0090 , _
coNTaa ecRe>arr
This sgrsetont, Made end entered into by and betvaen Jackson --
villa Development Company, Inc., Pine Meadow Mobile Hose Inc.
and Richard L. Tones, First Parties, and the City' of Jacksonvitte,
Arkansas, Second Party, by-its Mayor and City Clerk, pursuant to
authority of Resolution Na.� !�of the Ctty Council of Jacksonyitls,
v .
Arkansas, witn.sseths
• WHEREAS, the First Parties have constructed sanitary sewer
trunk lines and lift stations to servo subdivisions of land known as
Northeaod Acres and Jason Tarsus and Pins Meadow Mobile Bone Park,
and adjacent lands, all lying in Sections S, 9, 16 and 17, Ttmtnship i
.North, Range 10 Peat, Pulaekl County, Arkansas, end other adjacent lands
thereto, all at a cwt of approximately forty -Five.ihoCeand Seven Bun-
' drawl Fifty Dollars ($45,750.0S). which lines have been connected to
• the sever system of,Second Party; and
• WHEREAS, other '
propattles along said seine sndJor- in -ciws �,.
proximity thereto are without adequate ;towage facilities, and the own-
erg .thereof may dealt* to connect With said sewer lines as constructed
by First Parties; and
WHEREAS, it is equitable that all parsons, firms or corporations
who desire to connect to said saver rains pay a connection fee to ream.
burs* First Parties for,part_of,their cost of construction;
0011, T'HERE'FORE, the City of Jacksonville; Arkansas, Second
Party, hereby accepts title to and agrees "to saintatn the sever lines
above - described, which.for purposes of this, agreement shell be ident-
lfiad as the "North Jacksonville Sewer Proloct," and farther agrees
• that it will not authorise, permit,or suffer any connection to be
made to said lines until s connection fee ie,paid to First Pattie'.
It is further mutually agreed that person, firms or corporations
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sind or +ratarisla v ' sig bst appsapr�vt a pe ar Eros. the date o! lbta
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