24 MAR 21CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:35 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY HALL - #1 MUNICIPAL DRIVE The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in a regular session on March 21, 2024 at the regular meeting place of the City Council. Council Member Ray delivered the invocation and Mayor Elmore led a standing audience in the “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag. ROLL CALL: City Council Members: McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Moss, Twitty, Kinman, and Rains answered ROLL CALL. Mayor Elmore also answered ROLL CALL declaring a quorum. PRESENT EIGHT (8) ABSENT TWO (2). Council Member Dietz arrived at approximately 6:20 p.m. Council Members Bolden and Mashburn were absent. Others present for the meeting were: Police Chief Brett Hibbs, Captain Ryan Wright, CDBG Director Michelle Spencer, and Planning Commission Chairman Jim Moore. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES: Mayor Elmore presented the minutes of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of March 7, 2024 for approval and/or correction at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Council Member Sansing moved, seconded by Council Member Ray that the minutes of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of February 15, 2024 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA: REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT: FIRE DEPARTMENT Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Rains to approve the regular monthly report for February 2024, reflecting a fire loss of $35,000.00 and a savings total of $835,000.00. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT: POLICE DEPARTMENT Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Rains to approve the regular monthly report for February 2024 regarding annual crime statistical comparisons. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT: CODE ENFORCEMENT Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Rains to approve the regular monthly report for February 2024. Assigned Calls 39 Demolition by City 1 Self-Initiated Calls 212 Demolition by Owner 1 Follow Up Inspections 376 Parking Violations 1 Complied after Notice 173 Garbage Cans Tagged 0 Three Day Notice 43 Basketball Goals 1 Seven Day Letter 250 Structures Inspected 627 Citation Letters Mailed 46 Apartment Complexes Inspected 5 Citations Issued 7 Red Tags Issued 2 Vehicles Tagged 39 Search Warrants 0 Vehicles Towed 1 Grass Mowed 0 Unsafe Structures Tagged 0 Signs Removed 49 Structures Condemned 0 Shopping Carts 1 Structures Rehabbed 5 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Council Member: McCleary, Sansing, Ray, Moss, Twitty, Kinman, and Rains voted AYE. MOTION CARRIED. WATER DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: STREET DEPARTMENT: SANITATION DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION: PLANNING COMMISSION: COMMITTEE(S): GENERAL: PRESENTATION: Proposed signage for Main Street Council Member Twitty introduced Sherry Oliver of Oliver’s Antiques and Karen Abrahamson of Double R Florist & Gifts. Ms. Abrahamson stated they have owned Double R Florist for 60 years, but have filed more police reports in the last few years due to various individuals in the City; some she identified as walking the streets daily. She related there is a couple with a brown dog who panhandles in front of the Kum & Go convenience store stopping traffic on Main Street; recalling that one day they were having an argument on the street. She stated that she has photos and videos of damage with people rummaging through things, even in broad daylight. She related her efforts to beautify the City. She reported that on March 13th, she sent a photo of a sign she saw in another city to all of the Council Members, thanking Council Members Bolden, Sansing, Twitty, and Kinman for responding. She asked for support from the City to erect signs in various locations that would address this activity. She surmised if people do not give money at red lights, it would deter them from trying. She noted if you asked those people what you can buy for them, they will not say, because they only want money, not food or water; some may, but most do not. She reiterated asking for Council’s support, because she is exhausted from trying to beautify her business and having it ripped out, broken, and left in a mess; noting the money spent. She further pointed out constructing make-shift huts behind her building to sleep or use the area for a restroom. A picture of a sign that read “Keep the change. Don’t support panhandling. Give to a local charity” was shared, along with photos and videos of individuals pilfering through dumpsters and vandalizing property at the two businesses. Mrs. Oliver related how one day around 4:30 p.m., she discovered litter scattered from her building to the dumpster and onto the lawyer’s office next door. She explained when she went to investigate, a female popped out of the dumpster, saying she was getting stuff, but did not claim the mess. She called the Police, surmising the female was on drugs. She confirmed the Police arrived right away, relating she stood with the female, giving her a dust pan, broom, and shovel suggesting she clean it before the Police arrive. She recalled the Police found a knife on the female, adding she was unsure if CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:35 P.M. was cutting stuff or was going to hurt someone with it, but she was arrested. She explained on another day she had a staff member call her, stating there was a really scary, smelly man in the store. She related telling her staff to lock the door next time they saw him, because they do not have to let him in. She recalled that two weeks later she got another call that the same man was on the front porch causing a disturbance, and once she drove up, she saw him going through a box of items. She explained she had customers leave the shop after they saw him, they were frightened, so she lost business. She stated she had security cameras, but they disappeared, and now has an expensive security light. She mentioned the neighboring lawyer also had a problem with his security cameras, so he moved them inside and they shine on her building. She recalled one night she got five videos of people coming from the Edward’s shopping center, going beside his building where they all go to the bathroom, and then between his building and hers. She related how some of them walk across the front and kick her things. Ms. Abrahamson