0293 RESOLUTION NO. 293 - 82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, STATING THAT THE PEOPLE OF PULASKI COUNTY WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THEIR OWN DECISION ABOUT THE 1% SALES TAX, AND IN THE EVENT OF IT'S PASSAGE DOES HAVE SPECIFIC PURPOSES FOR THE MONEY THAT WOULD BE RAISED. WHEREAS, if the Pulaski County 1% Sales Tax is approved February 2, 1982 and the City of Jacksonville collects the proceeds from said Tax, the Governing Body will have the opportunity to reduce current fees and service charges by approximately $430,000.00 Annually, or the equivalant of ap- proximately $6.75 Per Month Per Household. EXAMPLE ANNUAL PER HOUSEHOLD AP &L Additional Assessment $200,000.00 $ 2.00 GTE Additional Assessment 155,000.00 1.75 Continued Trash Pick Up 45,000.00 2.00 Approx. ARKLA Gas Additional Assessment 30,000.00 1.00 $430,000.00 $ 6.75 Approx. WHEREAS, if the estimate of $1.7 Million Income from this Tax is correct, that would leave a Net Amount of $1,270,000.00 to work with, and herein it is agreed that these Funds are to be put into Trust for the purpose of providing necessary Capitol Improvements within the City of Jacksonville, providing nec- essary equipment for the Basic City Services, and can be designated for a specific purpose with a 2/3 vote of the City Council, and at no time will salaries be provided by the use of these Funds. WHEREAS, if such 1% Sales Tax is approved the City of Jacksonville will hold public hearings to decide how such taxes collected will be spent. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a Copy of the Resolution be placed in the permanent records of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, and a copy of the Resolution be 'forwarded to the Pulaski County Judge and the appropriate News Agencies. /91 WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEALS THIS 28TH DAY OF January , 1982. YOR ATTEST: 4 E- 1 4444-4 1 10. flaatS CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: )_ .. C ITY ATTOR Y