0620 $.3. ORDINANCE NO. 6 2 0 Atl ORDnWJC~ SE1il'It~G FORTi! UL'JIFORlJ I~EQlJI,REr1EtrrS F'()H. DIPECT' MID II'~DIP~(~"l' COI:'~'11{IBuroRS IN11) TItE: \\lASTl~'1Al1~F{ SYS'l'EI:1 FOR THE CITI OF JACKSOr.NIUE AIID FC)R 01111~H. PURPOSES. BE IT OPJ)AINlliJ BY lllE CI1Y OF JACKSOtNII1E, APJZ~~SAS 11IAT: SI~crIOl~ 1 - GEt~RAL PROVISI()NS 1. Pul:pose and Policy This orclinarlce sets forth l.1J:lifoITil requirerrents for <iirect and indirect contributors into the waste\vater collectiuil arld. treaLuent system for the City of JacksOt1ville, Arkansas, arlcl enables tIle City to CUH\)ly with all applicable State and Federal laws required by trle Clearl Water Act of 1977 cmd the C:1€neral Pretl:-eatrrent P~gulations (/+0 Cl?R, Part 403). llle objecti.ves of t11is ordit1.ance are: (a) To prevent tIle introd^uctil}ll of I>olltltants into th,e UlLIDicipal wastewater svstenl vJ11ic11 will interfert3 with the of the systern o~ contaminate t11e resulting sludge; (b) To prevent the introdl1cti.on of pollutarlts irltC) the v.lastewater system whicll vJill pass through the system, treated, into receiving waters or the aarnsphere or othervrise be incUtupatible with tile system; (c) To iU4!rove the ol1portLJrlity to recycle Chid reclai111 wastewate~rs sludges frulH the SYStell1; and (d) To provide for eCllu tclb le dis trilrutioo of tlle cas t of vJastewater systern operation. This ordinat1Ce shall a.pply t() tlle City of Jac1::sc}llville, aTIcl to perso"ns outside the City \,m,Q are, l)y contract or agreerre,nt wi.th the Jacksonville Sewer ClJll.lltission, Users of the City PCffiJ. 1nis ordinance is a supp lerrEn t to Orciinar1ce l'~o. 604 B.S aruendecl. Exce.p t flS l1erein, tIle ~1anager of the JacksoTlville vJastewater Utility' sllall irrplement, and enforce the provisions of this o'rdirlance. 5't 2 1.2 Definitions llnless the COtltext specifically it1dicates otllerwise, the following tel.ulS and phrases, as used in tjlis ordincmce) sha.ll have trle rreanings hereinafter (les i.gu.a ted : (1) Act or "tIle Act". TIle Federal Water Pollution Corltrol Act, also known as the Clear1 '.Jater Act, as arrended.~ 33 U.S.C~ 1251, ete se(l (2) ~proval Authorit:y. Administrator of t11e EI)A in H,egion 6 e (3) Authorized Representative of Industrial User. An authorized representative of an Industrial User m:lybe: (1) A principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president, if tile Industricl1 User is a corporation; (2) A general I)artr1er or proprietor if tlle Industrial User is a partne.rship o'r pr()prietor~- ship, respecti'vel)l; (3) A duly auth.orized r'eI)resentcrti'v'e of the individual designated above if such representative is for the overL-lll op(-~ratiorl of t11e f(3.cilities fl"'C)f[l vJhi,cl1 t11e discharge originates 0 (4) Bioc0emical ~1.&e~, D~~na~d ,(BOD). The CitJE1l1tity in tIle bioctlen1ical oxidation of orf;anic fnatter lmder laboratory procedtlre, fi,re (5) dayTs at 20() in tenTlS of weigl1t and concentration (rllilligranls liter (rng/ 1) ) . (5) Buildir1.g Sewer. A Seyler c011veyin~; vla"stevJ{ltf~'r a LTser to tIle PC1Ii.~r or City O\vn(~d se\Ner. .I (6) Categ;orical Stand'1rds. i\Iatiol1i].1 Categoric.:11 ()r PretreatIrent Stculda.rd$ (7) City. TIle City of Jack.sullville. (8) Cooling Water. The water discha,rged frC)ffi any use such as a.ir con- ditioning, cooling or refrir;eration, ()r to w11ic11 tlle only I)olllltarlt added is heat. (9) Control Authori.ty" The teun "c(mtrol atltl1()rity,n to "Approval Autllority", defined llereinabove; ()r tl1e, 11:ma.ger tIle City has an aI)proved Pretreatrrent Progranl under provisions of 40 C~~, 403.11. (10) Direct Discharge. The (lischarg~e of treated or unt'reated \;\las t.e\vater directly to the waters of the State of Arkansas. (11) EnvirolJli1e11tal Protection Agency, or EPA. 'TIle U.. s. Protectio'n .Agency, or .-wher'E~ appropriate tlle term roay as a desig,ll8.tion for tlleAJruinistrator: ()1: duly official of said agency. (12) Grab S81il}JleQ A saHqJle which is talzenfrom a Wclste st:rearn ()rl a one-t:i1re .basis with no regard to the flow il1 vJaste streaITI witllout carlsideratiol1 of tine. (13) 110 1 ding Tank\.va.s,tE?" Any waste fr()m hJJlding vessels, chemical toilets, cffiq)ers, trailers, vacuum-puiilJ tank trt.lCl<s. S5: 3 (ll~) Inclirect Discllarge. 1be discha.'rge or tIle dOIIEstic pollutaI1ts from any SOlrrce regl11a,ted lIDder (307 (b) or (c) of tile Act, (33 V.S.C. 1317), into (including holding tank waste discharged into the (15) Industrial lJser.. A salILee of Indirec.t Di.scllarge which d()(~s not cc)nstittlte a "discharl?;e of pollutants" tmder rc~gulations iss1Jed pursuant to section 402, of tile Act. (33 U.S..C. 1342) (16) Interference. The inhibitiorl or t1isruption of tIle pcn\J treatInent processes or operations wtlich CUlftributes to a violatiOtl. any requiren1e11t of the City's NPDES Pe1.uu t . 