referenced the video of a man kicking things in front of her business in broad daylight, noting they have busted several flower pots. She recalled the same man was removed from the sidewalk one morning when she did not know if he was dead or alive after calling the Police, who knew who he was. She referenced another video of a male and female, where the male stole flowers from her decorative flower pots in the middle of the night. She related she has seen the man with the blue backpack and that couple panhandling in front of Kum & Go, so she called the Police since it was the same man who tore things up in front of her store, and had him trespassed. Chief Hibbs related that his Officers would probably know who the man was, adding that the two who stole flowers were identified immediately, and there are warrants being sought for criminal mischief, vandalism, or theft. He confirmed that the couple is homeless, but the female with the brown dog lives at the Jacksonville Inn. Council Member McCleary inquired as to the Point in Time count CDBG conducts annually, noting some are from here, usually around Main Street, and some are transients, usually around Walmart. He pointed out a lot of the foot traffic is from Jacksonville Inn and Eagle Suites, where they have a lot of problems with drug activity, violence, etc. Council Member Sansing expressed his support, but also suggested making the words “give to a local charity” much bolder, because if they give to a local charity, some of these people can go there and maybe stop panhandling. Council Member Rains clarified two members are not supposed to talk about City business, so out of respect, she did not respond to Ms. Abrahamson’s message. She recalled months ago, she presented to Council a committee regarding the unsheltered, which would be comprised of business owners and community members. She believes it is important to look at the bigger picture, because what they are bringing up is the tip of the iceberg. She related a lot of work is being done with CDBG and the Nixon Library having monthly meetings, noting she has seen Council members and the Mayor there. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:35 P.M. CDBG Director Michelle Spencer recalled last year the street count was about 30; this year it was only a sheltered count for the shelters across the nation, so she did not get the data. She related the influx of individuals is the overflow of Little Rock and North Little Rock. She agreed they need people concerned to make a change in how we deal with our homeless; saying we cannot criminalize them, but have to accept they are here and we need resources. She recalled having sat on the Central Arkansas Team Care Board for the Homeless and how they are making every effort to get all resources possible to our area, because Jacksonville was previously left out. Council Member Kinman pointed out a difference between panhandlers and homeless people, noting we do not need to support the panhandlers who are probably making a good living panhandling. Council Member Rains acknowledged this is a problem the City needs to address and however they start, she believes a committee for this issue is important. Council Member Sansing reiterated there is a distinct difference between the homeless and panhandlers; if people follow the signs and give to the good charities in the City, it will help the homeless and may encourage panhandlers to move on. Mayor Elmore confirmed he can tell the City’s sign shop to produce the signs, but since they have come before Council with this concern, it would be better now to come from Council to say they are in support of it. Council Member Twitty moved, seconded by Council Member Sansing to support and move forward with appropriate signage on Main Street and strategic areas of the City. MOTION CARRIED with Council Member Rains voting NAY. Council Member Rains stated that she does not think a “band-aid” fix is going to take care of the problem. Mayor Elmore clarified this is not a fix, but a first step in addressing their initial concern tonight. He added that he is open to whoever wants to volunteer or serve on a committee to bring about a creative solution and aid the people of our City who are in need as well as those who fallen victim to crime generated from it. He related that anyone who wants to help, Council members, or citizens are welcome to let them know and see what can be done. Council Member Rains volunteered to spearhead the effort, noting she appreciates everything CDBG does and thinks they need support. Mayor Elmore stated if anyone wishes to take part, contact City Clerk Davitt and she will get the information to Council Member Rains. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 21, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:35 P.M. When Council Member Kinman inquired, Ms. Abrahamson replied she has not talked to anyone directly to see if the signs have deterred panhandlers in Cabot, but knows they were put in high traffic shopping areas. Chief Hibbs mentioned that Cabot has said the signs have made no difference whatsoever; the panhandlers stand under the signs and people still give them money. He stated all it did was give people more to complain about. Council Member Rains related if the City makes these signs, it is coming from the budget, which is coming from taxpayers. She stated they do not know if the signs are going to help, but making an informed decision is important. Chief Hibbs reminded that the signs are not enforceable, but are a suggestion to people and may, or may not, make a difference, so do not call Code Enforcement or the Police if people still give money. Council Member Twitty stated this may not work, but as business owners, they are asking the City to address the situation. She added that she does not think it will be costly because the City has its own sign shop, pointing out that some people as well as some Council Members are willing to pay for signage otherwise. She believes if they have citizens who have had great damage to their properties, it is wise for the Council to pass having signage up as soon as possible, for businesses and others. APPOINTMENTS: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: ANNOUNCEMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: Without objection, Mayor Elmore adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:35 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully, ________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Davitt MAYOR JEFF ELMORE City Clerk-Treasurer