be obligated to make payments beyond the then -current R.FAlTq[LR. UMMLAQrm' AAUTAMM i t :M443 ; 265 ' Racal appropriation perlOd proyIded thatonce an appropr!atlgn Is made, the : City Is obi ted to provide funds br that apPro riatlon period andthe CountyIs obligated to house the CHy's prisoners for that period to the extent MCIUIred by Ark, Code Ann. jj1241.603! All payments made, or scheduled to. be.rnade, pursuant td the previous. Interlocal agreement between the' 060Jea hereto for the -2014 calendar will not subject the Individual city to the daily rate set'out heroin as long as all outstandlbg payments are - made for the 7014 calendar year,. lagggn 2. In the event•there Is a.elgnifgcont lhcrease in jail revenue:(rnm sources other then the County or City, •then the parties may enter into negotiations concerning the amount of payme6ts contemplated In 8ectigne,l ,arid 3. The psttle ha 801 b ted this Agreement this of,4. `} Pulask)'"w u e g f ty of Jacicsomrilie ATT C-----•—.. ":"', ' Pu ewd C OUP Clrou tl oun#y clerk Jacksonvi City Clark* • �.x'MTTylip�p{p}�ti1�AOiIM1�/AX•000� • • - I i t� +I i .. •il+ ;i uo ®I