0860 (19 ORVINANCE NO. 860 (#12-87) AN ORVINANCE GRANTING AN EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO PAFFORV AMBULANCE SERVICE, INC., FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIVING AN AMBULANCE TRANSFER SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; VECLARING AN EMERGENCY; ANV FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the C~y 06 Ja~~onv~le ~ ~n need 06 a non-emengen~y tJtaYll>nVt .6Vtv~~e 60ft ill ~~~zeYll> who ftequbte ambulan~e .6Vtv~~e 60ft non- emVtg en~y pUfLpO.6 e...o; and, WHEREAS, a6tVt fte~e~v~ng pftOpO.6al.6 ftegaJtd~ng .6a~d .6 env~~e...o, the C~y Coun~~ h~ deteJtm~ned that Pa660ftd Ambulan~e Senv~~e, In~.'.6 (PASI) pftOpO.6al will. be...ot meet the need.6 On the ~ommun~y; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORVAINEV BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION 1: The C~y 06 Ja~k.6onv~le, AftkaYL6a.6, heneby gftan:U an ex~l~~ve nftan~h~e 60ft a p~od 06 one (1) yeaJt to the Pa660ftd Ambu!an~e SeJtv~~e, In~. (PASI) 06 W~en, AftkaYll>~, 60ft the pUfLpO.6e 06 pftov~d~ng an ambulan~e tJtaYL.66en .6eJtv~~e 60ft the ~UizeYll> 06 Ja~k.6onville. SECTION 2: The Mayoft 06 the C~y 06 Ja~k.6onvill.e, AftkaVL6~, ~ hVteby authoft~zed to enteA ~YLto a 6ftan~h~ e agfteement w~h PASI to ~n~lude, but not be lA.m~ed to, the 6 ollow~ng ~o nd~~o no and ftequbtemen:U: A) The 6ftan~h"we Agfteement .6hill be 60ft a pen~od 06 one (1) yeOJt to ftun nftom 12:01 a.m., June 30, 1987, to m~dn~ght, June 30, 1988. B) PASI .6hill agftee to make ill non~emVtgen~y ambulan~e tJtanon~ w~h~n the C~y lA.mill 06 Jac./uonvill.e when fteque...oted to do .60. Su~h tJtaYL.66~ .6hill not ~n~lude tJtaYll>pofttat~on to and 6ftom a do~toft'.6 066~~e Oft ct~n~~, although PASI .6hill have the !u"ght to pftov~de .6u~h a .6env~~e at a fte~onable ~O.6t to the memb~h~p and publ~c.. C) PASI will. ho~e one (1) ambulan~e un~ ~n Ja~k.6onvill.e, equ~pped to 1 A .6tandOJtd.6, and .6hill pftov~de add~~onal unil (.6) equilly equ~pped when the C~y and PASI detenm~ne ~ ~ ne~eA.6CUty to have .6a~d add~~onctt un~ (.6) . V) PASI will. maintain a 1B .6eJtv~~e wh~e openat~ng w~h~n the ~~y lA.mill 06 Ja~~onv~le and .6hill pftov~de a fte...opoYL6e tA.me 06 no mofte than thbtth (30) - m~nute...6 peA ~ill. E) PASI will. make emengenc.y med~~al .6eJtv~c.e ftuYL6 only at the ILeque...ot On the Ja~k.6onvill.e Fbte VepMtment EmeAgen~y Medi~al SeAvi~eA. F) The C~y and PASI will. jo~ntty plan and implement a memb~h~p pftogftam .6MeA ~ampugn, w~h ill ~0.6:t6 06 .6a~d ~ampugn to be fteimbuMed 6ftom the gftO.6.6 pfto~ee~ 06 the memb~h~p pftogftam ~~ve. G) The net pfto~eed.6 06 the memb~hip pftogftam dtL~ve (a6teJt ill c.O.6L5 Me pa~d ~ .6ta:ted above) .6hill be divided between the paJtti~ M 60U0W6: C~y 0& Jac.k.6onvill.e - two-.thbtcU (2/3) and PAST - one-thbtd(l /3). PASI',6 poJttion .6hill be payable at the ftate 06 ,one-twet6th (1/12) 06 ill .6hafte peA month beginn~ng on the 6fut day 06 Aug~t, 1987, and c.ont~nu~ng on the 6fut day 06 ea~h month thVtea6tVt, w~h the l~t payment to be on July 1, 1988. H) PASI will. pftovide a non-memben b~e 6ee 06 One Hun~ed Twenty and 00/ 1 00 VOUCVL6 ($1 2 0 . 