111e te~Hl prevention of sewage sludge use or disposell 11Y' })CJI\,v accordance with 405 of the Act, (33 U.S..C. 1345) or any guidelines, or regulatioI1S developed pursuaI1t to tIle Solid Disposal Act (S\IDA), tl1e Clean Air Act, tjie ToyJ..c Subs tanees CUlltrol Act, or rnore stringent state criteria (including those contai!led in any State sludge rnanagerl~~nt I) Ian. pre'pared to Title IV of ~~A) applicable to rne.thod of disposal or l~e et~loyed by tile PaI\-J. (17) :M9naf~er. See defirliti.orl C()11taiI1ed in Orclirlance No. 604~ (18) t~ationJ11 Catef~orial I)retE"eal1nerl~ ?tcU1(Ull:'E or:., Standard.. Any regulation containirlg p()llutant pruullllgated by the EPA in 8_CC()rrumce \vith sectiC)11 307 (c) of the Act (33 U.S~C~ 1347) v\rhicl1 a:pplies to E:l category of Industrial Users. (19) National Proh~'biti.veDi?chclrge Starldal~d ()r Di'schar~S~aIld~~d. 'Any regulation autllority at JO/(b) of the Act al1d Li-O CF1~, (20) tiew Source. Any SO'lrrce, the cons tI"UC ti()11 after the publicati()ll. of prOI)Osed regtllations section 307(c) (33 D.S.C. 1317) Categorical which will be applical)le to sucl1 SOtrrce, thereafter proD111gated within 120 days of Fedpral Regis ter c Wl1ere the s tan(.k1.rd 120 days after p~rop()scll, a new seJurce rreans construction of wllich is c01ule11cecl after the of the standard. (21) N~ti~nal P?ll~tion Di?~ha:rg~ El~il1at~'.()"f1,"~),~tenl or NPDES I)e~l1a.t. A pennit issued pursuant tC) Act (33 U. So. C. 1342). (22) Person. See definition contained in Orrlina.nce No. 60Lt (23) pH. The logarithIn (base 10) ()f tIle reciprc)cal tion of hydrogen i()ns expressed in tSranlS per trle concen.t1--a- ()f (24) Pollution. The ITlaI1-Hl8.de or rnarl-inchlCed alte"ratic)n. chemical, physical, biological, cllld radi()logical water. of (25) Pollu.tant. Any ciredeed sF>oil, solid waste, 'sewage, garba~;e, sevJage sludge, , biological mate'rials, radi.oacti ve, rna,teri(11s, discharged equiplTent) rock, cellclr dirt municipal, and agricultl1ral waste clisclla.rgecl s,. 4 (26) Pretreatrnent or TreaUHerlt. TIle reduction. of t11e anDilllt poll1.1tants, the elirninat:LOll of pollutants, ()r alteratic)11 of the nature of pollutan.t properties in wastewater to a less llarrnful state prior to or in lie.tl of discharginr; or otllerwise introducing suell. pollutants intc) a PO'IVJ. TIle reCitlctic)n or alteration Cffi1 be obtained b'y I)llysical, cllenlical or bic)log;ical processes, or process changes by other means, except as hibited by 40 CrK Section 403.6(d)4 (27) Pretrea'Luent Requirerrents 41 Any substcmtive or I)rocedural related to pret.Leatuent, other a l~atiorlal PretreatutC'nt Stculdard illposed on an industrial u...ser.. (28) Publicly Owned Treatrnent "vorks (POTI'I]). See definiticll1 contained in Ordinance No. 604. .. ..... (29) POIW Trea'Ulent Plant. That portic)n of the POTW treat1lent to waste'vater. tC) (30) Shall is mandatory; I1:iy is pennissive. (31) Significant Irldustr~al User. Any I11dtlStrial lJser trle City's wastewater disposal systern vvllO (i) has cl cliscllarge flow of 25,000 gallulls or rrore per avera.g;e worl( da.y, o'r (ii) 'tu"3.S a flavv greater than 5% of the flovJ in the City's wastewater treatment system, or (iii) has i11 11is wastes toxic I)ollutants as defir'led purSUcult to Section 307 of tIle Act, of Arkansas Statutes arl(i rules, or (i v) is fOlJl1d by the ,-J acl~sollvi lIe Sewer Ccnuuis s ion or tile U. S. EnvirolllHental Protection Agency (EPA) to have Sigllificant DUfJact, either sirlgly or in, corrbi11ation witll contributingindtJStries, on t11e v-lclstewater tl:-eatm~nt quality of sludge, the system's effll1pnt qtmlity, or generated by the system. (32) State. State of Arl<ansas. (33) Standard Ind1Jstrial Cla.ssificcltiull (SIC). A to the Standclrd Irldu.s tri,il. Clcls'suicatiol1 t1:mt1:~l Executive Office of the President, 'Office 1972. (34) Storm \later. Any fleJW ()ccul:ring d.uring; or of natural precipitation and resultint3 trleref'rlJlu. (35) Suspended Solids. The total susperl(led IT}[ltter thflt arl the sm-face of, or is suspenc1ed i11, water, was tevJa,te'r or liquids, and -which is reITDvable by la,borato'!:y (36) Toxic Pollutant. Any p()llutant or~ cOIIDinatioIl listed as toyic in regulatiarlS prornulf;atecl by of the I~rlvironn1ental I)'r()tecti()11 Agency tlrlder CWA 307(a) or other Acts. (37) User. krlY !1erSUll wilD contributes, CatlSes or of "Vvastew-ater into the City's P(ffi.J.. (38) vJastewater.. See ciefirlition COt1tallled (39) Waters of the State. All stre.EllIs, COlrrses, watervva)TS, wells, irri8atiull systen1.s, dr."air1a,g:e wa.tE::r- or 57. 