0125 RESOLUTION 125 -72 -A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, City of Jacksonville, Arkansas (Legal (corporate) Name of applicant) (the "Applicant ") has heretofore submitted an application to the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development (the "Government ") for a grant under Section 702 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, as amended, to aid in financing a certain public works identified as Project No. WSF -AR - 106- 37 -102e and, WHEREAS, the Government has approved the said application and had sub- mitted to the Applicant a certain Grant Agreement (the "Agreement ") for approval and execution by the Applicant, which said Agreement is satisfactory, 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEII 3Y THE City Council (Title of Governing Body) of the Applicant, that the said Agreement, a copy of which is a,gached hersto, be and the same is hereby approved. The Mayor is hereby (Title of Officer authorized and directed to execute the said Agreement in the name and on behalf of the Applicant, in as many countrepart of the said Agreement to the Government, together with such other documents evidencing the approval and authorization to execute the same as may be required by the Government. CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, hereby certify, (1) that I am the duly appointed, quali- fied and acting City Clerk of the Applicant designated in the (Tritle of Recording Officer) foregoing Resolution Authorizing Execution of Grant Agreement; (2) that I am the custodian of the records of the Applicant including the records of its Governing Body designated in the Resolution; (3) that the above copy of the Resolution is a true and correct copy of the said Resolution as adopted at a duly authorized meeting of the said Governing Body held on July 27, 1972 and on file and of record; (4) that the said meeting was duly convened and held in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, that a legal quorum was present through- out the meeting, that a legally sufficient number of members of the said Govern- ing Body voted ir the proper manner for the adoption of the said Resolution, and that all other requirements for the proper adoption of the said Resolution were fully observed; and (5) that no action has peen taken by the said Governing Body or the Applicant to reconsider, amend or rescind the said Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Applicant this 27th day of July 19 72 . Floy Avants (Signature) SEAL Floy Avants, City Clerk • • RE-561.14 r z - env 1.?S— 7-7-1\ US. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, City of Jacksonville, Arkansas (Legal (corporate) Name of Applkant) (the "Applicant ") has heretofore submitted an application to the United States of America, Department of Housing and Urban Development (the "Government ") for a grant under Section 702 of the Housing �and Urban Development Act of 1965, as emended, to aid in financing a certain public works identified as Project N AR- -06 -37 -1028 and WHEREAS, the Government has approved the said application and has submitted to the Applicant a certain Grant Agreement (the "Agreement ") for approval and execution by the Applicant, which said Agreement is satisfactory, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Cnt'nci 1 (Title of Governing Body) of the Applicant, that the said Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, be and the same is hereby approved. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Agreement in the name (Title of Officer) and on behalf of the Applicant, in as many counterparts as may be necessary, and the May I (7YtIe of Officer) is hereby authorized and directed to affix or impress the official seal of the Applicant thereon and to attest the same. The proper officer is directed to forward the said executed counterparts of the said Agreement to the Government, together with such other documents evidencing the approval and authorization to execute the same as may be required by the Government. CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned, hereby certify: (1) that I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the Applicant designated in the foregoing Resolution Authorizing (7Ytie of Recording Officer) Execution of Grant Agreement; (2) that I am the custodian of the records of the Applicant including the records of Its Governing Body designated in the Resolution; (3) that the above copy of the Resolution Is a true and correct copy of the said Resolution as adopted at a duly authorized meeting of the said Governing Body held on July 27, 1971 and on file and of record; (4) that the said meeting was duly convened and held in accordance with all applicable lawa and regulations, that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, that a legally sufficient number of members of the said Governing Body voted in the proper manner for the adoption of the mid Resolution, and that all other requirements for the proper adoption of the said Resolution were fully observed; and (5) that no action has been taken by the said Governing Body or the Applicant to reconsider, amend or rescind the said Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Applicant this 27th day o f July 19 —at. f (Signaling (S E A L) Floy Avants, City Clerk (Type Name) HUD-41422 (2 -71) Previous Edition 1. Obsolete HUD— rash., D.C. 257521 —P RESOLUTICN OF GOVERNING BODY OF APPLICANT - Resolution No, 129 -72 -B Resolution authorizing filing of application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, United States of America, for a grant under P.L. by -117. WHEREAS, pursuant to P.L. b9 -117 the United States of America has authorized the making of grants to public bodies to aid in financing the construction of basic water and sewer projects: Now therefore, Be It Resolved By CITY 01- JACKS ^MLLE (Governing Board of Applicant) 1. That John H. Harden be and he is hereby authorized to execute (Designated Official) and file an application cn behalf of City of Jacksonville (Exact Legal (Corporate) Name of Applicant) with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, United States Govern- ment for a grant to aid in financing the construction of Water System (Brief Project Des - Improvements , and an assurance of compliance with the Depart - cription) went of Housing and Urban Development regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1561:. 2. That John H. Harden Mayor (Name of Authorized Representative) (Title) be and he is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the Department of Ho:sind and Urban Development may reasonably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. CERTIFICATE OF P.ECOP.PT:;3 O2FICER 1 The undersigned duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the (Title of Officer) City of Jacksonville does hereby certify: that the (Exact Legal (Corporate) Name of Applicant) attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution, authorizing the filing of application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the City Council (Name of Governing Body of Applicant duly held on the 17th day of August , 15 7 and further that such resolution has been idly recorded in the journal of proceedings and records in my office. In 'Witness Whereof, I have hereuntc set my hand this 17th day of August 19' 72. If the Applicant has an official seal, impress here Floy Avants (Signature of tecording Officer) City Clerk Title of Recording Officer h O U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT c RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF APPLICANT espp lution No. I :7 — 1(1/-0 Project No. (For HUD Use) esolution authorizing filing of application with the Department of Housing and Urban De- elopment, United States of America, for a grant under P.L. 89 -117. HEREAS, pursuant to P.L. 89 -117 the United States of America has authorized the making of rants to public bodies to aid in financing the construction of basic water and sewer rojeots: ow Therefore, Be It Resolved By City of .Tarksnnvi 11 e (Governing Board of Applicant) . That John H. Harden be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file (Designated Official) an application on behalf of City of Jacksonville with the (Exact Legal (Corporate) Mane of Applicant) Department of Housing and Urban Development, United States Government, for a grant to aid in financing the construction of Water System Trnprnvemnnts (Brief Project Description) , and an assurance of compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. . That John H. Harden Mayor be and (Mans of Authorised E ' ) (Title) he is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the Department of Housing and Urban Development may reasonably request in connection with the applica- tion which is herein authorized to be filed. f CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER ne undersigned duly qualified and acting City clerk of the City of ,Tacksnnvi l l e (Title d Officer) tY does hereby certify: that the (Exact Legal (Corp ) Noe of Applicant) ttaehed resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution, authorizing the filing f application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as regularly adopted t a legally convened meeting of the City Council duly held I, (Mau of Governing Body of Applicant) a the i VI day of J9yru1f" , 19Z: and further that such resolution has been ally recorded in the journal of proceedings and records in my office. • n Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this /RA day of. ‘L. ,19 22, If the Applicant has an official seal, impress here. • ( 2 :7n ' i gna t a o f Recording Officer City Clerk Title of Recording Officer