0339 a�1 RESOLUTION 3 3 9 A RESOLUTION by the City Counc.Lt og the City ag Jacksonvitte, Arkansas asking the Gavttnot ag the State og Arkansas and the Elected Repkesenta- ti.ves og Natthetn Pu,6aakL County to Lnsute the exAAtence o4 the Rebsamen Regional Medical Centele in Jacksonville. WHEREAS, the Rebsamen Regional Medical Center in Jackeonv.i to has a Kong history og p&ovLdLng quatity health sake gat the citi- zens ag Notthetn Pulaski County, and, WHEREAS, thexe exists a awcptus og ceAtLg.ied hospital beds in both Notthe/%n Pwtaskt. County and Puwaski. County as a whole, and, WHEREAS, the occupancy ta-te at Rebsamen Regional Medical Center As below 50% and many employees have alxeady been laid agg, and, WHEREAS, va&,ious state agencies have tepeatedty Bound that additionat haspd tal 6,2c/12 -ties are not needed in Notthetn Pwtask i County, and, WHEREAS, all 06 owc elected ogg.ic.iaes have a pwimany duty to do what Az bust got the majwr ty 06 the people when cons.idehing health cafe gacLt-i tLes, and WHEREAS, the consttaati.on og additional hospital gacie,ities in Notthetn Patashi County would jeopardize the vehy existence og the city -awned Rebsamen Regional Medical Center, and WHEREAS, many people have conthibuted untold amounts og time and eggott into developing the Rebsamen Reg.Lanat Medical Centeh into the exultant health cafe gac.il.ity that it As -today, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that: The Gaveunot 06 the State og Athansas and the elected ogg.iciaez 06 Notthetn Pulaski County be encoutaged to absolutely oppose any and all e66ott6 by anyone attempting to construct additional health cane gaci,e i ties in Notthetn Pwta4TaL County until and unless there is a elean.ey deg.ined need gut such 6ae.iLLties. Apptaved and adopted this 17th day 06 January, 1985. � 7 A O A TE �C�� / �� Luta M. Leonard CITY CLERK A.4, yar APPROVE AS TO FORM: TTOY