1469 ORDINANCE NO, 1469 (#31 - 12) AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING BY THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, FOR THE PURCHASE OF THREE (3) USED POLICE UNITS FOR THE JACKSONVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY;AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS,the Police Department is in need of additional patrol units for use by the Department's Patrol Division; and, WHEREAS, because funds are limited, the Police Department has located Three (3) used and fully reconditioned Ford Crown Victoria Police Cruisers that are available for purchase at a reasonable rate and timeframe, with delivery and full reconditioning included. As a result, this is an opportunity to purchase compatible patrol units at a reasonable cost to the Department, which will allow for continued police protection for our citizens and an increase in the number of reliable Police vehicles available for the Police Department. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE,ARKANSAS: SECTION ONE: Competitive bidding for the purpose of obtaining used and reconditioned Police vehicles for the Jacksonville Police Department would be costly, non-productive, and time consuming, making said competitive bidding unfeasible and impractical. SECTION TWO: Pursuant to ACA§ 14-58-303,competitive bidding is hereby waived for the purpose of purchasing from the Police Department's Equipment Fund Three (3) used and fully reconditioned vehicles (2006 Ford Crown Victoria #0294, 2006 Ford Crown Victoria #0285, and a 2008 Ford Crown Victoria #4517) for use by the Police Department. Authorization is hereby given to the Mayor and/or his designated representative to execute necessary documents with Big Bear Cruisers of Mena, Arkansas, the only supplier of the above referenced police units that has agreed to accept a purchase price, including refurbishment, a limited warranty, and delivery for the total sum of Thirty-six Thousand One Hundred Six Dollars ($36,106.00), with anticipated delivery of the fully reconditioned police units within Thirty (30) days. Ordinance No 1469(#31-12) Page Two SECTION THREE: All Ordinances, parts of Ordinances, or previous actions taken by said Council in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION FOUR: It is imperative that the Police Department have additional reliable patrol units available for the Patrol Division, so immediate use of the aforementioned units and expenditure of funds is required. Therefore, to promote the public welfare, health, and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after passage and publication, as provided by and subject to the requirements of applicable law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF DECEMBER, 2012, CITY OF JACKSONVILLE,ARKANSAS GARi ETCH ', MAYOR :rM� ATTEST,• �' - -...o.._._,.,� , cti:i,,,' 1 L �:d . I `' SUSAN DA VI , ITY CLERK '6 6-:-.; APPRQ(/Es r Ts ORM; , ,;;, -tip 4'`:,;`i* s" ' I / ' V i' ----...,,,,,, ROB RT E. B-MBURG, CI r A /RNEY ~'`