0118 43 R E S O L U T I 0 N NO. 118 -71 III RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT FOR PURPOSES OF PUBLIC ROADS IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND FOR ALL OTHER PURPOSES. Was held in abeyance until the present owners of the property curb and gutter and re- blacktop the road; then the city will accept the street for maintenance. August 5, 1971 RESOLUTION NO. 118 -71 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT FOR PURPOSES OF PUBLIC ROADS IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; DECLARING AN T ' EMERGENCY AND FOR ALL OTHER PURPOSES. was held in abeyance until the present owners of the property curb and gutter and re- blacktop the road; then the city will accept the street for maintenance. August 5, 1971 RESOLUTION NO. 118 -71 III