5 accUf11ll1atioT1S of vlater strrfrice or undergroUl1cl, natu~-al ()r artificial, public or private, vJhicll are containedwitllin, flavv throug11, or border UPC)11 the State or any I)ortion thereof.. (L4-0) Wastewater Contril.)tltion Pel,luit. ,As set fc)rt:ll tllis ordinance. section It.2 of (41) CUllll1issi0t1. The Jacksonville Sewer COuuLissi.on$ SEC'TIOtl 2 - RF:GUI.ATIOiJS 2.1 General Discharge Prohibitions No lJser stlall C011tribute or cause to be contrir)l..ltecl, directly or :indirectly, any pollutant or waste\vater "Which will irlterfere 'iJith the OI)eratiorl or perfOITImlCe of the P01W. .A user rnay not corltribute the following substances to any POTI.J: (a) Any liquids, solids or gases "Which by reason of thei~r nature or quantity are, t1r may be, sufficient either aloI1e or by interaction with other SlIDstances tCJ cause fire or explosion or be injurious in any other way to the POTIrJ or to th.e operatiO!1 of the POTVJ.. Such IMterials inclucle, but are not lillJi ted to: gasa line 1 k(~~r'osene, fkQpl1tha , toluene ~ xylene, ethers, alcoll()ls, ketones, e:l1de11ydes, peroxides, chlorates, perCl11()rates, bruuates, carbides, hydrides and sulfides an(l any otl1er substances \Jhich City, the State or EPA has notified the User is a hazard or a llazard to tIle sys tern. (b) Solid or visCCHJS sur)staI1CeS -vJtlicrl my ceruse obstrtlction to the flOW' in a se\Ver or ot11er interfereI1ce with the opE~ration of the vlastevJater t~reatme,nt faci.lities, suell as, l)ut n()t limited to: g.rease, l?arbage \vith particles gre<lter one-llalf ll1Ch (1/2") In any dlirensiorl, aninal ()r paunch rnalTtrre, bones, ha,ir, hides or flesllings, "Whole blood, featl1ers, ashes, cinders, sclTIcl, s'pent stone or ma.rble dust, metal, glass, strm.'v, Shcl\Tlngs, grass clippiIlgS, r'ar;s, sperlt grains, spent hC)I)S, waste I)aper, wood., plastics, gas, tar, aspl1alt resid~s, residues frol~l refiniIlg, or processing of fuel or lubricating oil, TIRrl, or glass grinding or polishirlg wastes. (c) Any wastewater having a pH less tl~ 5~O, or greater tharl 10. 0, or was tewa ter havj~1g any otller carros i ve or acidic property capable of caUSiIlg danag;e o'r 11azard. to s true tures, equipuerl t , or persoru1e 1 ()f tile pom.. (d) Any wastewater containing toxi.c I)olllltants quantity, eit11er sirlgly or by interaction witll other pollutarlts, to injtrre or interfere "vith arlY wastewater treatrrerlt constitute a hazard to l1unans or animls, create a in the recei'nrlg waters of the POTW, or to exceed the tiUll set forth in a Categorical Pretreatment pollutant shall include btlt n.ot be lirnitec.l to identified pursUfrrlt to Section 307(a) the Act. 59 6 (e) A11Y noxious or malodorous liquids, gases, ()r solids vvrlicll eit11er singly or by interaction with other wastes clre sufficient to create a public nuisance or l1azard to life or are sufficient to 11revent entry into tlle sevvers for ma.intenance and repair. (f) Any sul)stance wllich my cause t11e PCYTIJ's effluent or any other product of the PCYTIV' such as residues, sludges, or scuns, to be t:Il:1suitable for recla.m.qti.0l1 and reuse or to interfere with tile reclamation. process. In no case, shall a substan,ce discharged to the PqJ1v cause tl1e POTW to be il1. non-corrpliance with sludge use or disl)Osal criteria, guicielines or regulations devt:;loped under Sectioll 4,05 of the Act; any criteria, guidelines, or regulaticmB affectil1g sludge use or disposal developed pursucmt to trle Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substarlces CUlltrol Act, or State criteria applicable to the sludge rranagerrent rretl1()d beirlg used. (g) Any substance vlhicll will cause the "POOJ to violate its NPDES or State Disposal Systern Pe~1nit or the receiving water quality stmldards. (h) Any wastewater with objectionclble color not removed in the trea'LJ.uent process, such as, but not limited to, (lye \vastes and vegetable tanning solution,s.. (i) Any wastewater havi.ng a tell~)erature \Alhichwill inl1ibit biological activity in tile POT\~ treatrrent plant resulti11g in Interference, btlt in no case wastewater with a t~perature at the introduction into the PaIYJ which exceecLs 40~ C (lOft,o, F) e (j) Any pollutants, including o:x:ygerl denr:mdin~~ pollutants (BOD, etc) released at a flow rate or pollutant concentration vIDich a user kn.ows or has rea.sC)TI, to knovv will CcUllie Interference to the POTIJ. In no case shall a slug load M.ve a flow rate ()r contai11 cOtlCel1tration or qt1aI1tity of pollutal1ts that exceed for any time period longer ttkqn fifteen (15) rrdnutes more tha11 five (5) times the average twent)r-f01Jr (24) hOl.1r con- centration, (l1.JEmtities, or flOVJ dlJring nOl::Tll9.1 oI)eration. (k) Any wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such halflife or cOTI.cent'rC3.tion as may exceed lirnits established by the Manager in corrpliance with applicable State or Federal regulatio!1s. (1) ArlY wastewater which causes a llazard to 11.u:rncm or creates a public nuisance. "Wh.en the l\1anager deteLlla.nes that a Use'r is contril)'uting to the PCYTI~ any of the above enunerated substffi1ces in such arrounts as to interfere with the operation of the I)QTW, the t1:mai~el~ srulll: (1) Advise the User of tile illqJact of the contri.b'utic)t1 on the POTW; (2) effluent limitations for Sue11 User to COLl:'ect the with the POTW. s-, 7 2. 