1388 000033 ORDINANCE NO, 1388 ( #31 - 09) AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF FIVE (5) VIDEO POLICE UNIT SYSTEMS, ACCESSORIES, HARDWARE, AND SOFTWARE FOR INSTALLATION IN PATROL UNITS FOR THE JACKSONVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Jacksonville Police Department is in need of Five (5) additional Police Unit Video Systems for various patrol units; and, WHEREAS, North Little Rock Fleet Safety Equipment Company of North Little Rock, Arkansas, is qualified to provide the Five (5) PT Commander P -8 Video Systems, accessories, equipment, hardware, software, installation, and a One (1) year warranty on the hardware and software. North Little Rock Fleet Safety Equipment Company has agreed to do so at a competitive cost, in a quick manner, and is the sole source of such equipment, hardware, and software in the area. As such, the Department recommends waiver of competitive bidding and that they be allowed to contract with North Little Rock Fleet Safety Equipment Company to purchase the needed video systems, accessories, equipment, hardware, software, and installation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 6F THE CITY 6F JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: Competitive bidding for the purchase of said video systems, accessories, equipment, hardware, and software for the Jacksonville Police Department would be costly and non - productive, making said competitive bidding unfeasible and impractical. SECTION TWO: Competitive bidding is hereby waived, pursuant to ACA §14 -58 -383, to authorize the purchase of Five (5) PT Commander P -8 Video Systems, needed accessories, equipment, hardware software, and installation for the Jacksonville Police Department. Authorization is hereby given to the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with North Little Rock Fleet Safety Equipment, 1100 Hemlock Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas 72114, for the purchase of said video systems, accessories, equipment, hardware, and software, as well as a one year warranty for the Jacksonville Police Department at a cost not to exceed Forty- eight Thousand Four Hundred Thirteen and 22/100 Dollars ($48,413.22), including any applicable tax. SECTION THREE: AU Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION FOUR: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and publication, as provided by and subject to the requirements of applicable law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 19 F DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2009. ITY g JAC •NVILL ., ARKANSAS A s •Y LETC MAYOR I .►._\L.i 1. _ • �AV ,A ' C ERK 7.,‘,...„, '...a-- AFRO : i I Si � . It , fy_ ROBER E. BA BURG, ` ! ORNEY 1_:i