0333 a51 RESOLUTION NO. 3 3 3( #20 -84) A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES AND THE APPROVAL OF A SITE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A MUNICIPAL SLUDGE LANDFILL FOR THE DISPOSAL OF SLUDGE GENERATED BY SAID SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES: WHEREAS the City bound by the Env.uconmental Prateeti.on Agency EPA and the Arhanz Depart .ins ent o6 Pollution Control and Ecology (ADPCEE) t ( ) co natiruct new a ewag e treatment 6ac.LlitLes; and WHEREAS, the opentiton o6 new aewzge treatment tae -L Atie2 Wit geneAate a ztudge that will need to be d,i,apoaed ob in Lueh a cozy as to be as 4a4e to the environment as poaa.ible; and WHEREAS, the City Councit has been app&,Laed in the pact o4 the aludge dispozat plant o{ the Jack onvL&e Sewer Comm.isaion through the review 06 the Facility Plan and Env.vconmental Aaaeaament; and WHEREAS, the City Council underatanda that the p&opozed land6itt will be uaed Uor the dizpoaal ob the aludge generated by the new mange treatment Uac.i itiez only; and WHEREAS, .it Az a requitement 06 ADPCSE that a permit be Azzued to opeitate th-L6 4ludge d i s poaal tand6All; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILE, ARKANSAS, that: Section 1: The City Council appnovez ab the a.ite choaen { the conatnuctLon and operation a6 a aludge d.ispoeae land6.i.11 in the location descxi,bed in the Facility Plan 5or Con4ttcuction ag Sewage Treatment Fac ei:tleh 6or the City ob Jacizaanv.itl..e, A4(zanzaa. Section 2: Th,i4 ReaalutZon being necezzany on the - immediate pkezervatLon o{ the public health, aa6ety, welfare and morale o6 the c tLzena o5 the City 06 Jacfeaonville AMFianzaa, an emergency 24 hereby declared to exist and th.L6 Reaotat,Lan zhall. have £utt bocce and e6¢eet Ammediatety aster .ita paaaage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 20th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1284. " rarr.P. AYOR ATTEST: 1 CITY CLERK K C R APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY TTORNEY