0005 r~--J J' ({-(I ()./.c-J/ ,-_A \. U ORDlNAJ\TCE NO. . AN OP_DIN.I~NCE TO FIX THE SEi}\Jl~H RAT}i~S IN THE TOVv'N OF J.A.CKSONVILIJ]:, JffiKANSAS: BE IT ORD.AIJJED BY TIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TO\Nl~ OF trACKSONVILIJ~, lJLKANSAS: SECTION I. That frOTIl arid after the passage a:nd a.pproval of this ordina.nce, the seil\rer rate s of trle'l'o'w.n. of Ja.cks onville sha.ll be one dollar per Inonth fore ach active se.war connection. SECTION II. That anyone fai ling to pay tIle sewer c:harges as provi.ded in Section I of this ordina.nce shall be guilty of violt:l.ting a public health provi.sion of the Tow'n of JaeksoIlville and guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conv"'icti. on shall be fi ned irl an.y su.m not exceeding $25. 00. SECTION III. That a.ll la1lf's and parts of law's irl conflict hereV'tith be, aTI.d the sa.me are hereby repealed. "SIGNIBD BY C. II. IillDSON.. ~~YOR PASSgD May 1945