16440.J0109 ORDINANCE NO. 1644 (#18-2020) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSES OF CURRENTLY REFUNDING THE CITY'S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT AND REFUNDING REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2015; FUNDING THE ACQUISITION AND EQUIPPING OF VARIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OTHER RELATED IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON THE BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A TRUST INDENTURE; PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, on August 6, 2015, the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas (the "City") adopted Ordinance No. 1532 (912-2015) which authorized the issuance of the City's Capital Improvement and Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015 in the aggregate principal amount of $8,815,000 (the "Bonds to be Refunded"); and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it would be advantageous to authorize the current refunding (the "Refunding") of the Bonds to be Refunded; and WHEREAS, the City has determined the need for acquiring, constructing, equipping, -- renovating, expanding, and refurbishing certain capital improvements to benefit the citizens of the City including, court renovations, Public Safety Building roof repair, new City Mechanic shop with car wash, and such other betterments and improvements as the City shall from time to time deem necessary and appropriate (together, the "Capital Improvements"); and WHEREAS, the City is authorized and empowered under the laws of the State of Arkansas, including particularly Arkansas Code Annotated Title 14, Chapter 164, Subchapter 4, as amended (the "Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of Refunding the Bonds to be Refunded and financing the Capital Improvements; WHEREAS, in order to provide for the Refunding of the Bonds to be Refunded and to finance the Capital Improvements, the City intends to issue its Capital Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2020 (the `Bonds") in an aggregate principal amount of Seven Million Nine Hundred Thirty -Five Thousand Dollars and No/100 ($7,935,000.00) pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the Indenture (hereinafter defined); and WHEREAS, the City will pledge its franchise fees charged to public utilities for the privilege of using the City's streets, rights-of-way, and other public places pursuant to the authority contained in Arkansas Code Annotated Title 14, Chapter 200 and Arkansas Code Annotated Title 23, Chapter 19, Subchapter 200, or successor statutes, as more specifically defined hereinafter, and from funds and moneys pledged to the payment of the Bonds under the Indenture, to secure the payment of the principal of, interest on, and Trustees fees in connection with the Bonds. COO IG� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: Section 1: The accomplishment of the Refunding of the Bonds to be Refunded, and the acquiring, constructing, equipping, renovating, and refurbishing the Capital Improvements, are hereby authorized and approved. Section 2: Under the authority of the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas, including particularly Arkansas Code Annotated Title 14, Chapter 164, Subchapter 4, the Bonds are hereby authorized and ordered sold and issued in the total principal amount of $7,935,000.00. The Bonds shall bear interest, and shall mature and be subject to redemption in the amounts and on the dates set forth in Addendum A attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Bonds shall not be general obligations of the City, but shall be limited obligations payable solely from revenues received by the City from all franchise fees charged to public utilities for the privilege of using the City's streets, rights-of-way, and other public places pursuant to the authority contained in Arkansas Code Annotated Title 14, Chapter 200 and Arkansas Code Annotated Title 23, Chapter 19, Subchapter 200, or successor statutes, specifically including, but not limited to, all interest, profits, or other income derived from the investment of any moneys held pursuant to the Indenture and from funds and moneys pledged to the payment of the Bonds under the Indenture (collectively, the "Pledged Revenues"). Pledged Revenues not needed to pay debt service on the Bonds may be released from the lien of the Indenture and used by the City for any lawful purpose, at the times and in the manner provided in the Indenture. Section 3: To the extent permitted by federal or state law, the City agrees to continuously charge franchise fees to all public utilities for the privilege of using the City's streets, rights-of-way, and other public places pursuant to the authority contained in Arkansas Code Annotated Title 14, Chapter 200 and Arkansas Code Annotated Title 23, Chapter 19, Subchapter 200, or successor statutes, while the Bonds are outstanding. To the extent permitted by federal or state law, the franchise fees currently charged to public utilities shall never be reduced while the Bonds are outstanding unless the