0139 RESOLUTION NO. - I 71/ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR LEAA FUNDS FOR AN EMERGENCY HOME FOR WAYWARD YOUNG PEOPLE; TO CONTRACT WITH A PRIVATE CORPORATION FOR THE OPERATION OF SUCH A HOME; TO APPROPRIATE MONEYS FOR SUCH A HOME ON CERTAIN CONDITIONS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the YES HOME, INC.,a private corporation has indicated a desire to provide a temporary emergency shelter for runaways, abandoned children, and children with emotional problems; and WHEREAS, Federal matching funds are available for such a project from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration upon application of the City of Jacksonville; and WHEREAS, the YES HOME, INC., will contract with the City for the operation and maintenance of such a home, and assume full responsibility for the same; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE THAT: 1. The mayor and city clerk be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to apply to the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for federal funds for the operation and maintenance of a youth emergency shelter home, and to make and give any certifications necessary to the LEAA: and to con- tract with YES HOME, INC., with suitable protection for the City, for the operation and maintenance of a youth emergency shelter home. 2. Upon receipt of the sum of $2500.00 in donation to the City from YES HOME, INC., the City shall budget the sum of $2500.00 as matching funds for the LEAA application specified herein; and the City may similarly budget funds in future years. 3. Nothing in this resolution shall bind or require the City of Jacksonville to furnish or supply further funds or matching funds for the operation or maintenance of a youth emergency shelter home. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS - D 0 OF AY 1974. 1/ ,ogee H .•'" , MAYOR (SEAL) ATTE mAn F LOY j ANTS, CITY CLERK APPPQVED AS TO P:04 57,4 4 g 4.01440 }3::Ii h. kace, C Attorney