2 Federal Categorical Pl--etreatJnent Star1c1ards Upon tIle promulgatic.)Il of theF'ed,eral Cater:;orica,l Stan.dards for a parti.cular industrial Sul)Cclte[;Ol_'"Y, if IIDre stringent than limitatiol1.S illlf?Osed 1JIlder tllis Ormruffices for sources in that subcategol)t, shall itlllediatel:y sUI?ersede linli..tatic)ns hlJposed under this Ordinance. The }1cmager shall noti:fy all Users of tl1e apIJli.cable repo:rting requirel1Erlts under 4.0 403.12. 2.3 ?pecifi~ Pollutant Limitations No person sllall discharge wastewate'r c()nta.irling" in excess of: . 05 ng/L arserli.c . 02 ng/L caLhlliurn . 02 ug/L copper . 05 mg/L cyanide .10 mg/L lead . 005 mg/L rnercury .80 mg/L nickel .10 mg/L silver . 50 mg/L total chroucLum .50 mg/L zi.nc 2.4 Excessive Disch~~~ No User shall ever irlcre,ase tIle tlSe of pr()cess w'ater o'r, in any way, atteL14Jt to dilute a discharge as a partial or substitute for adeqUClte treaLuent to achieve limitations contail1.ed in tile Federal Categorical dards, or in any ot11er pollutant-specific li.mitatic)D. the City or State. 2.5 Grease 1 Oil and Sand Traps Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be the opi11iorl of the l1anager, they are !1eCessary of liquid wastes COl1tairliI1g grease 01.'" oil irl cumunts o'r sand or other hannful ingreclien.ts, except tll,at s'hall nc)t be required for private li"vi.ng quarters or All L.l1terceptors shall be of a type and calla.city Jacksonville Wastewater Uti.lity, and shall be to readily and easily accessible for cleaning ffi1d , o. 8 2.6 Accidental Discharges Each User shall provide protection frOTIl clccid,ental of prohibited n~terials or otller substances regulated Ordinance. Facilities to pre'vent accidental discllal"'l.Se of TI1aterials shall be provided and maintained at the 0W11er or OV\Tt1er' s ovm cost and experlse. Detailed plans shov\n.ng facili.ties procedures to provide tl1is protection shall be sul)Irj~tted to tIle Manager for review, and shall be approved by th,e t'1anag;er before COl1Struction of the facility. All existing Users slla,ll con~)lete a plan by January l, 1983. l~o u.ser \\11'10 COTIlnel1ces corltri.bution to POTW after the effective date of tllis ordinance shall to introduce pollutants illtO trle systern until procedures have been aI)I)rovecl by the such plarls and operating procedl..rr(~S 11{)t l~ser from the responsibility to the user's as to rreet the requirerIE:nts of this Ordinarlce. EITl discharge, it is the responsibility of the user to and I10tify the PaIVJ ()f the it1Cillerlt e TIle location of discharge, type o:f \Vaste, corrective actions~ Written Notice~ \~it11in five (5) days arl discllarge; the User sllall subuJit to :Man.ag;er a report describing the ca'use of tl1e discllarge and tl1E~ nEclsures tC) taken by tIle User to prevent similar hlture occurrerlces.. !~otic:e to ~Errpl,()yees It A notice shaJ.l ()n the tIser' s bulletin board or ()tller* pr"(JTI1ineIlt whom to call ill tl1e event ()f a dangeI"OUS insure tl18,t all eli.~)loy'ees who may cat1.se ()r discharge to occur are advised of ~/ 9 SECTION 3 - l~l~ES 3 . 1 Charges arld Fees The Jacksonville Se\Aler Coulldssic)n may c.ldc)pt ct1arges and fees which may include: (a) fees for reimbur:senent of costs of setting up arld operating the City i S Pret1....eatrnent Program; (1)) fees for l1nnitoril1g, inspections ffild stlrveillance procedures; (c) fees for revie\ving accidental disct~rge procedures and construction; Cd) fees for consistent reIIDval of pollutarlts ()th.ervnse subject to Federal Pret.reatllent StcmdardS; (e) fees for permit applications; (f) other fees as the Jacksonville Se\tver" CUlilllission de ern necessary to C<.1.LLj out the reql1iren"Ents COIltained herein. These fees relate solely to t11e rna.tters c()vered by this and are separate frOITl all other fees clmrge(:ll)le by t11e City. SECTION 4 - AD~1INIS'11<ATION 4.1 Wastewater Discl1argers It shall be unlawful to disc1k1.rge with<.)ut a I)ermit to any l1atural outlet within the City of Jacksonville or to pernA] aJ.1Y wastewater except as allthorized by the ~1anage1." in accordar.1ce with the provisions of this O'rd.inance It 4\' 2 Wastewater Contribution PeluLits 4.2.1 General PelLaits All sigl1ificant indllStrial u.sers proposi11~; to connect to or to contribute to the P0I14 shall obtain cl l~astevJater Discharg€~ Penlnt before connecti'n~s to 0'1"' corrt,ril)uting to Pcm~~ All existing Sit::,llificant ll1<lustrial tLsers connected to or C011- tributing to the PO~J shall a l~ast51ater Cc)ntrit,ution Pennit -within 120 days after effective ~qte of Ordinance. ~2. 