1751ORDINANCE NO. 1751 (#04 - 2024) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING JMC §§ 18.40.050,18.44.050,18.48.050, 18.52.050,18.54.050, LIMITING PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON COMMERICAL PROPERTY; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, that it is necessary to update restrictions of recreational vehicle parking. After due consideration and review, the following amendment is deemed reasonable and shall be imposed for the protection and welfare of the citizens of Jacksonville, Arkansas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: JMC § 18.40.050 - Parking and loading, shall be amended as following: Recreational vehicles, as defined in JMC 8.01.060, are prohibited from parking in C-1 Districts. For additional Parking and Loading Requirements, C-1 District, see Chart No. 1, Chapter 18.68. SECTION TWO: JMC § 18.44.050 - Parking and loading, shall be amended as following: Recreational vehicles, as defined in JMC 8.01.060, are prohibited from parking in C-2 Districts. For additional Parking and Loading Requirements, C-2 district, see Chart No. 1, Chapter 18.68. SECTION THREE: JMC § 18.48.050 - Parking and loading, shall be amended as following: Unless an entity's primary purpose is for the sale of recreational vehicles, recreational vehicles, as defined in JMC 8.01.060, are prohibited from parking in C-3 Districts. For additional Parking and Loading Requirements, C-3 district, see Chart No. 1, Chapter 18.68. SECTION FOUR: JMC § 18.52.050 - Parking and loading, shall be amended as following: Unless an entity's primary purpose is for the sale of recreational vehicles, recreational vehicles, as defined in JMC 8.01.060, are prohibited from parking in C-4 Districts. For additional Parking and Loading Requirements, C-4 District, see Chart No. 1, Chapter 18.68. SECTION FIVE: JMC § 18.54.050 - Parking and loading, shall be amended as following: Recreational vehicles, as defined in JMC 8.01.060, are prohibited from parking in C-5 Districts. For additional Parking and Loading Requirements, C-5 District, see Chart No. 1, Chapter 18.68. ORDINANCE NO. 1751 (#04 - 2024) Page Two SECTION SIX: All Ordinances, parts of Ordinances, or previous actions taken by said Council in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION SEVEN: This Ordinance, necessary for the continued efficient delivery of public services and for the benefit, health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Jacksonville, should be implemented immediately to all applicable current and future businesses. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its date of passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF 2024. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: JEFF ELMORE, MAYOR SUSAN DAVITT, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: STEPHANIE FRIEDMAN, CITY ATTORNEY Pulled from agenda March 7, 2024