00,), w~h an add~io na1 ~hMg e 06 two and 0'0 / 1 00 VOUCVL6 ($2.00) pVt m~e 60ft any m~eage ouL5~de the C~y lA.mill. I) PASI will. pftovid.e ambulan~e .6Vtv~~e to .6~hool 6unc.tioYll> oft ~ommun~y even:U ~& .6uc.h .6Vtvic.eA Me fteque...6ted by the C~y and .6hill pftov~de .6ud .6eAV~~eA to one (1) event Oft 6unc.t~on peA week at no c.hOJtge~ FOIL any add~~onal even:U Oft nun~tion6, C~y .6hill pay to PASI a 6ee 06 SeventY-6~ve and 00/100 VOUCVL6 ($75.00) pVt event. Howeven, ~6 C~y "w .6u~~e...6.66ul in ill /~o ne9~otiatioVl.-6 with Piila.6k.i County Spe~ial S~hool V~:tJti~t ~on~Vtning ILehnbuMe- ment nOIL ~aid ~Vtvi~eA, then PASI ~hill be ~ompeVl.-6ated a~~oILding to the tVtm~ 06 the City'~ agILeement with Pula-6k.i County Spe~ial S~hool V~:tJtic.t. J) 16 PASI naW to abide by the tVtm~ 06 the AgILeement, upon jMt ~aMe, the City ~hill have the ILight to de~laJte the entbte AgILeement null and void. City ~hill al..60 have the ILight 06 negotiation with PASI 60IL ILenewal 06 ~aid FILan~h~e AgILeement a6tVt expbtation 06 th--L6 ex~lu~ive bILanc.h~e pVtiod. K) AU othVt equitable tVtm~ 06 agILeement ne~eA~aJty between the paJttieA . SECTION 3: Any ambulan~e ~Vtvi~e, ~ompany, OIL ~OILpolLation not a6&~iat- ed with PASI OIL the City 06 Ja~/uonville .6hill not opVtate within the ~ity limill 06 the City 06 Jac./uonville, AlLk.alUa.6, 60IL emVtgen~y OIL non-emVtgen~y ambulan~e :tJtaIU 6 eJU:, uni..eA~ ~ pe~i6i~illy ILequeAted to do ~ 0 by the City 06 Jac/uonville. Any individual, ~Vtvi~e, ~ompany OIL ~oILpolLation doing ~o without ~peci6i~ autholLization nILOm the City ~hill be deemed gu~ty On a m~demeanolL and a 6ine 06 not le~~ than Two HundfLed Fi6ty and 00/100 ($250.00) and not mOILe than ,Five HundILed and 00/100 VoU~ ($500.00) ~hill be levied again6t ~aid individual, ~Vtvi~e, ~ompany OIL ~OILpolLation. SECTION 4: It --L6 hVteby a.6~Vttained and dec.laJted that an emVtgen~y ex~u and th--L6 OILdinan~e, being ne~eA~CUty nOIL the hnmediate pILeAeJtvation 06 the pubU~ pe.a~e., health, and ~a6e;ty, .6hill tak.e. e.66e.ct and be ,{,n 6oIL~e 6ILom and a6tVt ill pa.6.6age. SECTION 5: AU OILdinan~eA OIL p~ 06 OILdinan~eA in ~onnl,{,~t hVtewith aJte heJteby ILepealed to the extent 06 ~u~h ~onnli~t. 1987. APPROVEV ANV AVOPTEV THIS 4th VAY OF JUNE CITY OF JACKSOVNILLE, ARKANSAS BY:~~ TOJM~ SW~YOR ~ A I I EST: ~ /Jc..~ ..~ LUL~. LEONARV, CI~LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEIt~A NEY -2- J