24 FEB 15City Council of Jacksonville, Arkansas A G E N D A Regular City Council Meeting February 15, 2024 6:00 p.m. 1. OPENING PRAYER: PAGES 2. ROLL CALL: 3. PRESENTATION OF Regular City Council Meeting MINUTES: February 1, 2024 1-2 4. APPROVALS AND/OR Regular City Council Meeting CORRECTION OF MINUTES: January 18, 2024 5. CONSENT AGENDA: Engineering Department: Regular Monthly Report/January City Engineer Adam Whitlow 3 Fire Department: Regular Monthly Report/January Fire Chief Alan Laughy 4 Police Department: Regular Monthly Report/January Police Chief Brett Hibbs 5-6 Code Enforcement: Regular Monthly Report/January Police Chief Brett Hibbs 7 6. WATER DEPARTMENT: 7. WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT: 8. FIRE DEPARTMENT: 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT: 10. STREET DEPARTMENT: 11. SANITATION DEPARTMENT: 12. PARKS & REC. DEPARTMENT: 13. PLANNING COMMISSION: 14. COMMITTEE(S): 15. GENERAL: a. Award Recognition for Black History Month (Council Member Bolden) b. ORDINANCE 1748 (#01-2024) Authorizing franchise agreement with Connect2First (Mayor Elmore) 8-13 CITY COUNCIL A G E N D A continued: February 15, 2024 GENERAL continued: c. RESOLUTION 846 (#4-2024) Supporting a section of Hwy. 67/167 to be named “Distinguished Flying Cross Memorial Highway” (Mayor Elmore) 14-16 ADDITION TO AGENDA: d. ORDINANCE 1749 (#02-2024) Waiving Competitive Bidding for roof Removal and Replacement at 200 Dupree Drive Chamber building (Mayor Elmore) 17-18 16. APPOINTMENTS: 17. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 18. NEW BUSINESS: ANNOUNCEMENTS: ADJOURNMENT