0434 RESOLUTION NO. 434 (H2 -01) A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AND PRAISING '1'!IE EFFORTS OF THE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE LITTLE BOCK AIR FORCE BASE AND ALL MEMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES AND THEIR FAMILIES, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND THE COALITION FORCES, FOR THEIR ROLES IN OPERATION DESERT STORM; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES, WHEREAS, as concerned citizens of Jacksonville, we are overwhelmed and proud of the immediate military reaction in Operation Desert Storm provided by President Bush, members of the United States Armed Forces, and members of the coalition forces. Through our concerns and quest for a quid: resolution to this international crisis, we realize the importance of the role the United States Armed Forces plays in the effective disarmament of Saddenm Hussein and his terrorist farces. The President, Congressional leaders, members of the United States Armed Forces, as well as those military members of our commu- nity and their families, should all be praised, admired, and supported for the sacrifices, di.fii deeisions, and efforts made by these parties during this difficult Lime; and, WHEREAS, the existence of conflict among nations threatens the very well - being of the United States and the freedom Americans enjoy on a daily basis. Although this international crisis has created additional stress and strain for citizens of Jacksonville, particularly those whose family members and loved ones are overseas defending our freedom and democracy, as representatives of the Citi of Jacksonville, we pledge our support and offer our efforts for all members of our military forces, but particularly those from our comma pity. Until all members of the Armed Forces return home safely and this crisis is resolved in favor of freedom and democracy, we, as members of the JaL-1.s',rlvtlle community, should show our unified support and assistance to our military forces during Operation Desert Sterne NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TUE CITY CCMISCI1, OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE Because of the eecessit.y of Logical, effective, and expedient elimination of terrorist threats against democracy and freedom, we commend. support., and praise the President of the United Staters, membo s of the Coalition, and all United States military pers'ini emd t.Lcir families for the efforts and sacrificer; be.fnt n le during Operation Desert Storm. We recommend, request., a.nd urge ell members of the community, businesses and cil1be11s alike, to e:*i'iess their support for our Armed For4 j arid ,7.,111 111 � . 11r I, i ayer5 for a safe return of the American military perso1111 in the Persiiill Gulf area. We strongly urge all or tile. boulmenity to express their appreciation and support. ..f ',nr mi I Itary t nlel and provide assistance to military fami 1 ie.; ac as 1 l; 5.,ip:ate in the defense tor iItLetuel lomii .dam and 11'eod oIU. SECTION TWO: All Resolutions and parr:, of Re:selutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the teateiL of said conflict. • /(2_ Resolution January 1991 Page Two SECTION THREE: This Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS � 7 — DAY OF JANUARY, 1991. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS BY:TOMd` u )Ca MY SWAIM, MAYOR ATTEST: LU LEONARD, C TY CLERK ( 13j( . 4 ' ROBERT. BAMBU C TY ATTI'NEY