10 4.2.2 Pe~Hd.tAEPlication Users require<l to obtain a ~~clstewater Contribution PemLt shall cuulJ:)lete and file ,vith the CUlu.nission, an applicatiull in tIle fom prescribed by tIle Coll1uission, and acculupanied by a fee as deter- rnined by the Jacksullville Sewer CouuLlssion. Existing users shall apply for a Wastewater C.J011tributlull Pe~lid.t witllin 90 day's after the effective date of this Ordinance, aTld propose(j new users sl1all apply at least 30 c1:lYs I)rior to cotmecting to or contributing to trle POTIv. In supI)Ort of tIle ap"plicaticm, the user shall subrnit such infomatio!l as reclui.red by the t1a!laf.Ser'.. The ~1anager will evaluate tIle data furnished by tIle user and rnay reqll.1.re additiu1.1al infoLLua.ti.on. After evalUClti<Jrl arld accel1tarlce of Ck'1ta furnished, the ~1anager tncly' issue a ~lastewater Corltribution subject to te~uB and conditil)l.LS provided herein. 4.2.3 Pe'luu.t 1,lodifica,tions Within 9 rronths of tl1e pruHlIJ.lga,tion of a 1~atio11al Pretreatrnent Standard, the \vaste"tvater Contributil)ll of Users subject to sucl1 standards s11all be reviSetl to cUllJtJliance with S11Ch standard withixl t11e tinE prescribed by suc11 standard. \Jl1ere a User, sti!)ject to a Pretreaullent Stat1clard, has not previously submitted an cation for a ~vastewater Contribution Pe'rnrit as re,qlri.re.d 4.2.2 tile User shall apply for a Wast€\A7ater Contribution within 180 d.qys after tl1e" :prolIlUlgatioI1 tl1e Applicable National PretreclLuent Standard. In ad<iition, witl:1 arl existing Wclstewater Contri.butiorl Pe~lnit to the :Manager wi t11in 180 days the an applicable Federal Categorical Pretreatment infomation re(111iI-ed by t11e }'1anat~er. 63 11 l".. 2 . L+ Penni t Condi tian~ WastevJater Discflarge Pennits sllall be (~xpressly 81Jbject to all provisions of this Ordincmce c1t1d all other applicable regulations, user cllarges and fees established by the Ja.cl<sanville Sewe'r CUllllrlSsiull. Pe1.1ui ts TI1C1Y contain the f611ov7ing: (a) The unit cll.arge or scl1edule of user charees and fees for wastevvater to be discllarged to the sewer; (b) Linu.ts on the average and maxinIUm'vlastewater CCJnstitL1ents and characteristics; (c) Lillll..tS U11 average and TIlfiximurn rate anci tirre of dischclrge or requirerrents for flmv regulatiolls and equalizatic)n" Cd) P~quirenEnts for installation and maintenance of inspection (e) Specifi.cations for IID11itoring progrc1l11S vvhicl1 TI1L1Y include sffiLi}!ling locations, freqt1e,ncy of sa1T{) ling , I1tmne'r, types standards for tes ts and reportll1g sclledl11e; (f) Corqpliance sclledules; (g) Requireraents for SublnissicID of technical reports; or disCflarg;e (h) Reqt1iremer1ts for rna.intaining and 'retaining plant records relatirlg to wastewater discharge as specified, by tIle affordint~ the COHudssion access thereto; (i) ReC!uirenlel1ts for 11otification of tl1e CtJHrnission of any l1ew introduction of wastetvater c.onstituents ()r any sul)stantial change :in tIle vol'l.IIe or chclract,eI" of the vvastewater constittl.f~11ts 'being irltromlced into the wastewater trec9.troent,., system. (j) Requiren~nts for notification of sl~s discharges. (k) Other CUllditi.ons as dee.Lued apprOI~)ri.ate by the CUllllissi()tl to irlsure CUUltJ liarlce wi th this Ordinance. 4.2.5 Pe1.uuts Duration Pe1:111its 8118.11 be iSS1Jed. for a specified tin-e period, not to exceed fi"Je (5) 'vears. The user shall apll1y for !)errnit reiSSuaIlce a TIlinirm.nn of 180 days I)rior t() tIle tile user' s existingpe~ud..t. The terms and conditions of r)e~u.tit rnay be subject to rrodifica.ti011 'by the Jackson\rille Saver CU1IUlission during trle terrn of the as " 12 or requirerrents as identified ll1 Secti.on 2 a.re o'r other good cause exists. The User 81111.11 be in.foTIIEcl of any proposed charlges in his pe1.Uu.t at least 30 days l)rior to t11e effective date of chan~~e. Any changes or new ccmditions in thepe~llll.t shall irlclude a reasonable titre sched111e for corn.,,,, pliance. 4.2. 6 Pe~ud..t Transfer Waste\.vater Discharge PenrD.ts are issued to a specific Use'rfor a specific operatiol1. A wastewater d,isch:3.rge I)e~1l1it shall not be reassigned or transferred or sold to a ll.e\v owne:r, new User, different premises, or a new ()r ch~~ed operation \Arl.thout tIle approval of the t"1anager ~ 4.3 Reporting RequireIrents.0,!~"Pelud. ttee 4. 3 . 1 COll\J liance Date ReE9:rt Within 90 days following the date for fil1al CtJllqJliance vrLth applicable PretreatIrent Standa-rcis, o'r in the case of a Source, following COHuencerrent of tIle itltroduction waste- water into the PffiW, illlY tJser subject to IJretreaOTent and Requir~lents 8118.11 subrnit to the r.1ana~.se'r the natLrre and co'ncentra.tion. of all pollutclI'lts from the regulated l)roces s "vilicl1 are lirni ted b~l Standards and Requirerren.ts and the average and flow for these process units in the User Facility are lirnited by such PretreatIrent Star1ck'lrds ()r report shall state \metrler ttleapplical)le or Reql1;rerrents are being m?,t an a consistent not J 'What additional treabrent is Ilecessary to into cOH\Jliance with the aI'>plical)le Pretrea.trfltent or Requirerrents. TIlis statE!Uent shall l)e arl representative of the Industrial User, and certified to qualified professional. ~~ 13 4.3.2 Periodic Co~liance ~?rts Any User subj ect to a Pretreclt.nent Standard a.iter the cOII{)liance date of suell Pretreatment Standard, or, in t11e case of a New Source, after COIuuenCt-'...Uerlt of the discl1arge into tIle I)m.'