0062 A :1441g r • 4 } 4 y 41±4±1 Z? V i • T1 � y l 1' A ORDINANCE f62 045 ._ -'-, • • AN ORPINANCE PPOVITING FOR TIE OPEPATION ANT MANAGEMENT OF TIE MUNICIPAL 1111 'NATFPNOPRS ANC 'E'ER SYSTEMS Et THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF JACESON- VTIlE, ARKANSAS, PPOIITIES FOR T'k: REPEkL OF ORDINANCE EMBER 4 AND FOP OTHER MCRPOSES. • '1HEREAS ORDINANCE SUNSET 29 was not enacted pursuant to the laws of the State'of Arkansas and is therefore invalid, and whereas it Is the opinion of the City Council that the operation and maintenanoe of the Waterworks and Sewer Systems can be more efficiently operated by the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT CPtAIf1El ST TIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY tE' JACKSONVILTZ. AFY.ANSAS$ SECTION 1. The management, eperuti n and maintenance of the Water and Sewer System is hereby vested in the City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas. The City Council shall see that a complete nu(it and Investigation of the management ani operation of the Water- works and Sewer Systems be mode as of the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. Ordinance g-29 1s hereby repealed, and the members of the Sewer and Water Committee shall turn over e.11 the records of the Waterworks and Sewer Systems to the Mayor of the City of Jacksonville. Arkansas• SECTION 3. The City Council. in its renatement ant operation of the Waterworks and Sewer Systems shall sae that all contracts with the Sand Holders are fulfilled and that the Waterworks and Sewer Systems shall be operating subject to Resolution 42 of this City. SECTION b._ This Ordinance shall take eFfent and be in full forme and effect from the date of ito passage. • APPROVED: 9 April 1955. MAT • ATTEST t t C :c i 1 1