0575 0000&9 RESOLUTION NO. 575 ( #3 - 04) A RESOLUTION URGING SUPPORT OF THE NORTHBELT FREEWAY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY, THE FREEWAY ACCESS STUDY FOR U.S. 67/167, AND THE U.S. 67/167 WILDWOOD AVENUE TO REDMOND ROAD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSED LEGACY DEVELOPMENT; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, it is the City's intent to request coordination with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department through the NEPA process for the Northbelt Freeway EIS to study and include an interchange at Onieda Street as part of the preferred alternative; WHEREAS, it is the City's desire to cooperate with the Legacy Centers Dupree Farms Development to improve access to U.S. 67/167 via the Redmond Road interchange and /or Main Street interchanges, with possible consideration of a Redmond Road interchange relocation and an arterial class roadway connecting the frontage roads as proposed on the current Jacksonville Master Street Plan; and, WHEREAS, another impact of concern for the City of Jacksonville is the U.S. 67/167 Wildwood Avenue to Redmond Road Environmental Assessment (EA), for selection of a preferred alternative on frontage roads and the proposed Edmar Crossover north of Kiehl Avenue, could potentially impact future improvement and modifications to the frontage roads as they continue through Jacksonville. NOW, THEREFORE, . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: The City Council urges support and cooperation with completion of the Northbelt Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the Freeway access Study for U.S. 67/167, and the U.S. 67/167 Wildwood Avenue to Redmond Road Environmental Assessment (EA) in hopes that doing so will encourage the potential development of the Legacy Centers. SECTION TWO: Any and all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. SECTION THREE: This Resolution shall have full force and effect immediately after its passage. }}((��� �( APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS l�t ' ` DAY OF AUGUST, 2004. TOMMY SWAIM, AYOR ATTEST: If SUS • •AVITT ITY CLERK ` / � •sb v APP' • ED AS • F' RAJj '- $ ?t, � ( A ROB: •T E. BAM;OW ORN