0388 d ' 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3 8 8 ( #11 -87) l i it A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. d WHEREAS, the City has considered the establishment of a Deferred Compensation Plan to be made available to all eligible city employees, elected officials, and independent contractors pursuant to Federal legislation permitting such Plans; and, WHEREAS, certain substantial tax benefits could accrue to employees, elected officials, and independent contractors parti- cipating in said Deferred Compensation Plans; and, I WHEREAS, such benefits will act as incentives to City employees to voluntarily set aside and invest portions of the current income to meet their future financial requirements and supplement their City retirement and Social Security (if appliable), at no cost to the City; and, I li WHEREAS, The U. S. Conference of Mayors has established a master prototype deferred compensation program for cities and II political subdivisions permitting its member cities and their employees to enjoy the advantages of this program; WHEREAS, The U. S. Conference of Mayors, as Plan Admini- strator, agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the City, its appointed and elected officers and participating employees from any loss resulting from The U. S. Conference of Mayors or its Ij Agent's failure to perform its duties and services pursuant to The I U. S. Conference of Mayors Program: I I j NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby adopts -the-- U.=- &- r -Gon- ( ij forcnce-ef Mks Deferred Compensation Program and its attendant investment options and hereby establishes the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas Deferred Compensation Plan for the voluntary participation I j of all eligible city employees, elected officials and independent contractors. SECTION 2: The Finance Director or his authorized agent(s) are hereby authorized to execute for the City, individual parti- cipation agreements with each said employee requesting same, and to act as the "Administrator" of the Plan representing the City, 1 and to execute such agreements and contracts as are necessary to implement the Program. It is implicitly understood that other than the incidental expenses of collecting and disbursing the employee's deferrals and other minor administrative matters, that there is to be no cost or contribution by the City to the Program. SECTION 3: All other Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are specifically repealed to the extent of such conflict. i SECTION 4: This Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of passage. PAGE TWO Reo62utLon 3 8 8 � APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 3hd DAY OF DECEMBER 1987. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS _._ BY: laaLAAAA; 141. L.A. TOMMY SWAIM MAYOR ATTEST: Af LU M. LEONA':, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEIT VAUGHAN / CIT ATTORNEY