0745 -Y3 ORDINANCE NO. 7 4 5 AN ORVINANCE RECLASSIFYING VARIOUS PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, (GENERAL LOCATION: AREA ADJACENT TO WOODBRIAR SUBDIVISION); AMENDING ORDINANCES NUMBER 213 AND 238 OF THE CIT,Y OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION 1: The zone ela~~inieation 06 the nollowing p~openti~ be and aJte hVLeby ehang ed a~ incLteated: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT NO.1 PaJtt on the South Hal& (S~) On the Southweot Qu~tVt (SW~) Seetion 29, Tow~fUp 3 No~th, Range 10 Wut, JaeR..6onville, Pula~ki County, A~ka~a.o, being mo~e paJttieulatLly dueJtibed a~ 60Uow~: Staftting at the SE eo~nVL On Lot 14, WoodbJtia~ Subdiv~io n, a~ ~eeo~ded in Plat Book 40, Page 15, in Pula~~ County Cowr.:thoU1> e, Lil:t1.e Roc.h., oAf1.ka.YL6a..6; then.c.e N 000 02' 10" E, 0 129.6 nee;t; thenee N 64 30' 40" E, 87.94 {jeeA.; thenee S 64 42' 31" E, 171.83 6ee:t; thenee N 880 59' 00" E, 468.57 beet to the WeAt ~ight On way line 06 Woodb~iaJr. DJtive; thenee S 010 01" 00" E, along ~aid wut ~ight 06 way line, 289.76 6 ee:t to the no~th ~ight ob way line ob Old MilitaJty Road; thenee S 880 59' 00" W, along ~aid no~th ~ight 06 way line, 708 &eet; thenee N 200.0 bee;t to the point On beginning: Containing 4. 93 ae~u, mo~e o~ lu~. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT NO. 2 PalLt 06 the"' South Hal6 fS~) ob the SouthweAt QuCUttVt CSW%) on Seetion 29, TOW~Mp 3 No~th, Range 10 WeAt, Jac-~onville, Pula.oki County, A~kan.6a.6, bung rnOfLe paJttieulCUtly dUe~ibed a~ 6 oUow~ : 'CommeYl.e~ng at thelSWr;eO~neJl. 06 Lot 3Z,(iWOddbJt~aJt S,ubdiv~ioYl., a~ ~eeo~ded in Plat Book 39, Page 96, in Pula~~ County Couftthou:Oe, LUile Roek, ~~kaMa.6; the,neeN 62 47' J 7" E, 280.846eet; thenee S 37 35' 58" E, 643.14 6eu; to theo noftth Jtight on way line on Old lvLU.U.aJty Road; thenee S 88 59" 00" W, along ~aid no~th Jtight 06 way line, 635.3 neet; to the M..6t ~ight 06 way line 06 Woodb~iaJr. V~lve,; thenee N 010 01' 00" W, along .6aid e~t ~igh:t 06 wa.y line, 392.47 beet to the point ob beginning: Containing 4.9 aCJtu, mOfLe o~ lu~. The above d(UefLibed p~opVtty ~ hVteby ~ezoned, T~aet "1" n~om C-2 to R-1 and T~aet "2" nJtom R-3 to C-2 (GenVtal Loeation: A~ea adjaeent to Woodb~ Subdiv~ion) wUh the eondition that a p~manent p~ivaey benee mMt be eOVL-6t~uc-ted between the C-2 zoned aJtea. and the ex~ting ~uident~l a~ea dMing eon~tJtuetion on ~aid eommeJteial pfLOpeJtty. SECTION 2: That the map fLe6~ed to in Sec-tion 601 on O~dinanee No. 213 06 the CUy 06 JaQ~onville, A~R.a~a~" a.6 amended by O~dinanee No. 238, and d~ignated 06nieial zoning map /.Should be and hVLeby J.A amended to the extent and in the fLeApeet~ nec.eo~afLlj to enn ec.t and deoignate the ehaJ1g~ pfLovided 6o~ in Sec.tion 1, the!Leob. Lf'-{ ORVINANCE NO. 745 PAGE TWO SECTION 3: That aU o~dinanc.u O~ pcutt~ 06 o~dinaneel, in 0..0 nnlio..t hVLWlih aJte. heJteby ~epea.led to the extent On any ~uo..h c.onnliet. APPROVEV AND ADOPTED THIS 17th VAY OF MAY, 1984. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: A 4~ LERK AP2A; = F~~ CrT~Y (; O~dinanee tabled 60ft in60~mation ftega~cLtng' amending the ftequeot nO~ Tftaet "2" n~om C-2 to C-l zoning: to be on May 3, 1984 agenda 60~ Qo~ideltation. O~dinaVl.o..e 6ailed on SECOND READING: to be on May 17, 1984 agenda. 60ft the ~ame.