0391 RESOLUTION 3 9 1 (014 -87) RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, CERTIFYING LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT OF BUSINESS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ARKANSAS ENTERPRISE ZONE PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the City o4 JackzonvJJ1a haz an appx.oved Zone dea.Lgnat.Lon San censua tract 36.04, Block Group 9 w.ith.Ln the canponate tim-it4 o4 the City o4 JaelzeonvLtte; and WHEREAS, the local govexnment mutt endoxze a bu4,Lne44 on entenpn,i6e to paticipate to the Ankanzaz Enterpnioe Zone Pnognam and bene6At 4nom the ne4und4 /exemp.tLon4 az pnay.i.ded in Pant IV o4 the Arkan4a4 Entexpnize Zone Pnogxam RegulatLon4 o4 1983; and WHEREAS, 4a,Ld endonbement must be made on 4pec-L Lc bonm ava1iab.e 4nom AIDC; and WHEREAS, H.iwazzee Manu4actun,i.ng Company, located at 1030 Redmond Road, Jaekaonvate, Ankanaaz, ha/3 Bought to participate in the pnognam and hab been Aound by the management o4 the entexpAi2e zone program to be etig.Lble 4on the bene4.itz thenea4, and mane 4pec,L4.Lccttty has neciue4ted bene4.its accnuz;ng Arom expan.s.ion o4 the H,iwazze Manu4aetuxi.ng Company; and WHEREAS, H.iwazze Manu5actuxing Company has agreed to 4unni h the management o4 the entenpn ze zone all neces4ary tn4onmat 4on compliance. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: 1. That H,iwae.e Manu4actur.Lng Company be endowed by the City o4 Jctei onyLtte 40n the bene4.Lt 4nom the xe4und4 /exemptian4 az pnovLded in Pant IV o4 the Axhanza4 EntexpAiz e Zone Pnognam Regwtat;Lona o4 1983, through June 30, 1989. 2. That th z xeaolutLon 4hall take e44ect immed.Late.y. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS SEVENTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1987. JACKSONVILLE, ARKANSAS CITY OF JA K U V AR AN A S __= 1 BY: ail . a & �... MAYS ATTEST: LULA -M. LEONARD, CITY "'K APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEI H)VAUGHAN, CITY AT NEY