0285? /2/ RESOLUTION NO. 2R5 _ Rl A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN MUNICIPAL EMPLOYMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, is undertaking a variety of community development activities with funds available under the provisions of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended by the 1977 Act; and WHEREAS, Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 requires that all persons benefit equally through the proceeds of the Community Development Block Grant Program, regardless of race, color, sex or creed; that there is not to be any discrimination in the program or any aspect of municipal government that is directly affected by the program; and that Affirmative Action Plans be prepared to establish measurable goals and timetables for equal employment opportunities; and WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville prepared an initial Affirmative Action Plan, dated October 1980, which set forth policies, guidelines and procedures; and WHEREAS, it is timely and appropriate to reaffirm the policies established by the initial Affirmative Action Plan and to establish updated goals and timetables for equal employment opportunities; and WHEREAS, there has been prepared for these purposes a revised Affirmative Action Plan which is titled, "The Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Opportunity in Municipal Employment ", dated July 1981, which Plan was reviewed at this meeting and feud acceptable for the intended purposes. NCW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF JACKSONVITIP, ARKANSAS; 1. That the Affirmative Action Plan for Equal Opportunity in Municipal Employment as identified above be and hereby is approved in all respects. 2. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. • 1 70t RESOLUTION NO. 285 - 81 Witness ds s 1 our hands this 20 day of August 1981. 9 CITY OF JACKSONVITN,R, ARKANSAS YOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY i I