0449 RESOLUTION NO. 140 (07-92) A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE STPUCTURE(S) AND REAL PRODEDTY LOCATED AT 110 ROOSEVELT LOAD, JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, BECAUSE OF STRUCTURAL DEFECTS AND DEFICIENCIES; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; AND, VOP OTHER PURPOSE3. WHEREAS, the structure(s) and i:•al preLerty 1ck:s5ted at 110 Roosevelt Road, in the City uf laeks&nyllie, owned by Joseph D. Calarce, P. 0. B6::;. 1301, Tc Nevada 80019, constitutes a. health and safety hazard to the: general public beeause of the lack of structural soundness and dilapidated condition of the buildinJ(s) and improvements thc:ceon; and, WHEREAS, despite notice and demand, said property cnier has uot repaired the sttucture(s) and/cr removed the deterio- ated elements to eliminate the publie health and saf hazards. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT 2ESOLVED BY THE CITY CCANCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: SECTION ONE In accordance with the terms uf the. Jacksonville Municipal. Code Section 0.20.019 et.seq., the strumture(s) and real property located ot 1.10 . Thosevelt 9-ad, Jaksonville, Arkansas, is hereby declared to be a nuisance to the health and safety of the eitil of Jaalisonijille- The City Council hereby directs the Code Enfmrcement Offiae to give notice to the property ownar, dosaph 9. Calacce, of P. 0. 1?..m 1301, in Tonopah, Nevada 09040, that ir said 3trueture(s) and real property is not repaired and the health and safety hazards removed from such within thirty (90) daYs frum the date of passage of this ResolnLien, the :3truc,fare(s) H.nd real property at 110 Rmosevelt Road will be cleared and all structure(s) removed sc. a.s; Lo eliwinate any health aj . safety hazard( s) Co the general put,11A:. SECTION TWO: If th,3 City of Jacksonville is reoired to undertake and/or complete said removal cif haza :Ja dions from the real pl:operty In question, Lto City will then file a. lien against said real property Dor uolleetien of all reasonable costs incurred to undertake and complete said task. SECTION THREE: All Besclutlenz cr parts cf Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. SECTION FOUR: Because ef the nature of: th.f health and safety hazards which eurrently exist en the teal prmpeLti in question, an emergancy is hereby deelarmd. This Resolution shall take effeot iminediat&ly upun Its pasJage, as provided by and subject to applicable law. 0) 41.t. 015 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS jx... 77, DAY OF APRIL, 1002. CITY OE jACK2ONVILLE, ARKANSAS ----------:: BY: _I 12._ 1 TONNY SWAIN, HAY-R / ATTEST: U M. LEONARD, CITY CLERK AlWiftea ROBE' E. BAMB ap ITY A b'N