City receives an opinion of a certified public accountant not in the regular employ of the City to the effect that the Pledged Revenues for the preceding fiscal year, assuming such reduction had been in effect for the entire year, would have equaled not less than one hundred thirty percent (130%) of the maximum annual debt service on all outstanding Bonds, additional bonds, or parity bonds as authorized under the Trust Indenture. Section 4: The issuance of the Bonds is hereby authorized for the purposes of: (i) providing funds to currently refund the Bonds to be Refunded; (ii) providing funds to finance the costs of the Capital Improvements; (iii) funding the Debt Service Reserve Fund (as defined in the Indenture); and (iv) to pay the costs of issuance of the Bonds. The Bonds will be subject to redemption in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture. Section 5: The Bonds shall be sold to Stephens, Inc. (the "Underwriter") pursuant to a Bond Purchase Agreement in substantially the form submitted to the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopted (the "Bond Purchase Agreement"), with such changes, omissions, insertions, and revisions as the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer with the advice of counsel, shall deem advisable, the execution and delivery by the Mayor of such Bond Purchase Agreement to constitute conclusive C'i0i G L/ ,.. evidence of the City's acceptance and approval thereof All actions heretofore taken by the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer in connection with the offering of the Bonds, including the preparation of the Preliminary Official Statement, preparation of the Indenture, and preparation of this Ordinance are hereby in all respects ratified and approved. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to take such action, at such time, with respect to the Preliminary Official Statement as is necessary to cause the Preliminary Official Statement to be deemed final for purposes of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Rule 15(c)2-12. The Preliminary Official Statement of the City in the form presented at this meeting with such changes, omissions, insertions, and revisions as the Mayor, City Clerk/Treasurer, and Finance Director, with the advice of counsel, shall deem advisable, is hereby authorized and approved and the Mayor or City Clerk/Treasurer shall sign and deliver the final Official Statement for distribution to the owners of the Bonds and other interested persons. Section 6: First Arkansas Bank & Trust, Jacksonville, Arkansas, is hereby appointed to serve as Trustee for the Bonds (the "Trustee"). Section 7: To prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the Bonds are to be executed, accepted, held and secured, the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute a Trust Indenture, dated as of the date of delivery of the Bonds (the "Indenture"), by and between the City and the Trustee, and the City Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to acknowledge the Indenture and to affix the seal of the City thereto, and the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Indenture to be accepted, executed, and acknowledged by the Trustee. The Indenture is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted at this meeting, with such changes, omissions, insertions, and revisions as the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer, with the advice of counsel, shall deem advisable, the execution and delivery by the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer of such Indenture to constitute conclusive evidence of the City's acceptance and approval thereof. Section 8: To take all action required on the part of the City to fulfill the City's obligations under the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, dated as of the date of delivery of the Bonds (the "Disclosure Agreement"), by and between the City and the Trustee, as Dissemination Agent, and the City Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to acknowledge the Disclosure Agreement and to affix the seal of the City thereto, and the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Disclosure Agreement to be accepted, executed, and acknowledged by the Trustee, as Dissemination Agent. The Disclosure Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted at this meeting, with such changes, omissions, insertions, and revisions as the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer with the advice of counsel, shall deem advisable, the execution and delivery by the Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer of such Indenture to constitute conclusive evidence of the City's acceptance and approval thereof. Section 9: Pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture, the City will covenant to comply with provisions of federal tax law following the issuance of the Bonds. In order to enable the City's post issuance compliance, the City hereby adopts and approves a "Post Issuance Compliance Manual" (the "Manual") substantially in the form submitted at this meeting, with