24 APR 18CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 18, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:23 P.M. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CITY HALL - #1 MUNICIPAL DRIVE The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas met in a regular session on April 18, 2024 at the regular meeting place of the City Council. Council Member Ray delivered the invocation and Mayor Elmore led a standing audience in the “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag. ROLL CALL: City Council Members: Dietz, Bolden, McCleary, Ray, Mashburn, Moss, Kinman, and Rains answered ROLL CALL. Mayor Elmore also answered ROLL CALL declaring a quorum. PRESENT EIGHT (8) ABSENT TWO (2). Council Members Sansing and Twitty were absent. Others present for the meeting were: City Attorney Stephanie Friedman via Zoom, Police Chief Brett Hibbs, Fire Chief Alan Laughy, Director of Engineering & Public Works Adam Whitlow, Finance Director Cheryl Erkel, Assistant City Clerk Emilia Vazquez, CDBG Director Michelle Spencer, IT Director Emily Osment, Communications Director Emily Sundermeier, Jim Moore, and Addie Gibson. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES: Mayor Elmore presented the minutes of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of April 4, 2024 for approval and/or correction at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Council Member Bolden moved, seconded by Council Member Ray that the minutes of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of March 21, 2024 be APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA: REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT: POLICE DEPARTMENT Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Bolden to approve the regular monthly report for March 2024 regarding annual crime statistical comparisons. REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT: CODE ENFORCEMENT Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Bolden to approve the regular monthly report for March 2024. Assigned Calls 54 Demolition by City 0 Self-Initiated Calls 214 Demolition by Owner 1 Follow Up Inspections 452 Parking Violations 7 Complied after Notice 186 Garbage Cans Tagged 3 Three Day Notice 53 Basketball Goals 3 Seven Day Letter 230 Structures Inspected 720 Citation Letters Mailed 35 Apartment Complexes Inspected 10 Citations Issued 14 Red Tags Issued 1 Vehicles Tagged 50 Search Warrants 0 Vehicles Towed 15 Grass Mowed 0 Unsafe Structures Tagged 0 Signs Removed 4 Structures Condemned 0 Shopping Carts 2 Structures Rehabbed 0 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 18, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:23 P.M. ROLL CALL: Council Member: Dietz, Bolden, McCleary, Ray, Mashburn, Moss, Kinman, and Rains voted AYE. MOTION CARRIED. WATER DEPARTMENT: WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: STREET DEPARTMENT: SANITATION DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION: PLANNING COMMISSION: FINAL PLAT Lee Mac Estates Council Member Bolden moved, seconded by Council Member McCleary to approve the final plat of Lee Mac Estates. MOTION CARRIED. COMMITTEE(S): GENERAL: a. RESOLUTION 847 (#05-2024) A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE TO RENEW THE CONTRACT OF OBLIGATION WITH THE ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 840 (#09-2023); AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Council Member Rains moved, seconded by Council Member Bolden to read Resolution 847 (#05-2024). MOTION CARRIED. Whereupon City Clerk Davitt read the heading of Resolution 847 (#05-2024). Director Whitlow stated this is identical, in form, to Resolution 840, noting ADEQ reached out to him saying they made a mistake on the financial assurance amount. He explained there was a 50% multiplier they had not accounted for, so this is an amendment to the amount of obligation. He reminded it is part of the closeout procedures if the City ever closed its composting facility. Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Bolden to adopt Resolution 847 (#05-2024) in its entirety. MOTION CARRIED. b. Requesting Resolution to contract with Garver for on call City Planning services Director Whitlow requested acceptance of Garver’s Statement of Qualifications. He explained they advertised a Request of Qualifications for on call city planning services. He recalled that three firms picked up packets, but Garver was the only one to respond, noting they are who he was interested in. He told how he has worked with their Urban Planning Manager James Walden, who came up working with Arkansas Municipal League’s Planning Consultant Jim Von Tungeln. He stated the contract will provide hourly rates for various employees and will have a mechanism for larger one-time projects they would come to Council to approve on an individual basis. Council Member Bolden moved, seconded by Council Member Kinman to approve the drafting of a resolution regarding Garver providing on