0135 RESOLT'TTON NUMBER 135 -73 WHEREAS, certain areas of the City of Jacksonville, Ark- ansas are subiect to periodic flooding from various streams causing serious damages to residential properties within these areas; and W1- EREAS, relief is available in the form of flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 as amended; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Council to comply t>ith land use and management criteria regulations as required in said net; and WHEREAS, it is also the intent of this Council to recognize and duly evml.u? rte flood hazards in all official actions re- lating to land use in the flood plain areas having special flood haz and WHEREAS, the Code Citation(s) of any state enabling legislation and of any resulting county, city, town or village ordinance that authorizes this City to adopt land use and control men- sures are Act. 629 of n69 of the State of Arkansas (Ark. Statutes 21 - 1901 through 21 1304) and ordinance A 213 of the City of Jacksonville. NOU, TUER "•FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council hereby as- sures the Federal insurance Administration that it takes the following legislative action: (1) Appoints the Building Inspector with the responsibility, authority, and means to (a) Delineate or assist the Administrator, at his request, in delineating the limits of the areas having special flood hazards on available local maps of sufficient scale to • identify the location of building sites. (h) Provide such information as the Administrator ma,v request concerning _,resent uses and occupancy of the _flood plain area. (c) Maintain For public inspection and furnS.shing upon request, with respect to each arca having special flood hazards, information on elevnttons (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floors of all new or substantially im- proved structures; and (d) Cooperate with Federal, State, and local a- genties and private firms which undertake to study, survey, map, and identify flood plain and cooperate with neighboring communities with respect to management of adjoining flood plain in order to prevent aggravation of existing hazards. (e) Submit on the anniversary date of the com- munity's initial eligibility an annual report to the Admin- istrator on the progress made during the past year within the community in the development and implementation of flood plain management measures. (2) Take such other official action as may be reason- ably necessary to carry out the objectives of the program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council hereby appoints the Building Inspector with the overall responsibility, authority and means to implement all commitments made herein. PASSED THIS '-f day of 0(t6tA-_, , 1973. APPROVED: /:// /1, r• d H John' H ifar(en,Mayor I ATTESTED: Mrs. Floy/Avants, City Clerk (/