0045 RESOLUTION #145 -53 _ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ERECUTIUT OF AN AGREEMENT WITH UNION NATIONAL BANK OF LTTTIE ROCA, ARKANSAS, FOR THE CERTIFICATION, REGISTRATION AND DESTRUCTION OF P. ID BOND COUPONS. AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS OF HO PERMANENT VALUE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, there is an accumulation of paid bond coupons stored in the City's safety deposit box at the Jacksonville State Bank, and, WHEREAS, Union National Bank, Fourth and Louisiana Streets. Little Rook, Arkansas. trustees designated by Ordinances for Waterworks and Sewer Bonds issued by City of Jaok- Bonville. maintain a crematorium for destruction of said paid bond coupons, and offer a service whereby the registration, certification and destruction of said coupons ray be accomplished as prescribed by State of Arkansas Statutes, and, WHEREAS. Union National Bank offers a service whereby all future bond coupons ray be registered, certified and destroyed in a manner prescribed by law, NON THEREFO3E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE. ARKANSAS: That the City of Jacksonville enter into Contract with Union National Bank for the Certification, registration and destruction of all existing paid bond ocupons and future paid bond coupons, in the manner prescribed in the Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that records of no permanent value, now on file in the City Ha11 as stored at the Water Plant be removed from file and storage and destroyed. It shall be the duty of , Titles to examine these records and determine If tin records to be destroyed have any permanent value to furnish the City Counoil with a list of items destroyed. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage ani approval. PASSED THIS E4TH DAY OF APRIL 1955. APPROVED: ATTEST t ( a \`� t � L (, ti- May Recorder