call City Planning services. MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 18, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:23 P.M. c. DISCUSSION asbestos abatement training for City employees Director Whitlow explained last month they took bids for asbestos abatement, because the others had expired, but Mayor Elmore requested additional options, since the low bid was $99,918.00, so he looked into what it would take to get City employees certified. He detailed that the abatement consists of mastic on the floor tiles, which he sees as a relatively simple process of removing the mastic, putting it in Visqueen, using respirators, and taking it to Two Pine Landfill. He told how he reached out to the Arkansas Environmental Training Academy affiliated with Southern Arkansas University Tech, who have also been used for their Solid Waste License training. He recalled when he spoke to the representative, they were very excited about coming to Jacksonville to train six to eight City employees. He added that Pulaski County received a Delta Regional Authority grant where, unless he hears otherwise, the City could get this training for free. He detailed the tentative dates are April 29th-May 3rd to get the employees certified at a supervisory worker level. He noted the bottom tier is worker level, but then there is a supervisor level that is someone who has to be present watching the workers. He confirmed the training is a 40-hour one-week course that will get them supervisory training. He mentioned, because we are a municipality, we are exempt from one of the upper level credentialling requirements that contractors would have to get. He brought up other municipalities that have trained people to do their own abatement, relating there will be costs, but it will be cheaper that the $99,000.00 bid. He recommends moving forward with this option, clarifying that it is set up for six of his Public Works’ employees, and two from Parks and Recreation, if they wanted to, but they will fill all slots. He told how 32 hours of training is for the worker tier, and the supervisory tier is only one more day, making it 40 hours. He stated they would set up somewhere in the City, go through the course, including a mock abatement, and test at the end. He said there will be a permitting process of submitting applications to ADEQ, and the employees will be certified at that point. He was unsure about insurance coverage changes, noting that working with asbestos is a very controlled process involving dangers, but have not had any objections about it. He mentioned proper handling, respirators, and gear still being a lot cheaper than bids. He brought up that the only part he sees being outsourced is the hauling since the City’s CDL drivers do not have hazmat endorsement. He stated if Council wants to move forward with training, he recommends to reject all bids. Council Member Rains moved, seconded by Council Member McCleary to approve asbestos abatement training for eight City employees. MOTION CARRIED. Council Member Bolden urged Council to find a way to give a stipend to those who accept this training due to the hazards involved. d. Request to accept bid: Asbestos Abatement-old Elementary School Item d was pulled from the agenda. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 18, 2024 6:00 P.M. – 6:23 P.M. APPOINTMENTS: SEWER COMMISSION Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Bolden to approve the reappointment of Jerry Sanders for a term to expire 04/20/2029. MOTION CARRIED. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Bolden to approve the appointment of Anthony Golden to fill term of Laura Walker for expiration 05/09/2027. MOTION CARRIED. Council Member Ray moved, seconded by Council Member Bolden to approve the appointment of Shanacee Person to fill term of Lauren Martin for expiration 05/09/2028. MOTION CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: ANNOUNCEMENTS: USSSA Autism Awareness Tournament Mayor Elmore stated this weekend at Dupree Park there will be an Autism Awareness Softball Tournament benefitting Pathfinder. He related there will be 90 teams playing, noting Friday night there will be a homerun derby for professionals and amateurs, and Saturday night games will go on all night. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Shooting Range Mayor Elmore stated Saturday will be the Shooting Range’s 10th Anniversary Tournament going on with Mack’s Prairie Wings, which will be the largest tournament the City has ever hosted, estimating 900 shooters. Animal Services Mobile Adoption Event Mayor Elmore shared there will be a mobile adoption event at the Autism Awareness Tournament at Dupree Park Saturday. ADJOURNMENT: Without objection, Mayor Elmore adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:23 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully, ________________________ _________________________ Susan L. Davitt MAYOR JEFF ELMORE City Clerk-Treasurer