0732 PAGE /'1' ORDINANCE NO. 7 3 2 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1984 MAKING AN APPROPRIATION AND AUTHORIZING FOR EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT, FOR THE OPERATION OF THE PURCHASES OF MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR AN EMERGENCY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. (COVERS GENERAL FUND; STREET DEPARTMENT; PARKS; AND REVENUE SHARING) BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That the Budget for the operation of the various departments of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, for the year 1984, shal1 be as follows: Estimated FundsAvai1able for the General Fund for the year of 1984: S4:172,703.00 DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND/AMOUNT 1. City Clerk SUB-TOTAL $ 30,333 33,100 45,079 35,400 67,912 19,222 1,346,720 53,613 1,070,699 2,500 32,880 281,280 20,000 5,750 17,100 28,830 321,750 60,843 46,933 71,209 500 133,700 3,725,353 2. City Council 3. Mayor/Secretary 4. Executive 5. Finance Department 6. Purchasing Department 7. Police Department 8. Animal Control1er 9. Fire Department 10. Civil Defense 11. City Attorney 12. Municipal Court 13. City Hal1 Expenses 14. Planning Commission 15. Library 16. Beautification Department 17. Parks & Recreation Department 18. Engineering Department 19. Inspection Department 20. Misc. Public Works 21. Civil Service 22. City Mechanic PAGE 15 ORDINANCE NO. 732 PAGE TWO DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND/AMOUNT Balance Brought Forward $ 3,725,353 105,150 Payroll Taxes Match (All Depts. FICA) Retirement Match (All Depts.) 60,700 Insurance Match 169,500 Unemployment (Reimbursement) 12,000 $ 4,072,703 TO CONTINGENCY FUND 50,000 4,122,703 ENDING BALANCE GRAND TOTAL 50,000 $ 4,172,703 SECTION 2. That the Budget for the operations of the Street Department of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, for the year 1984 shall be as fol10ws: Estimated Funds Available for Street Depart- ment for the year 1984: $799,500 Disbursements for the year 1984: $799,500 SECTION 3. That the Budget for the Revenue Sharing allotment, plus carryover for the year 1984 shall be as follows: Estimated Funds Availab1e for the General Revenue Sharing Budget for the year 1984 is: $480,000 Disbursements for the year 1984: $480,000 SECTION 4. That the Budget for operations of the Sanitation Fund of the City of Jacksonvil1e, Arkansas, for the year 1984 shall be as follows: Estimated Funds Available for Sanitation Fund: $438,800 Disbursements for the year 1984: $438,800 SECTION 5. If the City Government is to operate in an eco- nomica1 and efficient manner, it is imperative that a Budget be adopted for the guidance and instruction of said aforementioned departments; therefore, to promote the public welfare, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 1984. PAGE ,:Ifo ORDINANCE NO. 732 PAGE THREE SECTION 6. The appropriations made herein include additional pay for holidays for all agents, servants and employees of the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, including but not limited to uniform employees, as provided for by the Laws of the state of Arkansas. PASSED AND APPROVED this 29th day of December 1983. ORVINANCE & EMERGENCY CLAUSE APPROVED AND ADOPTED AND NUMBERED 732 THIS 29th DAY OF VECEMBER 1983. ORDINANCE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. 