0750RESOLUTION NO 750 (#.3 W 2017) A RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN EXTENDED PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD AND VOICING OBJECTION TO THE PROPOSED NOISE POLLUTION PLANS FOR THE ARKANSAS HIGHWAY & TRANSPORTA TION DEPARTMENT`S PROJECT NQS. CA0604 AND CA0605, WHICH ARE THE EXPANSION OF HWY. 67/.167 THROUGH THE CI TY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS FROM W. MAIN STREET TO HWY. 5; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the Arkansas Highway & Transportation Department (AHTD) released proposed plans for expansion and revitalization of Hwy. 67/167 from W. Main Street to Hwy. 5, also known as AHTD Project Nos. CA0604 and CA060S. In doing so, AHTD has included proposed Noise Pollution plans that incorporate use of a Noise Wall that will impact certain property owners and businesses located along the Northbound lanes of Hwy. 67/167 and its Access Road (T.P. White Drive) and the Southbound lanes of Hwy. 67/167 and its Access Road (.john Harden Drive), taking greater amounts of property and causing undue and unnecessary impact on said property owners' uses and enjoyments of their respective properties; and, WHEREAS, in its release of said proposed Plans, AHTD has reduced the public comment period for said plans to only Fifteen (15) days, which is half the normal timeframe for review of and consideration for public comments on said Plans. The City objects to such because of the vast importance of this Project, given it runs through the heart of Jacksonville and Noise Walls, as proposed, will have a negative impact on the affected property owners and businesses and the public in general. Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT. - SECTION ONE. The City opposes the use of Noise Wall(s) in construction of project Nos. CA0604 and CA0605 and does not see any benefit or positive impact of use of those construction elements along the affected proposed portions of Hwy. 67/167. The City views use of Noise Walls in those Projects as a negative element with only negative effect, not to mention the unnecessary expense of inclusion of such elements. SECTION TWO: The AHTD is encouraged to expand rather than reduce the Public Comment period for AHTD Project Nos. CA0604 and CA0605 so that affected owners and businesses, together with the general public, can express their opinions as to AHTD's proposed use of Noise Walls in portions of the cited Projects. The City encourages and Resolution No. 750 (#3 - 2017) Page Two request a Sixty (60) day Public Comment period to allow all interested parties to address and forward their opinions to AHTD. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 16"" DA Y OF MARCH, 2617 ATTEST.• SUSAN DA VIT)% CITY CLERK