~, sllall submit to the 1:1anager during the HUllths of June cmd Decerrber, unless re.quired rrore frequeIltly in the PretreaLluerlt Standard or by the t1anager, a report indicating the nattlre aIlc1 concentration, of pollutants in the effluent whicll l~re lin1ited by such Pre- treatrferlt Standards. In addition, 'report shall include a record of all daily flows 'wllic11 dm-ing the reporting period exceeded the average daily flow. At tIle discretion of the :Manager, and in cO!lsideration of such factors as high or low flaw rates, holi~qys, budget cycles, etc., t1anaeer may agree to alter the nnntrls during VJlli.ch the arJove reports ar.-e to be subrnitted. All analysis shall be perforrred in accordance with procemrres established by the Administrator pursuant to Section 304 (g) of the Act and contained in 40 Cfl{, Part 136 arld a.Dl2n111ents thereto ()r witl1 any otl1e:r test procedt.tres approved by' the }1anager ~ Sarrpling shall beperf()rrred, in accordance wi t11 the teclmiques apI)roved by tIle 'W11ere 40 C~'.K, Part 136 does not inclucie ct SL1l11) ling; ()r analy- tical techniqlJe for trle pollutant in questiOI1, sauiJling and analysis shall be perfo~ued in accordctn.ce witll procedures set forth in the ~lJA publication, SarrI)ling and cedures for Screerling of Industrial Effluents PriC1rity Pollutants, April, 1977, and arrendrr~;nts tlleretC), or with any other sarrpling and analytical 4~4 MOnitoring Facilities Industrial Users shall required to provide at the User's awn expense, ITorrLto'ring facilities to allc)\\1 i_IlspectioIl, 000 lL~ sarnpling, and flow nleasurerrent of the buildill.g; sevler or iIlterrk1.1 drainage systems.. The IIDnitoring facility should nOlu/t.'3.l1y lye situated, on the User's pl.--emises, bl.lt the ManagE~r ma.y, VJtlen Buell a locatic)n would be impractical or cause undue hardship on the User, allO\N the facility to be constructed in the publi.c street or sidewalk areL" arl(l located so that it would not be obstructed. vJ[len CO!lstructed on public or private property, tIle sarnpling ancl mUllitoring facilities shall be provided in accordaIlce with the t1anager's requireJ.neI1ts and all applicable local constnlction sta:rldards and speci- fications.. CUllstruction shall be cLJHJfJleted within 90 c1~ys following written notification by the Manager. L~. 5 Inspection and SatttJling When directed to do so by the Manager, the owner of any property discharging industrial wastes shall, at his expense, obtain [1 representative saJ.uple of llis wastewater and have the appropriate physical, ch,ercd.cal arld biological tests perf()nred on tllis sarnple by a qualified testing laboratory acceptable to the rfhe pili-pose of such tests shall be to determine t11.e COnf01:11rmCe of wastewater characteristics to this Ordinance. A report shall made in \vri ting to tIle t1anc3.ger by the lab ora to'ry of the tests. The~~~ager shall jnspect the facilities to ascertain vihether the purpose of this Ordina.nce is being met and all requir<:;uents are being corrpliedwitll. Persol1s or occtlfJants of vihere wastewater is created or tiischarged shall allow t'1anager or his representative ready access at all reasonable times to all of the premises for tIle PllrlJoses o,f inspection, sall!,liP4:;, records tion or in the perfonmr1ce of EJ.ny of their cluties ~ Th.e t1anager sllall have the rigl:lt to set U[) on the User's prorJe'rty, such devicE;s as aI"'e necessary to conduct sal1lpling inspection, COrrI)liance rronitoring or metering operations. ,. 000 '7 15 4.6 Pretreatment Users shall provide necessary wastewater treatment as requi!~ed to cuul!:-)ly wit11 this Ordinance and sliall achieve cUlupliance with all Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards wit11in the tinE lirnitations as speci- fied by the Federal PretreaLuerlt P~t~ulations.,~ Any facilities required to pretreat wastewater to a level acceptal)le to tl1e }1anager shall be provided, operated and maintained at the User's ex:perlse,. Detailed plans showing the pretreatment facilities and operating pro- cedures shall be submitted to trle :Manager for r~vie\v, and shall be acceptable to the :Manager before construction of t11e faciliDj. 