0323 RESOLUTION 3 2 3 ( #10_84) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION TO PROCEED WITH PLANS FOR COMPLETION OF THE AMPHITHEATRE LOCATED ON THE LEASED PROPERTIES OF JACKSONVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City ob Jac!LSonv.iete, Anlzanaae seefz to .impnave the necteatLan 4acititLeh in itz City and dea.in.ee to have 4eden t aaa.iztance whence poa4Lbte; and WHEREAS, in ondvh to obtain the iundb necesaahy to deve-top and /an - unpnove the z to bon auch a nec&eati.on ahea it .i6 neceh4any to obtain a grant 6/corn the appnopn.iate agency o{ the United States Govvtnrnnt; and WHEREAS, the ptana jon auch necneatian axeah have been pnepated and the pica thexebone has been eatabtLshed; and WHEREAS, the City Counc.i,e o6 the City o6 Jack6onvitte, AQkanaas, -ins wePe aware and appn-ued o{ the above mentioned project, and that the City os Jacksonui.Lee, wat pnav1de the 2ocat paxtion the deve opment coat oU the entire pnaject, and that aa-id necn.eatton aneah aha t be dedicated penpetuatty as a newceatLan 6acLt ty: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, that the Mayon oU aa.id City on other pehzona acting by on Linden bus dinectLon, axe he&eby authon.ized to make applica- tion through the Anhanaaa Department oU Paxkz and Tounihm, to the National. Park Senv.i.ce, U.S. Depantmevvt oU the IntVuLOk, bon azziztance to develop necteat bacttLtiea bon the City, thenebone, auch application to be submitted a-s exped.itiousty as poas.ib.Ee. /� t/ P ASSED: June 21, 1484 APPROVED. / 4e. DATE ATTEST" / / a-t) a - / r/— /' CITY a CI V A - ''EY • iy