4 ATTEST: (~ '-.~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~ cijy ATTORNEY () SUM MAR Y ---... ~ .......... .....- ---.. ""--""" --- OPE RAT I N G REV E N U E GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE IN BANK - JANUARY 1, 1984: ESTIMATED REVENUE (Without Revenue Sharing) TO BE COLLECTED IN 1984: *FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM REVENUE SHARING: Police $250,000 Fire 180,000 Parks & Recreation 50,000 $480,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR 1984: STREET FUND ESTIMATED CASH BALANCE IN BANK - JANUARY 1, 1984: ESTIMATED REVENUE TO BE COLLECTED IN 1984: TOTAL AVAILABLE REVENUE FOR STREET DEPARTMENT FOR 1984: TOTAL GENERAL AND STREET FUNDS PER ESTIMATED REVENUE: *REVENUE SHARING BREAKDOWN: GENERAL FUND BUDGET 1984 Police Dept. Uniforms LEAA Match Automobiles Communication Lease Salaries -0- -0- 60,000 -0- 190,000 $250,000 Fire Dept. Protective Clothing Salaries -0- 180,000 $180,000 Public Works Parks & Recreation TOTAL 50,000 $ 50,000 $480,000 PAGE 17 AMOUNT -0- $3,692,703 480,000 $4,172,703 AMOUNT $ 110,500 689,000 $ 799,500 CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS GENERAL FUND - INCOME 1984 SOURCE PAGE /8 1984 BUDGET TOTAL A~10UNT Taxes Property Tax (County) State Tax Turnback One Cent Sales Tax Privilege Tax In Lieu of Taxes Drink Tax Franchise & Assessments General Telephone Southwestern Bell Arkansas Power & Light Arkansas Louisiana Gas First Electric CoOperative Cable TV Permits Building Permits Electrical & Plumbing Fees & Fines Dog Tags & Fines Fines (Court) Water & Sewer Assessments From Federal Agencies Revenue Sharing - Transfer Federal Prisoner Reimbursement From State & Local Agencies Family Services $ 330,000 500,000 1,625,603 54,000 4,000 10,000 140,000 300 200,000 55,000 9,000 22,000 29,000 16,000 15,000 500,000 -0- 480,000 20,000 3,500 GENERAL FUND INCOME 1984 PAGE /9 Page Two SOURCE 1984 BUDGET TOTAL AMOUNT Other Income Interest Income Ambulance Billings For Engineering Services - street For Purchasing Services - street Rentals Adv.-Rezoning & Bd. of Adjustment Miscellaneous Outside City Fire portection From Depts. for Mechanic's Salary/Parts Reserves SUB-TOTAL Opening Balance TOTAL $ 400 30,000 30,000 5,000 1,800 600 10,000 1,500 80,000 -0- $4,172,703 -0- $4,172,703 REVENUE SHARING 1984 BUDGET EXPENDITURES DEPARTMENT 1. POLICE DEPARTMENT Automobiles Salaries 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT Salaries 3. PUBLIC WORKS Parks & Recreation Department TOTAL REVENUE SHARING BUDGET FOR 1984 ANTICIPATED INCOME/REVENUE SHARING Interest Income Entitlements Opening Balance TOTAL ANTICIPATED INCOME FOR 1984 AMOUNT $ 60,000 190,000 180,000 50,000 $480,000 $ 2,000 478,000 -0- $480,000 PAGE ~O 1984 STREET FUNDS $ 166,650 39,600 5,000 1,500 1,050 700 15,000 2,500 ,24,000 2,500 10,000 10,000 3,200 15,000 5,000 4,500 500 2,000 2,500 43,000 46,000 15,500 5,000 30,000 25,000 12,000 150,500 3,000 5,000 1,000 6,000 5,000 1984 STREET DEPARTMENT BUDGET DISBURSEMENTS 1. Salaries (Beautification Workers) (Extra Labor) 2. Electricity 3. Gas (Heating) 4. Telephone 5. Truck & Equipment (Gas & Oil) 6. Car Expense (Mayor) 7. Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 8. Equipment Rental 9. Operating Expense 10. Mayor & Executive Expense 11. Uniform A110wance 12. City Eng. (Salary/Fringes) 13. City Eng. (Other Expenses) 14. Purchasing Agent (Salary/Fringes) 15. Purchasing Agent (Other Expenses) 16. Bldg/Equipment Repair & Maintenance 17. Liability Insurance 18. New Equipment 19. Street Lights 20. Signs & Traffic Lights 21. Sweeper Expense 22. Road Materials 23. Drainage Projects 24. Beaver Control 25. Asphalt & Sealing (Maintenance) 26. Curb & Gutter 27. Sidewalks 28. Tools 29. Mosquito Control 30. Misce11aneous Expense PAGE ~r PAGE ~a Page Two 1984 STREET DEPT. BUDGET DISBURSEMENTS 1984 STREET FUNDS 31. Street Inspection Costs 32. FICA Match $ 2,500 14,800 17,000 12,000 40,000 25,000 30,000 33. Retirement Match 34. Group Insurance Match 35. Vandenberg Intersection 36. Traffic Signal (James & Freeway) 37. Harold Street Phase III SUB-TOTAL $ 799,500 -0- $ 799,500 Ending Balance TOTAL ANTICIPATED INCOME - 1984 STREET DEPARTMENT SUB-TOTAL $ 100,000 579,000 7,000 -0- 3,000 $ 689,000 110,500 $ 799,500 3-Mill Road Tax State Gas Turnback Interest Income Plat Fees Miscellaneous Income Opening Balance TOTAL 1984 SANITATION FUND DISBURSEMENTS SANITATION - GARBAGE DEPT. 1. Salaries (Garbage Dept. Only) 2. Extra Labor (Overtime) 3. Office Supplies 4. Truck Expense (Gas & Oil) 5. Truck Expense (Repairs & Maintenance) 6. Tires & Tire Repairs 7. Operating Expepses 8. Uniform Rental 9. Liability Insurance 10. Landfil1 Fees 11. Billing Expense 12. Miscellaneous Expense 13. FICA Match 14. Retirement Match 15. G~oup Insurance Match GARBAGE DEPT. EXPENSE (SUB-TOTAL) CASH REQUIRED FOR NEW EQUIPMENT FOR GARBAGE DEPARTMENT Ending Balance GARBAGE DEPT. CASH REQUIREMENT Depreciation (Non-Cash Item) GARBAGE DEPARTMENT -- TOTAL PAGE ~3 1984 SANITATION FUNDS $ 113,300 3,000 100 9,000 9,000 6,000 2,000 1,900 2,500 40,000 17,000 2,000 8,150 11,650 9,000 $ 234,600 10,000 23,490 $ 268,090 33,000 $ 301,090 PAGE ~'f Page Two SANITATION FUND - 1984 DISBURSEMENTS 1984 SANITATION FUNDS SANITATION - TRASH PICKUP DEPARTMENT 1. Salaries $ 56,780 2. Overtime 1,000 3. Extra Labor -0- 4. Vehicle (Gas & Oil) 6,000 5. Vehicle (Repairs & Maintenance) 10,000 6. Tires & Tire Repair 4,000 7. Operating Expenses 1,000 8. Uniform Allowance 800 9. Liability Insurance (Auto) 1,200 10. Landfill Fees 20,000 11. Miscel1aneous Expense 1,100 12. FICA Match 4,050 13. Retirement Match 5,780 14. Group Insurance Match 7,000 TRASH DEPARTMENT EXPENSE (SUB-TOTAL) $ 118,710 CASH REQUIREMENT FOR TRASH DEPT EQUIP. TRASH DEPARTMENT CASH REQUIREMENT 6,000 $ 124,710 Depreciation (Non-Cash Item) 13,000 TRASH DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENT -- TOTAL $ 137,710 SANITATION DEPT GARBAGE DEPT TOTAL " " TRASH DEPT TOTAL SANITATION DEPT -- TOTAL REQUIREMENT -------- $ 301,090 137,710 $ 438,800 ANTICIPATED INCOME -- 1984 SANITATION FUND Sanitation Fees $ 350,000 Sanitation Fees (to Trash Dept) 40,000 Interest Income 4,000 SUB-TOTAL $ 394,000 Opening Balance 44,800 SANITATION FUND -- TOTAL $ 438,800