1224 000023 ORUI~A~Ch ~O.1224 (# 8 - 04) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A MIXED USE OVERLAY DIS'11<ICT FOR ALLOWANCE OF BO'1ll RESIDEN'11AL ANU COMMERCIAL USES WI'lllIN DESIGNATED AREAS OF '1lIE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; CREA'11NG JACKSONvILLE MUNICIPAL CODE ~18.23; ANU, FOR O'lllER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, development and renovation of downtown Jacksonville would be an enhancement to the City, and use of the real property for residential and commercial purposes alike would expend potential uses; WHEREAS, to do so requires creation of an Overlay District to provide for such an area(s) and a designation of the overall property zones to be included in order to provide appropriate areas in which such a mixed use of property would provide the best use and planning for the City. NO~ '1llEREFORE, BE 1'1' ORDAINliD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF'11fE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, 'llIAT: SECTION ONI:;: JMC S 18.23 (MIXED USE OVERLAY DISTRICT) is hereby enacted and shall include the following: JMC ~18.23.010 (Applicability and Definitions) Unless otherwise restricted by applicable laws, legislative action, ordinances, or regulations, the provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to future development and use of all real property lying within the area desiblLated and as more particularly described below: Beginning at the SW corner of the intersection of the East Main Street right-of-way and the Oak Street right-of-way; thence northeast along the south right-of-way line of East Main Street to the northwest right- of-way line of Union Pacific Railroad; thence southwesterly along said right-of-way line to the centerline of Division Street; thence northwesterly along Division Street to the centerline of South Second Street; thence northeasterly along the centerline of South Second Street to the centerline of Mulberry Street; thence west along Mulberry Street to the centerline of Warren Street; thence south along Warren Street to the centerline of Lenora Street; thence west along Lenora Street to the centerline of Dupree Drive; thence southeasterly along Dupree Drive to the centerline of Louise Street; thence west along the centerline of Louise Street to South James; thence continue west along the north line of the South 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 30, Township 3 North, Range 10 West, 1466.85'; thence north 798.87'; thence east 490.88' to the west right-of-way line of Hospital Drive; thence north along said right-of-way line to the south line of West Main Street; thence west along the south line of West Main Street to the centerline of Crestview Drive; thence north along the centerline of Crestview Drive to the centerline of Vine Street; thence east along the centerline of Vine Street to the centerline of James Street; thence south 000024 ORDINANCh NO. 1224 (# 8 - 04 MAY lo~, 2004 PAGEIWO along the centerline of James Street to the centerline of Poplar Street; thence east along the centerline of Poplar Street to the east right-of- way of State Highway 161; thence south along the east right-of-way to the centerline of Center Street; thence southeasterly along Center Street to the centerline of Graham Road; thence east along Graham Road to the southeast right-of-way of Elm Street; thence southwest along the southeast right-of-way of Elm Street to the southwest right- of-way of East Main Street; thence northwest along the southwest right-of-way of East Main Street to the southwest COlller of Oak Street and East Main Street and the point of beginning. (General Description: That real property along and within two (2) blocks north and south of Main Street from Sharp Street to Elm Street, Jacksonville, Arkansas) SECTION'I'WO: JMC 918.23.020 (Purpose) The Mixed Use Overlay District (MUOD) is hereby created for the purpose of: a) Enhancing the development of a revitalization of Main Street; b) Creation of an Overlay District applicable to the classifications and designations of zoning provisions within this Code; b) Address public concerns created by violations of the MUOD; and, c) Enhance and preserve economic value and COlThllUnity development within the MUOD. SECTION'l1fREE: JMC 18.23.030 (Population and Development Density) Construction and/ or development of a mixture of residential housing and commercial areas within the Mixed Use Overlay District shall provide for greater accessibility to affordable housing and closer proximity to businesses for those who desire and/ or need such housing arrangements. It shall promote ownership of real estate opportunities for small business owners, who can now join business and housing costs within the same property to more efficiently use their assets, and will serve to enhance revitalization of the downtown area. Future use of properties within the MUOD shall be reviewed for population and business density concerns to insure compliance with concerns and provisions of the Jacksonville Municipal Code, the Building Code, and Arkansas law. 000025 ORDINANLh NO. 1224 (# 8 - 04 MAY LD'1t, 2004 PAGE THREE SECTION FOUR: JMC 18.23.040 (Building and Construction Provisions) Construction and/ or rehabilitation of any business or housing facility or structure shall cOIILply with all applicable provisions, guidelines, and directives of the current edition of the International Building Code, Jacksonville Municipal Code, and the Planning Commission. SECTION FIVE: JMC 18.23.050 (Conditional, Permissible, Prohibitive, and Restrictive Uses) The following conditions, permissible uses, prohibitions, and restrictions shall apply: a) Business locations will be primarily located on ground level of any structures, and residential properties will pril1Larily be located above or between commercial establishments; b) All construction shall meet or exceed provisions of the JMC; c) All residential properties shall be oriented in a manner consistent with the majority of residential and commercial properties within the immediate area; d) Parking shall be provided for residential properties in the following manner and ratio: One and one-half (1.5) parking spaces per residence; and, e) Parking shall be provided for commercial properties in the following manner and ratio: One (1) parking space for every Two Hundred Square Feet (200 SF) of office/retail space. SECTION SIX: JMC 18.23.060 (Enforcement and Penalties) A) ENt'ORCEMEN'l'- 1} Terms and conditions of this Ordinance shall be enforced by Jacksonville Code Enforcement Office in a progressive manner. Notification of violations and/ or non-compliance shall be in writing and provide the recipient with specific reference(s) to provisions violated. Continued and/ or additional violation(s) should result in citation(s) issued to the responsible party(ies), to include but not be limited to the property owner, property manager, agent and/ or tenant. Citations shall be presented to and adjudicated in the Jacksonville District Court. B) PENAL'llES 2) In the event a property owner, property manager, agent, and/ or tenant pleads or is found guilty of a violation of the terms of this Ordinance, the violator(s) shall be assessed a fine of no less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) and no more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), together with applicable costs, for any such offense. Each day that conditions in violation of the terms of this Ordinance exist shall constitutes a separate offense. SECTION SEVEN: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. 000026 ORDINANCh NO. 1224 (# 8 - 04 MAY Jo tf\ , 2004 PAGE FOUR SECTION EIGHT: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and publication, as provided by and subject to the requirements of applicable law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS lo ~ DAY OF MAY, 2004. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS .'e"~."~~.,.._._.~.. . J. t.. ;,l'l'~"'""""'~ ,/~-t [J1:::Y. . .1'. . ~..u...J t1.~_/ TOMMY SW AIMtMA YOR AI"lEST: "' ~ ~ SUSAN VITI, (CLERK '. /J? AP~,,r '~/TI', ED,. AS T.m FORM: .~ .-// / I. , . 1)1... /-. , , - \ ~ . ",' ROB\RT E. BAMBURG, CITY ATTORNEY