0062 p . RESOLUTION NO: - by IMSOWTION ATJTBORUMS AD TIM MAYOR TO mons AN ACAi i' O$ �BALv or T err, Op' _ fi t �, Wi a MaliAS POWER & LIBHT WEAR WITH PESPECT TO lq 'S iva. nw w= xx nos 03' CIMITH SEM LIGHTS IN TH CLOP JACKSONVIEZN THE TOTAL STEP L.I4flrnio SYami TO St: OWE AND OPET'iatil'I!Y AltmaNOAS . to= al Tom. canny, 233 TAD AAD' IOtls ma Waltz AHSAmo razz & t tnffi' totem Y' Wat SIWPIX ALL TIM MC SPICE iit ,",tllc.EID HI T1t 2 atilt o JACIMONV1122 Fi1t3 s'L'ULT LIoHTillr, PEOVIDIN3 1 27t3 ADDITIONS TO THE =MEE LINMO Etral4 AND lafl TM RAELIGNIANCS AND !OPERATION CS' TES SISTESo as , Tr liffiOLVED 9r THS vzn canon. or TES CITY or Jam. ssetism 1. That the Ct y of Jacksonville enter into au spewant, a copy of shish 3s satecaed *onto sal *4e a pat bereafr With Arkansas Poser & Bight Cuas4Y, which agreement specifies — i) Arkansas Parer & Light Cospsny vi31 ream certain street lsgatm; 2) Arkansas Parer & Light Caapsay vial, Installs, on sat oserats certain street lights; 3) the total. street lighting suttee to be owned end operated by Arianism Poree & Ligh& Corjsoy rater the reaovals dal installations in #1 dud 0 ere stet end is) the teas • end coalitions a which Arkenses Parma & light Company sill amply and the City od dackticnville bill tike and pay roar all the electric aezvioe required for attain , lighting pis, the procatires ,tor skiag additions to end thanes in the street lighting eyitea itt the previsions for maittezxame sag oyeratiou thereof. S ec t -.... n 2. The Meyer is hereby authorised dad directed to execute said agreenent substantially in the finis es eat forth in the copy attached hereto and the City Girl Se hereby directed to attest the said agrae.eut for nue on behalf" of the City of Jacksonville. Section. 3. ea resolution ehell be in tuft. force add effect tram the date of its paean sal: the said wee—ant' shad be effective dad binding upon the patios when the awe has been duly executed toe the City of Jae]asonvil7.o by its itayor sad City Clark sal when accepted sad executed for Arkansas Parer & tight Caspar by its duly Sisal officer. Attests = .+ APPROVED fre • • 4 S