1309 4 1 ORDINANCE NO, 1309 ( #8 - 07) AN ORDINANCE CONDEMNING STRUCTURES AND REAL PROPERTY AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS NOTED BELOW IN JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, FOR STRUCTURAL DEFECTS DEFICIENCIES, AND PUBLIC HAZARD CONDITIONS ;DECLARIN&ANEEMERGENCY; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the various structures and real property at the following street addresses, all located within the City limits of Jacksonville and owned by the parties stated below, constitute a health and safety hazard to the general public due to the lack of structural soundness, dilapidated facilities and /or non - complaint conditions which exist in and about the various properties. The real properties and owners of record are as follows: Property Address Property Legal Description Re cord Prouerty O 104 Cross St. Lot 185, Sunnyside Hills Leon and Addition to the City of Jennifer Brooks Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 123- 069 -00- 188 -00 105 Pike Ave. Lot 438, Sunnyside Hills James L. Mixon Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 123- 069 -00- 441 -00 128 Central Ave. Lot 467, Sunnyside Hills Deerco, Inc. Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 123- 069 -00- 470 -00 130 Joiner Ave. Lot 75, Sunnyside Hills Glenn Davidson and Addition to the City of Robert Davidson Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 123- 069 -00- 078 -00 141 North Ave. Lot 449, Sunnyside Hills Marvin A. and Addition to the City of Mavis I. Douglas Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 123- 069 -00- 452 -00 184 Pike Ave. Lot 349, Sunnyside Hills Loria A. Parks Addition to the City of Jacksonville Arkansas Parcel No. 12J- 069 -00- 352 -00 206 Roosevelt Rd. Lot 98, Sunnyside Hills Agnes M. Jordan Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 12- 0969 -00- 101 -00 1116 Sorrells Dr. Lot 13, Block 6, Briarfield Jimmie Miller Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 123- 061 -00- 099 -00 1504 Keaton St. Lot 20, Block 4, WW Keaton, Dawn Querida House Second Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas Parcel No. 223- 021 -00- 023 -00 000204 NO, 1309 (#8 — 07) ORDINANCE e Two despite repeated notices and demand, said property owners have failed to repair their respective properties, structures, and /or remove the deteriorated elements so as to eliminate public health and safety hazards and bring said properties within compliance with applicable provisions of the Jacksonville Municipal Code. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE; ARKANSAS: SECTION ONE In accordance with ACA §14- 56-201 et. al. and Jacksonville Municipal Code § 8.28.010 et. seq., the above mentioned real properties listed above located at the respective property addresses as stated above, together with any structural improvements located thereon, are hereby declared to each constitute a separate nuisance to the health and safety of the citizens of Jacksonville and are hereby condemned. The City Council hereby directs the Code Enforcement Office to provide notice to the property owners and all other interested parties [mortgagors (if applicable)] that, if said structures and real property are not repaired and /or the health and safety hazards removed from said property so as to bring the properties into compliance with the provisions of Jacksonville Municipal Code within Sixty (60) days from the date of passage of this Ordinance, the structures and improvements on said real property cited above will be cleared and razed. All structures and nuisances shall be removed so as to eliminate any health or safety hazards to the general public, and the cost for doing so shall be assessed against the owner(s) of said real property. SECTION TWO If the City of Jacksonville is required to undertake and /or complete the necessary removal of hazardous conditions from the real properties in question, the City shall bill the record property owner(s) of the respective real property involved for collection of all reasonable costs incurred to undertake and complete the removal of said hazardous conditions on that property. Further, City officials are hereby authorized to request said amounts be collected by the Pulaski County Tax Collector through a lien against said property(ies) should the owner(s) fail to timely pay said costs and amounts due. SECTION THREE ;; Should any part(s) of this Ordinance be declared invalid for any reason, no other part(s) of the Ordinance shall be affected thereby. SECTON FOUR: All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION FIVE Because passage of this Ordinance is necessary for public health, peace, and safety of the citizens of Jacksonville, an emergency is hereby declared. Thus, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon passage. nn�pp�� APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS �`► r� DAY OF APRIL, 2007. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS ' TOMMY SWAI MAYOR •TTEes • St? I7T, C f ERK PPR��t •s iti � . - TV ROBE' T E. BAM ATTOR ' _''-- : ' 17