0240 • ORDINANCE NO. 21t0 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING FIVE MISS, ONE -HATE. HILL, ONE-TOTE NTLL.L, AND FIE ML1'.I% TOTALtNNG AS,EVFN 1+7T.LIS' TAX AGAINST PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTY WITHIN 'TUE CORPORATE LIMITS OF' THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: FOR TEE PURPOSE OF SUS - PENDING :ram AND ONE-HALF NUMB TAX FOR 'INDUSTRIAL DEVETAPNLET BONDS FOR THE YEAR 1971: FOR THE PURPOSE OF FYFECTING CERTTFICA+s TSON TO TSE CODNTP CLERK OF PULASKI COUNTY OF THE TAX ,'VIED; PRESCRI]31NG OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING MEMO; CO; AND DECIAR3NG AN 111ERGFACY. WHEREAS, it is necessary to meet current obligations and expenses of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas (called nCity), to levy upon ail. real and personal property within tho City, a tax of five (5) mills to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1972; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 172, dated May 19, 1966, was passed by the City Council of the City and called for a special election to determine the question of levying a tax of one-half (1/2) mill on all real and personal property within the City for the purpose of establishing and funding a Firemen's Relief and Pension Find; and an election was subsequently held at which the qualified elec- tors of the City voted in favor of that tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1972; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 172, dated May 19, 1966, was passed by the City Council of the City, and called for a special election to determine the question of levying a tax of one -half (1/2)mill on all real and personal property within the City for the purpose of establishing and funding a Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund; and an election was subsequently held at which the qualified electors of the City voted in favor of that tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1972; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 179, dated August 18, 1965, was passed by the City Council. Of the City authorizing the issuance of Indus- trial Development Bonds, under Amendment No. 49 of the Constitu- tion of the State of Arkansas, levying a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on these Industrial. Development Ponds; and finding that a levy of three and one -half (3 -1/2) mills would be sufficient to pay those sums; and, whereas, it will not be nec- essary to levy any tax upon the real and personal property assessed AGt ^r'" ORD. goOK Page Two during the year 1971 and to be collected during the year 1972 for the payment of these Industrial Development Bonds; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 196, dated November 2, 1967, was passed by the City Council of the City and called for a special election to determine the question of issuing bonds (called "Combined Dondsee) for the purpose of the acquisition of a site for and thaconstxuc- tion and equipment of a city :Library, for the acquisition of a site for and the construction and equipment of buildings for the hous- ing of fire fighting apparatus, for the purchase of fire fighting apparatus, for purchasing and improving a city park (including the construction and equipment of a community recreational center and mimingpea with appropriate fixtures and appurtenances), and for the refunding o.f the hospital bonds; and an election was sub - sequently held at which the qualified electors of the City voted in favor of that tax to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1972; and WBAS, it is necessary, in order to pay the Combined Bonds, with interest t to levy, upon all real and personal proper- ty within the City, a special tax of five (5) mills, in lieu of the tax to pay the hospital bonds. NOW, TRERFORE, BE TT ORDAINED BY Trm C1,fX COUNCIL OF 113E CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. That a tax of eleven (11) mills on each dollar of assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the City, be and hereby is leaned by the City Council of the City to be collected with the taxes collected in the year 1972 for the purpose of general revenues, the Combined Bonds, establishing and funding Y3romon's Relief and Pension Auld, and establishing and funding Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund. Section 2. That the tax of three and one-half (3.1/2) mins on each dollar of assessed valuation of all real and personal pro- perty within the City for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on Industrial Development Bonds under Amendment No. 49 of the Constitution of the State of Arkansas, be and that t.'x DRD, BOOK Page Throe is suspended for the year 1971 and shall not be collected in the-year 1972. Section 3. That e. certified copy of thin Ordinance be delivered by the City Clerk of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, to the County Clerk of Pulaski County, Arkansas, whose duty it shall be to extend said eleven (11) mills tax against all real and personal property assessments made against properties within the corporate limits of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas. Section ! That it is hereby ascertained and declared to be essential to the operation of the City, and to the health, safety and welfare of its inhabitants, that the rate of taxation set out above in this Ordinance be levied and certified to the County Clerk of Pulaski County immediately, in order that it may be extended on the tax books of Pulaski County for collection in the year ].972. It is, therefore, declared that an emergency exists and this Ordi- nance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon it pass- age. PASSED: s 1971. AYTTOVED: Mayo r ATTEST: '. City lark ORD. BOOK '# _ —PAGE - Page Four STATE OF ARKANSAS ) Certificate • ConNTY OF PULASKC ) 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, i%, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, correct and compared copy of Ordinance No. , passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, on the day of -, 1971, and that the same now appears of record in my office in Ordinance Nook No. page 7N TEST7SONY WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, this day of -, 1971. City Clerk (SEAL) 1pg. ROOK ;f--- . PAGE