111e review of such plans and operating procedures \vill in no way relie've the user frUlli t11e respollsibility of rrodifying the facility as neces- sary to produce an effluent acceptable to the tlcmage.r lIDder pro- visiuu.s of this Ordinance. Any subseque11t changes in t11e pretreatment facilities or nEthod of operation shall be repc)rted to arld to the Manager prior to the ~ser's initiation of The Cormlissioll shall annu~111y I)ut>lisll in the J(9.cksonville newspaf,)er a list of the Users wllicll were siiVlificatltly not i.ll conpliance Preu"ea'l.L1J.ent Requirerrents or Standa.rds at least once during t1velve previous rrontrls. The notification shc'lll also slJul.oarize enforcement actioI1S tak.erl aga,inst t11e user(s) (luring the sanE non ths . All records relating to cOlupliance \Ay-rith Pretreaulte'nt Standards sha.ll be made available to officials of tIle E.PA or ApI)roval !\uthority upon reques t . 4.7 Confidential Information Infol..uation and da.ta on a User obtained from reports, qt1estion-- naires, perrnit applica.tions, l)elua.ts and TIDnitoring inspections shall be available to tlle public or other govemnen,tal agency without restriction unless the User specifically is 000 ~I 16 able to <It=.uDnstrate to tl1e .satisfaction of the t'~kmager tl1e release of such informatioIl would diVlllge inf'orrnation, or methods of production entitled to protection as trade secrets ()f tl1e User. When requested by the person fun1isllirlg a reI)ort, the po'rtions of a report which uLigll.t disclose trade secr"ets or secret processes shall not be made available for inspectioll 'by t11e l)ul)lic but sl1[-111 l)e made available uporl written request to goverllluer1tal for uses related to this Ordir1ance, the National Polllltant EliIrrin.cltion System (NPDES) Per:rnit, State Disposal SystelI! pe~lllit or the Pretreat:rrerlt Progrcuus; provided, howe\Ter, that such portions of a report shall be available for use by th.e State or state agency in juc1icial review or enforceJ.lent proceedings invol vLr~~ tIle person ftmlislling the report.. Wastewater constituents and characteristics will not as cuu.fidential info~ua.tion.. Info1.1U8.tion accepted by the l1ark1.ger as c(1r1fidfmticil, sllall not be tran::>ulitted to any gove'ITlIIEntal agenc:f or to the gelleral l)ublic the l1anager until arld lD:lless a ten d:1.Y noti.ficatiorl is gi'v'en to User. The l13.nager or llis represe11tative shc111 [laVe no atltl1.o1.-ity to inquire irltO CUlY processes, including nletallurg~ic.al, , oil refining, cerarnic, pa"per, or other industries beyon.d poin,t 11aving a direct bearing on tIle kind and SOllrce of discllarge to tl'1e sewers or waterways or facilities for waste treatr~nt3 SECTION 5 - INDUS'l'KIAL SIJRC1IARQ~ 5.0 Costs A user discharging :industrial waste irltO the exhibits Ilene of the cl1aracteristics of waste I)]::"ohibited other than excessive BOD or suspended solids srlall pretreat industrial waste so that BOD or suspender} solids not exceed 250 rng/L. IIcJWever:; the "vaste ll1a.Y sevver 'Vvtlich 2.1, {)OO " 17 sewer for treatllent by th,e t1anager if all the following requi.rernents are met: (1) TI1.e waste will not cause dalflc'3.ge to the collectiull systero.. (2) The waste will not illl}?air the city's treaLuent processes. (3) TIle BOD or suspended solids concentration of waste disc11arged does not cause the average BOD or suspended solids of vJaste received at the \rvastewater treaLl1ent plant to increase al)ove 250 mg/L. (4) TIle user, at llis expense, provides the J'v1m1ager weekly reports as required. (5) The user respullsible for tile waste pays an inciustrial surcharge as dete~lld.ned by ordinance. The cost factor rate, BOD and SS may be recalculated once every twelve rrnnt11s by the vJastewater utility. 5.1 Violation of r~neral ~ischarge Prohibitions A user detennin.ed to be discllargit1g waste ir'1 this Ordinance other tl1arl exc.essi.ve BOD or SS, shall carnpe.nsate the G..JuluissioTl for the cost of Sc1UllJling and labc)ratory service expel1se r(~quired for monitoring the disc11arges lmtil sucrl tllTe as the discha'rged \tJastf~ is in cuu11:Jliance with this Ordinance. Th.e :Manager shall detenTrirle the nlJlrOer of sCil.uples arld the frequency of sanpling necessary to fnaintain surveillance of tIle discllCITges. S~C"1'10N 6 - ENFORu~m1r 6. 0 lIaluiEul Contributions The ~1anager my su.spend the wastewa.ter treatHent service or a Wastewater Contribution Perrnit ~.,7hen such suspensicm is ,in tile opinion of the r1cmager, ll1 order to stop an actual or discharge vlhich preserlts or my present all Lllnin,ent ()r danger to the health or welfare or persons, to t11e envirOflInent, causes Interference to the panV' or CatlSes trle Cuuulissi()n to \11.tl1ate. c(mdi tion of its NPDES PeL1ILL t . fJoo l~ 18 6.1 P~vocation of Pel.liLit Any User Wl10 violates the follOVJing cOl:1ditions of tllis ()rdinance, or applicable State and FedeL"al RegulatioIls, is subject to ll.avinl~ his pe~.lHit revoked. (a) Failure of a User to facttullly report the wastewater constituents aI1d characteristics of his discharge; .! (b) Failure of the User to reI)ort significant c.llant~eS in opera- tiullS, or waste"tvater CUIlstituents arld character"istics; (c) Refusal of reasulBble access to the User's prerrQses for purpose of inspection or monitoring; or, (d) Violation of COl1ditions of the perrn;lt.. 6. 