0085 , 1 f ..------ r , RESOLUTION NUI HEit ti ,; • ! e £ ' - USOLUTION AUTEORIZI103 THE IrAYCR It EJCEC'P:E PIPE LINE i` `;, -t' *. 4 4�+ TO CONVEY WATER ACROSS CERTAIN LANDS IN PULASKI `} , ' -4i awry, ARKANSAS FOR SERVICE TO CI7 OP ;;•CKSONVILLE, o-t ,, aNSAS . .4:4. pq ',, '.. «; *THUS, it is desirois ar.•.5 ne:2aear: to the benefit c : z,00 the citizens of Jacksonville, Arl <ar.sas, that a certain ,•.': �. ,.' _:'c inch cast iron pipe be laid to convey water across certain :• (lands belonging to Miseouri Pacif1: :la 11re_id Company and ' being situated in the Southeast Quarter )f Section Twenty- ,,-_ ',∎ m.", ' °'Stir (24), Township Twee Nartr. L . *!; , Ranee Eleven 'W ?Rt (111` '. • � - 'Ulaaki County, Arlcaneas, and ti °.. ''4 + ,• WA3, the owner of said lend has prepared a i *� p ice° M . 6, Lt f'4 license allowing said line to Le iaid across said land; • tilt,* ya , r '.??.,-1,;‘ ! 4r #;.;°. .1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ' ` - ` THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSS :THAT • !" ' , It 5,:y ?, f i s * 4 4 , ye it LION 1. TS Myor be and ne is hereby authorized •, a directed to execute the Pipe Line License attached hereto, ." .W '.� M referped to as Form 20021, dated ,Tune 15, 1964, with YMb' ,r ,''.¢�. , .. i4 :, . ' ,s oad Company, fort on behalf of the City of Jacksonville vr � 1 `, t r It seas' , • " = ■: ;■ t: ' SECTION 2. That 'the City Cie& of ea city be and !'?a I p 1- .o` t 0hlffs hereby authorized and directs. to %sttest the action -t -- '' " , A y �� '• f laid 'Mayor in executing said License, and to affix the y rs^, 3 o f the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas thereto. e ;,.,? . APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS say of September, ` y " ft. , T : t 2965. ca . : ;. 1 i .,. _ ' '- " ) �.. a i - q • x F MAYOR h Zi 1 , 7v b ,, , t°� y ina • r i '7 ' �x� i�.'1 ''1' "( 'F ' •' 1, �I :t `. 4?� t• ,. y • 1 :{ Aso A U . . a •,. ls•J,. q T • ! ei t • e' NM`'^+t. VgmN'4.i w ET; .. ..s