0277 . • '' . ORDINANCE NO. p? 7 7 4N ORDINANCE CLOSING LISA LANE WEST IN THE TARA MOUNT ADDITION TO THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND FOR ALL OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, has determined that a need exists to close Lisa Lane West in the Tara Mount Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas; WHEREAS, this matter was submitted to the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, and a hearing date set for September 21, 1972, and that public notice thereof was duly published as required by law in the Jacksonville News, a bona fide newspaper having general circulation in the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas; WHEREAS, there was no hearing objection by any resident or citizens of the City of Jacksonville to the closing of said street, which is dedicated but not used as a street; WHEREAS, all adjoining property owners have in fact consented to the closing of Lisa Lane West in the Tara Mount Addition to the City of Jacksonville, Pulaski County, Arkansas, as aforesaid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, that Section 1. That Lisa Lane West in the Tara Mount Addition to the City • of Jacksonville, Arkansas, should be and hereby is closed under the powers granted to cities of the first class in the State of Arkansas. Section 2. That this ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety, welfare and morale of the citizens of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall have full force and effect immediately after its passage. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 0 day of , /.., � �;., _.. 1972 All C Mayor City Cl k �J APpp ; AS TO rag; v � / 5' as �� ✓"^°� c1.t,.dt; d ORD. BOOK # # �I (l Ben : ., I. 3ice, .,. -°- •"- -- -'.. —�� .ey r • • 1 1 -. •v C E R T I F I C A T E 9004223 P4ik tRe City Clerk of Jacksonville, Arkansas, hereby certify that the foregoing pages are a true and compared copy of an Ordinance adopted at a Regular session of the City Council of Jacksonville, Arkansas, held at the regular meeting place of the Council in the City at 7:30 p.m., on the/9 f day of ,�e�ot -ri 19, and that the Ordinance is of record in Ordinance Record Book No. 2 at Page Li 9 , now in my possession. GIVEN under my hand and seal this 40 day of A/91 19 CITY CLERK .• ^`. ti JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS 44 rq, ., (. sz 4 89a 1,el it�?a 3 n _ • - (� d e s L 197 CLLR4 •