0090 , _ • coNTaa ecRe>arr r This sgrsetont, Made end entered into by and betvaen Jackson -- villa Development Company, Inc., Pine Meadow Mobile Hose Inc. and Richard L. Tones, First Parties, and the City' of Jacksonvitte, Arkansas, Second Party, by-its Mayor and City Clerk, pursuant to authority of Resolution Na.� !�of the Ctty Council of Jacksonyitls, v . Arkansas, witn.sseths • WHEREAS, the First Parties have constructed sanitary sewer trunk lines and lift stations to servo subdivisions of land known as • Northeaod Acres and Jason Tarsus and Pins Meadow Mobile Bone Park, and adjacent lands, all lying in Sections S, 9, 16 and 17, Ttmtnship i .North, Range 10 Peat, Pulaekl County, Arkansas, end other adjacent lands thereto, all at a cwt of approximately forty -Five.ihoCeand Seven Bun- ' drawl Fifty Dollars ($45,750.0S). which lines have been connected to • the sever system of,Second Party; and • • WHEREAS, other ' propattles along said seine sndJor- in -ciws �,. proximity thereto are without adequate ;towage facilities, and the own- erg .thereof may dealt* to connect With said sewer lines as constructed by First Parties; and WHEREAS, it is equitable that all parsons, firms or corporations who desire to connect to said saver rains pay a connection fee to ream. burs* First Parties for,part_of,their cost of construction; 0011, T'HERE'FORE, the City of Jacksonville; Arkansas, Second Party, hereby accepts title to and agrees "to saintatn the sever lines above - described, which.for purposes of this, agreement shell be ident- lfiad as the "North Jacksonville Sewer Proloct," and farther agrees • that it will not authorise, permit,or suffer any connection to be made to said lines until s connection fee ie,paid to First Pattie'. It is further mutually agreed that person, firms or corporations • • - t } ' . ' r y --:,..,-,::::"':,..:-.4..,-., a -?..,:-.1"--,-.:7-.1--, : . , 3 F r C tTU A , 1 nt .' �I } - ' a r ( f } •: ° ,r�: '. dutsing to asnaaet .to fo l d lam to s . prcleoa aba1 Et rat; pay HI a cnnnao Eta or.. absrg. to tbs'aa d! one Thntdrsd Dollars 13100.003 41111 t to y t # 1l _ MudoM Mo$tls Hais 8arb,� Ink, st 11* gl'E tda en 0. 8 6 7170. 11s. 4rkensaa. wblab payment ti Eor abs F r bans11t sE a ll � 'thras ftrat paeatssti a nd l'or tcb m rseaipt Miill be given, , Co .lsdna fo .ulttO - .- taint at ntris, bnt aU. ssotaai or sp Ohall be a a t tba at O d-ad !ousts +- (8100.007 . , if, . ' psr ra psri► t s' gatt sttgak+sl t,� : ua aX+p3d+N�t Yor aau►aotiop > rL prtvtlr vi ba atboYiasd by th. c a sr rttl tM etty sulIe 1; agob appiteagt caanafl to_ 'of sold i unttl app ltcant ' n n ;: , I r igrnt•b tlss s dpa st ing' tit 1�arttts' cocneo E.. b avt n g bear, , pai 1'hs tw 01 thle sgrssnnt tfi Lar T (10) ysa t a lbw dati ;f ,` be riof, or gnt ft as rtrst,Rarttas ba�nr `ncovnS tbsaggb cameo n > -{ j ,. k#on chargaa t1» Ism 1 . , 41 - if .. sp ' ::1 va ts1y. Vorty to ftouesad Sires ftundr l • - Vtstp Doliara ($43,730 sbt -'-- . - isr IL s : ` ' mil ddut .o! h .dncri Eacil d o p gbr vb rk aana b i sind or +ratarisla v ' sig bst appsapr�vt a pe ar Eros. the date o! lbta _ coAtrsaa rbali,-ba r by ibe p'tsea Vn 1;' tot sysnts_1prcpn irspslrs or. soot T ads to r amo " �, of «RI sitsr `nottlta o` in ' vct ttad. t ibe and lr sy shal nks lbs i` 1r faay rosgsM rY still abas�s. � ceall nv ' ' 'e . is for n nt'rs nCy. t D''tbte '� day o! 5 . '211 a, . ( �' ; ,1966. ti y Ryas p t. .. r .. ••M h 'C }L x -:Ya .N {' y x -'" p4 nY • A `,N -: 1' v. l; 8t - • • jj 1 • ` : A3 . � �I j . .Y i,. r r., o r , .} YS �rSf j r C r; . h s f F 1: (�� J 9' i t � q "..• •, 4t ilnl 'R - ' - f qa I 4 ' . f t . t' t: L,1 t t. - 7. z ii� {f • e K rte+ ro; } . Ts_! Y . p� r ' •ry .. p j Y P 1 ryi i ti1 17�. .1 ( ec? na, , s • v: r i { • < i ®t - ,z R • Si ` 'M F k� .. h J1. -" U• 't .i , � , , , � ' trti . 4 /w..o..wd t : r f :fit- • Y ;iS v iit "'r •gi S y ci �i ` '.I 'tc 5 A. 1 ` I 2 .', Int } 1a t • 1 .p.''. r > • 4 - e !".‘,.`i . Sr ,, y i. , y - ti ! _ r r ye • ,4A