0537 0003'3 RESOLUTION NO, 537 (#13 - 2000) A RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE NOVEMBER 5 -11, 2000, AS NATIONAL ANIMAL SHELTER APPRECIATION WEEK IN THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, there are more than Sixty-four Million (64,000,000) cats and Sixty-two Million (62,000,000) dogs living in over Seventy Million (70,000,000) households throughout the United States; WHEREAS, irresponsibility of some pet owners has resulted in animals running loose and unsupervised, which causes a threat to public health and safety; WHEREAS, indiscriminate breeding allowed by irresponsible pet owners who have failed to have their companion animals spayed or neutered has also contributed to pet overpopulation; WHERAS, animal shelter employees, like police officers and emergency medical personnel, must respond to these community problems; WHEREAS, animal shelters help both animals and people in many ways by returning lost pets to their owners, enforcing animal control laws, rescuing injured animals, educating the public, and matching new pet owners with new animal companions; and, WHEREAS, the work of animal shelters and the important services provided often goes unnoticed and underappreciated by the citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE: The City Council of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, hereby designates November 5 through November 11, 2000, as National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week. The City Council recognizes the Jacksonville Animal Shelter, its employees and volunteers, for providing vital and sometimes life- saving services to animals and people alike in our community. SECTION TWO: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS ! i (1C� DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2000. / ' (l --- L 1G3-c . MAYOR TOMMY SWAIIt c ATTEST: V} 1LL - - - N. �_ : — SUSAN��DAVt T CITY CLEWS 1 = " " ` - i 1 APPROVED' TO FOR / v - Fit V / ROBER E. BAMBUR( EY