0716RESOLUTION NO, 716 (#11- 2014) A RESOLUTION EXPRESSINGAPPRECIA TION FOR CANINE OFFICER ROBY UPON HIS RETIREMENT; M SUPPORT OF TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY OF CANINE OFFICER ROB TO HIS HANDLER, OFFICER REGINA BO YD; AND, FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville has used canine officers for many years and have been fortunate to have both tremendous canine officers and officer handlers; WHEREAS, Canine Officer Roby, who has served the Department valiantly for the past Six (6) years as a certified North American Police Dog, has participated in numerous law enforcement activities, conducting over One Thousand (1,000) sweeps, over Eight Hundred (800) alerts, and has been involved in numerous drug arrests, drug and property seizures, and weapon recoveries; and, WHEREAS, injured in a subject's arrest in 2012, Canine Roby required surgery. Unfortunately, the surgery was only able to partially correct Roby's condition, and he is no longer able to provide services to the Police Department. Roby' permanent injuries require specific veterinary care for the remainder of his life. Because State law, City policy, and Police Department policy allows for Canine Officers to be relinquished and transferred to their Officer Handlers, the City Council does so herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED B Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFJACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT. - SECTION ONE: In appreciation and support of the years of service and dedication to the Jacksonville Police Department, the City of Jacksonville expresses its gratitude and recognition of Canine Officer Roby's retirement from service. In accordance with State law, City police, and Police Department policy, the City Council authorizes relinquishment of Canine Roby to Roby's handier, Officer Regina Boyd, and thanks Officer Boyd for her years of dedication to Roby and the Department. SECTION TWO: Any and all other Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. This Resolution shall be in effect from and after its date of passage. RESOLUTION NO, 716 (#11-2014) Page Two APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 1 Hk DA Y OFAUGUST, 2014. JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS YOR ,GARY FLETCHER A TTEST.' SUSAN DA WTT, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM.'