2 r~otificatiuJ.l of Violation Whenever the t1anager finds that any User has violated or is violating this Ordinance, wastewater contriblltion peLIdit, or any prohi.bition, lirni- tation of requirements containecl herein, the COHluissiotl may serve UI)on person a written nc)tice statiIlg t11e nature of tIle vi()latic)I1.. "\\Tithirl 30 days of the date of the notice, a plan for the satisfactory correction thereof shall be subnlitted to tl1e ~1anager l)y trle User ~ 6 . .3 Show Cause Hearing 6.3.1 The t-k1.nager may o'rder any User who cau.ses ()r allows cit1 unautllorized discharge to enter the POTW to sh(~ cause before the Jacksonville Sewer CUliluission 'tvhy tIle l)!."oposed erlforceITEnt activil SllOuld not be taken. A n.otice shall be served. on User specif-Yl_ng the titre and l)lace ()f a hearin~; to be 11elrl by tile Jac1~ullville Sewer CAJTiTnissil.)ll re8aJ::"liing tl1e violatiull, the reasons why the actioi1 is to be tcl1:en, a11(1 enforcement action" TIle nc)'tice of heari.nE~ personally or by certified nail (return 'receipt at leas t tell days before tl1e tlearing. Service rna.de on any agent or officer of a corporation. 1/ 19 6.3.2 The Jacksonville Set\l-rer Conlllission rnay itself COTlduct the hearing cmc1 take t11e evidence J or rna.y c1esi.l~ate any of its members to: (a) Iss'1P in the na:rre of the C~nmission notices of hearings requesting the atterldance and testirrnny of 'Witnesses cmd the production of evidence relevant to C1l1Y rna.ttel"" invc)lved in suc11 hearing; : (b) Talce, the evidel1ce; (c) Transn1it a report of the eviclen,ce all(] Clearing, inclucling transcripts and other evideI1ce, to~~etller 'Witll ~reCaHll1e11(iations to the Couudssion for action thereon. 6.3. 3 At any hearing held pursuant to this OrdiIk'lt1Ce, tes tirnony ImlSt be taken tmder oath and recorded stenographically.. The transcript, so recorded, 'Will be D1a.de available to any mernber of the public or any party to tIle heari~ng upc)n payment of the usual charges. 6. 3.4 After the C()Irrnission has reviewed tl1e evidence, issue an order to the User responsible for the discha,rge dLrecting , '" that following a specified ti.rre period, tlle SevlE::r servicf~ discontinued unless adequate treaU1Ent facilities are properly operated or constrtlCted. Any perS0l1 aggrieved by an or decision of the Cc)uudssion ITJa.Y c1n appe,al tC) t11e Court of P"lllaski County, Ar1:...ansas * t~O o"rder or decision of the COffiltission ,shall be stayed pending appeal, exce"pt tEldel.:" such bond as may be detemri.ned by the CC)urt. 6.4 Legal Action If arlY person discharl~es sewage, inchlStrial wa.stes or "la,s tes into the POTI~ contl~ary to the provisiollS of Ordinance, or State Pretrealllent P~quirell.ents, 01:" atTY order of the Conuu.ssion, tIle COHlltissian may conmenCE~ all actiO!l for aPI)ropriC:lte l(::;gal o'r equital)le relief. ()OO 1J. 20 ~Et.;l'IO~~ 7 - PENALTI: COSTS 7.1 Criminal Penalties Any User who is found to have vi~olated at1 Order of the Cornnission or who willfully o:r negligently failed to cUllply vvith any provision of this Ordinance, and the orders, rules, reglflations and pel_ua.ts issued hereunder, shall be fined not less than $25.. 00 nor nore tl1aI1 $250.00 for each offense. Each day on,'wl1ich a violation shall occur or continue shall be deerred a separa,te arld (listirlCt offense. 7.2 Falsifying Info~uation Any person who knowingly n~kes any false statements, representations or certifications :in any application, record, report, plan or otrler docunent filed or required to be nlaintained pursuan,t to this 01:d.inance, or Wastewater Contribution Pemit, or who falsifies, taJ.l~)ers \tJith, or knowingly renders inaccurate dJ..IY rronitoring device or IfE,thod under this Ordinance, shall, upon COIlvictiorl, be ptmislled by a fine of not nnre than $500.00 or by imprisonrnent for not IIDre six ffi)nths, or by both. SECTION 8 - SEVERABliITI If any provision, paragraph, wo-:rd, sectioI1 or article of Ordinance is in\Talidated by auy com..t of COH~)etetlt jurisdictic)n, rema.ining provisions, parag1.aphs, words, sections, and not be affected and shall continue in filII force and effect if SECTION 9 - COf:ir'LICr All other Ordinances and parts of other Ordirulllces inconsistent or conflicting with any part of this Ordinance are hereby rep€::aled to shall the exttllt of such conflic.t. SEe'liON 10 - E.r.l1ECl'l VE DA:rr.: This Ordinance sllc'lll be in full force and effect on the 1st of January, 1981. 21 APPRO\JED MID AJX)I)1J1~D this 20th day of 1980. 13 November CITY OF JACKSOiMUE, ARKANSAS AI-illST : , J.. . ~ '\ . . ~ ~. 1Ia~e!~f ."w11t){40At~ I {I It CITY ClERK /) APPROVED AS 1D FORM: CITY AI-10RNEi .A....~ 11A.YOR (EMERGENCY CLAUSE NOT AFFIXED. ORDINANCE EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 20, 1980) PER CITY CLERK MRS. NANCY JANE GERREN