1480 ORDINANCE NO. 1480 (#11 - 2013) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND MODIFYING§ 6.04 (ANIMAL CONTROL) OF THE JACKSONVILLE MUNICIPAL CODE;AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS,it has come to the attention of City officials and Animal Control that some citizens are using unduly weighted or inappropriate chains to tether their animals. Doing so is harmful to the animal, as chains are not commonly produced for use in restraint of animals; and, WHEREAS, it has also come to the attention of City officials and Animal Control that certain mixes of Pit Bulls have become more prevalent in the area. As a result, it would be beneficial to Animal Control in enforcement of the City's Pit Bull Ban to specifically include these mixes in the Ban. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE,ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: JMC § 6.04.040 (Restraint and Limitations) be and hereby is amended, modified, and changed as indicated below: A. Any person owning, maintaining, possessing, or keeping a dog(s) within the City shall confine such animal within an adequate fence, enclosure, or within a house, garage, or other building, or shall confine such animal by a cable(s) and/or chain(s) of at least Ten feet(10') or a leash affixed to the dog's collar and attached to some substantial stationary object in a humane manner adequate to prevent the animal(s) from running at large. Said cable(s) and/or chain(s) shall be appropriately sized, protected, and weighted in accordance with the size and breed of animal contained, and shall be placed in such a manner as not to be subject to entanglement with fixture(s), object(s), plant(s), structure(s), and/or tree(s) in the area. As well, choke collars and/or training collars are prohibited from being used to secure an animal to stationary objects. It shall further be the duty of any owner or keeper of any animal(s) to keep such animal under such control so as to: 1. Prevent such animal from becoming a danger to person(s), property, or trespassing upon another person's property without that person's permission; and, 2. Prevent such animal from running at large upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys, parks, or other public places of the City. SECTION TWO: JMC § 6.04.045 (Dangerous and Vicious Animals and Bans) be and hereby is amended, modified, and changed as indicated below: Ordinance No, 1480(#11-2013) Page Two D. BANS 1. Ban, It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to keep, own, or harbor within the City limits any of the following breeds and/or mixes of breeds of the following: a Stafford Bull Terrier; b American Pit Bull Terrier; c American Bull Dog; American Staffordshire Terrier: e Dogs of mixed breed or of other breeds similar to those above-listed breed(s) that are commonly known as Pit Bulls) Bull Dog(s), or Pit Bull Terrier(s); f) Any breed being a predominate breed of a Stafford Bull Terrier, an American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Dog, American Staffordshire Terrier or any mix and/or mixed breed thereof; and, g) Any dog whose sire or dam is a dog of a breed defined herein as a banned breed under this Code. SECTION THREE: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and publication, as provided by and subject to the requirements of applicable law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS Zt+ DAY OF MARCH, 2013. CITY OF JA .SONVILLE, ARKANSAS eid11010 / , . . . 1 - VARY ETCHER, MAYOR ' 11 kottl, . , , ATTEST.' AP"IVED AS TR '0 IM: , '' ' , Air s i , .10.L-i , S ■ SUSAN DA V , C CLERK ROB' 'T E. B 4 MBURG, C/ ATTSRNEY •