such changes, omissions, insertions, and revisions as the Mayor and the City Clerk/Treasurer, with the advice of counsel, shall C O IG 3 _ deem advisable, the execution and delivery by the Mayor and the City Clerk/Treasurer of the Manual to constitute conclusive evidence of the City's acceptance and approval thereof. Section 10: The Mayor and the City Clerk/Treasurer, for and on behalf of the City, are authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the preparation, execution, and delivery of the Indenture, the Manual, the Disclosure Agreement, and any and all other documents, contracts, and agreements reasonably necessary to the issuance of the Bonds (the "Bond Documents"); the performance of all obligations of the City under the Bond Documents; the issuance, execution, sale, and delivery of the Bonds; the use of a portion of the proceeds from the Bonds to refund the Bonds to be Refunded and to commence acquiring, constructing, equipping, renovating, and refurbishing the Capital Improvements; and the performance of all acts enumerated in this Ordinance and all other acts of whatever nature necessary to effect and carry out the authority conferred by this Ordinance. The Mayor and City Clerk/Treasurer are further authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to execute all papers, documents, certificates, and other instruments that may be required for the carrying out of such authority or to evidence the exercise thereof. Section 11: All terms used in this Ordinance shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). The City represents, warrants, and covenants that: (a) The City has not used or permitted the use of, and will not use or permit the use of, the Improvements in such manner as to cause the Bonds to be "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code. (b) None of the gross proceeds of the Bonds (hereby defined to include the original proceeds of the sale of the Bonds, amounts received as a result of investing the original proceeds, and amounts used to pay principal of and interest on the Bonds) will be used (directly or indirectly) either: (A) to make or finance loans to persons other than governmental units; or, (B) in any trade or business carried on by any person (i) other than a governmental unit or (ii) other than as a member of the general public. The Capital Improvements will be available to and shall be used by members of the general public. (c) The City will take no action which would cause the Bonds to be "federally guaranteed," specifically: (A) the payment of any portion of principal or interest with respect to the Bonds will not be guaranteed (directly or indirectly) by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof; (B) none of the proceeds of the Bonds will be used in making loans the payment of any portion of the principal or interest with respect to which are to be guaranteed by the United States or an agency or instrumentality thereof; and (C) none of the proceeds of the Bonds (exclusive of proceeds invested for an initial temporary period until needed for the purpose for which the Bonds were issued and proceeds deposited into the Bond Fund) will be invested (directly or indirectly) in federally insured deposits or accounts. Nothing in this paragraph (c) shall prohibit investments in bonds issued by the United States Treasury. 0111i 0111 (d) The City will submit to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, not later than the fifteenth (151') day of the second calendar month after the close of the calendar quarter in which the Bonds are issued, a statement on Form 8038-G concerning the Bonds; (e) The aggregate face amount of all tax-exempt bonds issued by the City (and all subordinate entities thereof) during 2020 is not reasonably expected to exceed $10,000,000, or such other larger amount as may be permitted by federal law. (f) The City hereby designates each of the Bonds as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" for purposes of Section 265(b) of the Code. Section 12: The appointments of Wright, Lindsey & Jennings LLP, as Bond Counsel, and Stephens Inc., as Underwriter, are hereby approved and ratified. Section 13: Emeraency. It is hereby found and declared that an immediate need exists to provide for the current refunding of the Bonds to be Refunded and to finance the Capital Improvements in order to achieve the most cost effective financing structure for the City. It is, therefore, declared that an emergency exists. This Ordinance, being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2020. ATTEST: tt, City Clerk/Treasurer AP VED AS TO FORM: Ste ame Friedman, City Attorney CITY OF JACKSONVIL ARKANSAS Bd6 Mused, Mayo ADDENDUM "A" Schedule of Maturities Maturity Date June 1 Principal Amount Interest Rate 2021 $ 75,000 2.000% 2022 345,000 2.000% 2023 350,000 2.000% 2024 360,000 2.000% 2025 365,000 2.000% 2026 370,000 2.000% 2027 380,000 2.000% 2028 385,000 2.000% 2029 395,000 1.625% 2030 400,000 1.750% 2035 2,130,000 2.125% 2040' 2,380,000 2.375% Term Bond, subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption. 0001G5