0071 • P(LS OLIiT20It u il_G✓ warns, it Is contemplated that the City of Jacksonville viii eagn suet certain intercepter andmain sever lied Rith 4M estinated total cost of 4144,604.00; anti S, tt to found that the City of Jaeksonvi.11e is unable to previdi the total colt Of each improvements, land 48282,A4 it 30 deemed nucesesty and prime '44 apply for Moat groat vtder the Wail Liter Pollution Control Act, talk. Lev 660, as esendad, in order totems ont2lciant funds to cueplar a such osedcd irgrovrcentei NOW TUtanoYt, 3S tir mown fl TZ MAYC4 MD ocr own 4P TEL Ott OP SCRSONVILLW, that the *yon et the City of J :ckionville be and io hetaby sutborim ld cad directed to make applicatfoor in the was of the City of Jacksonville Lor a 'federal grant under Public Lora 660, se etaended, clad to eacuts spy pod ail subsequent documents ro may he required to secure said grants to De applied to the cost at the conatruction at Void linos. The City of Jacksonvilie hereby agrees thst It a PYedaral grant for the project Is made pursurat to tbs federal eater Pollution Control Act, the City will pay the raoris c coats of the epprond project. aj Adopted thin ? . 4ay of ; ee i e-% .lc�l V• (BRAE') c •! "acksaarilie A1't' iTt cit Chan